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1.5 joints


  • Cells = chondrocytes

  • Collagen & other organic matrix components

  • Water

  • Regional variation

Synovial (fluid-filled cavity)

  • Can be fibrous, fatty or dense

  • Elbow, shoulder, stifle, hip, etc.

  • Virtually friction-less

  • Spherical joints provide wide range of articulation, hinged joints provide a relatively restricted range of articulation

  • synovial joints are virtually frictionless but the thing that restricts their range of movement are the ligaments that join the two bones together.

    • Ex. a ball & socket joint there might be a central ligamentous structure that limits articulation

  • Grey strands on side of bones medial lateral ligament and the lateral collateral ligament

  • Grey strands in between bone are the anterior cruciate (front) and the posterior cruciate (one behind) forming this cross hence the name cruciate.

Blood & nerve supply:

  • Articular cartilage = avascular

  • Blood vessels supply epiphysis & joint capsule/synovial membrane

  • Nerves for pain, reflex, posture & locomotion

1. Free sensory (pain) fibres from joint capsule & synovial membrane

2. Efferent fibres (to blood vessels)

3. Sensory fibres from blood vessels

4. Proprioceptive fibres from joint capsule

Synovial fluid

  • Secreted by synovial membrane

  • Clear/straw coloured viscous fluid

  • Contains hyaluronic acid

  • Lubrication

  • Shock absorption

  • Nutrient & waste transport

Articulate (hyaline) cartilage

  • Provides interface between bones at synovial joint

  • Provides smooth gliding surfaces (lubrication)

  • No nerves/blood vessels (limited capacity for healing/repair)

Joint motion: degrees of freedom

  • Possible directions in which something can move

    • Moving up and down;

    • Moving left and right ;

    • Moving forward and backward (1 – 3 forms of translation);

    • Tilting forward and backward (pitching);

    • Turning left and right (yawing);

    • Tilting side to side (rolling).

  • Joints tend to be uni-axial, bi-axial or multi-axial - depending on number of ways in which they move

Types of synovial joint:

Planar joint

  • Few true planar joints

    • Certain joints in the carpus/ tarsus

    • Joints between articular processes of cervical vertebrae

Pivot joint

  • Peg fitted within a ring – peg rotates about ring or vice versa

  • Proximal radioulnar joint

  • Atlantoaxial joint

Hinge joint

  • One articular surface convex, the other is concave to receive it

  • Usually a ‘notch’ to limit side-to-side motion

  • Pendular movement

  • Equine MCP joint Elbow (humeroulnar) joint

  • Condylar (condyloid/ellipsoidal) joint

    • Ovid convex surface(s) with corresponding concavity(ies)

    • Movements at right angles (flexion/ extension and adduction/ abduction). Some rotation.

    • Biaxial. In reality, many are primarily uniaxial, especially where more than one condyle is present

    • Ex. Femoro-tibial joint (stifle), radiocarpal joint

Saddle joint

  • Two surfaces - convex in one direction; concave in the other at right angles to the first

  • Ex. DIP joint of dog

  • Ball & socket joint

    • Versatile movement - allows for adaptable limb function

      • Increase range of motion

      • Stabilize via joint shape

      • Joint locking – energetic efficiency

      • Moment arms

      • Direction of joint rotation to suit gait/ lifestyle

    • E.g. hip

1.5 joints


  • Cells = chondrocytes

  • Collagen & other organic matrix components

  • Water

  • Regional variation

Synovial (fluid-filled cavity)

  • Can be fibrous, fatty or dense

  • Elbow, shoulder, stifle, hip, etc.

  • Virtually friction-less

  • Spherical joints provide wide range of articulation, hinged joints provide a relatively restricted range of articulation

  • synovial joints are virtually frictionless but the thing that restricts their range of movement are the ligaments that join the two bones together.

    • Ex. a ball & socket joint there might be a central ligamentous structure that limits articulation

  • Grey strands on side of bones medial lateral ligament and the lateral collateral ligament

  • Grey strands in between bone are the anterior cruciate (front) and the posterior cruciate (one behind) forming this cross hence the name cruciate.

Blood & nerve supply:

  • Articular cartilage = avascular

  • Blood vessels supply epiphysis & joint capsule/synovial membrane

  • Nerves for pain, reflex, posture & locomotion

1. Free sensory (pain) fibres from joint capsule & synovial membrane

2. Efferent fibres (to blood vessels)

3. Sensory fibres from blood vessels

4. Proprioceptive fibres from joint capsule

Synovial fluid

  • Secreted by synovial membrane

  • Clear/straw coloured viscous fluid

  • Contains hyaluronic acid

  • Lubrication

  • Shock absorption

  • Nutrient & waste transport

Articulate (hyaline) cartilage

  • Provides interface between bones at synovial joint

  • Provides smooth gliding surfaces (lubrication)

  • No nerves/blood vessels (limited capacity for healing/repair)

Joint motion: degrees of freedom

  • Possible directions in which something can move

    • Moving up and down;

    • Moving left and right ;

    • Moving forward and backward (1 – 3 forms of translation);

    • Tilting forward and backward (pitching);

    • Turning left and right (yawing);

    • Tilting side to side (rolling).

  • Joints tend to be uni-axial, bi-axial or multi-axial - depending on number of ways in which they move

Types of synovial joint:

Planar joint

  • Few true planar joints

    • Certain joints in the carpus/ tarsus

    • Joints between articular processes of cervical vertebrae

Pivot joint

  • Peg fitted within a ring – peg rotates about ring or vice versa

  • Proximal radioulnar joint

  • Atlantoaxial joint

Hinge joint

  • One articular surface convex, the other is concave to receive it

  • Usually a ‘notch’ to limit side-to-side motion

  • Pendular movement

  • Equine MCP joint Elbow (humeroulnar) joint

  • Condylar (condyloid/ellipsoidal) joint

    • Ovid convex surface(s) with corresponding concavity(ies)

    • Movements at right angles (flexion/ extension and adduction/ abduction). Some rotation.

    • Biaxial. In reality, many are primarily uniaxial, especially where more than one condyle is present

    • Ex. Femoro-tibial joint (stifle), radiocarpal joint

Saddle joint

  • Two surfaces - convex in one direction; concave in the other at right angles to the first

  • Ex. DIP joint of dog

  • Ball & socket joint

    • Versatile movement - allows for adaptable limb function

      • Increase range of motion

      • Stabilize via joint shape

      • Joint locking – energetic efficiency

      • Moment arms

      • Direction of joint rotation to suit gait/ lifestyle

    • E.g. hip
