· Holistic perspective/ Holism
o Considers societies as a whole rather than isolated parts
· Anthropology
o The study of human cultures and their development
· Ethnocentrism
o Judging other cultures based on my own
· Four field approach
o Biological Anthropology
§ Primatology
· The study of nonhuman primates
o Archaeology
§ Prehistoric vs. Historic archaeology
· Before and after written history
o Linguistic Anthropology
§ Study of language and how it affects cultures
o Cultural Anthropology
§ Studying culture and societies
· Globalization
o Time-space compression
§ Overall increase of connectivity (travel, internet, shipping routes)
o Flexible accumulation
§ Companies manufacturing things in the cheapest locations (made in china)
o Uneven development
§ Uneven distribution of wealth
o Anthropocene
§ The era in which humans have become the dominant force
o Climate change
§ Climate change
· Culture
o The learned set of behaviors humans practice
· Enculturation vs. Acculturation
o Enculture is learning your own
o Acculture is learning a new one
· Culture as dynamic, symbolic, and material
o Dynamic is how cultures change over time
o Symbols is culture
o Physical objects made or modified by humans
· Norms
o Shared expectations and values that guide behavior
· Values
o Beliefs and ideals that tell us what is good
· Symbols
o symbols
· Mental maps of reality
o The ways people organize and understand the world.
· Cultural relativism
o When studying cultures don’t be biased based on your own culture
· Unilineal cultural evolution
o The outdated idea that all cultures go from simple to complex through the same stages.
· Historical particularism
o Franz Boas
§ Boas said each culture develops in its own way and they each have different paths
· Interpretivist approach
o Clifford Geertz
§ A culture is a system of symbols and meanings
o Thick description
§ Definitions that go beyond the obvious
· Power
o The ability to influence or control people
· Stratification
o The uneven distribution of resources power and privileges in a society
· Hegemony
o Dominance of one group over another
· Agency
o The capacity to make choices and take actions
· Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Death Without Weeping
o Infant mortality in brazil
· Ethnographic fieldwork
o Immersing in the lives of the people they are studying
· Culture shock
o Disorientation and discomfort when they encounter a new culture
· Armchair anthropology
o Early anthropology before they got involved with the people
· Franz Boas and salvage ethnography
o Focuses recording things that were disappearing like languages or traditions
· Bronislaw Malinowski and participant observation
o In order to truly understand people you must live among them and participate in their activities
· Margaret Mead and Coming of Age in Samoa
o Studying how culture changes the way people transition into adulthood
· Zora Neal Hurston and fieldwork in the American South
o She observed the importance of cultural expression and storytelling in the American south
· Reflexivity
o Being aware of how your past and background impacts your anthropological studies on others
· Literature review
o Reviewing other sources to find out what has already been studied
· Qualitative vs. Quantitative data
o Qualities and quantities
· Rapport
o Relationship and trust that a researcher builds
· Key informant
o Someone that has a specialized knowledge that is useful to the researcher
· Field notes
o Detailed records of a researchers observations experiences and reflections
· Mapping
o The process of creating visual representations of physical spaces or social relationships
· Zeroes
o Significant absence of something in a culture
· Mutual transformation
o The idea that both the researcher and subjects change over the course of the study
· Emic (insider) vs etic (outsider)
· Do no harm
o Responsibility of researchers
· Informed consent
o Making sure subjects fully understand the nature of the study
o Institutional Review Board (IRB)
· Multisited fieldwork
o Fieldwork in multiple locations to get different perspectives
· Language
o A system of communication
· Productivity
o Formulas in language
· Displacement
o Being able to talk about things that are not present in the immediate environment
· Historical Linguistics
o How languages change over time
· Language continuum
o Small changes in languages across a region like dialects
· Speech community
o A group of people who use the same language or dialect
· Phonemes vs. morphemes
o Sound units that distinguish words
o Meaning units that build words
· Syntax vs. grammar vs. lexicon
o Sentence structure
o Language rules
o Language dictionary
· Kinesics
o Body movement and expressions
· Paralanguage
o Nonverbal elements of communication
· Linguistic relativity
o Language also influences how we understand concepts
· Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
o Language is not just a tool for communication
· Keith Basso and Wisdom Sits in Places
o Landscape holds the wisdom of the community
· Sociolinguistics
o The connection between language and society
· Dialect vs. prestige language
o A regional version of a language
o A form of language seen as the standard, or the right way to speak
· Codeswitching
o Changing how you talk and act around different groups
· Language ideology
o Shapes how people think about language
· African American English (AAE)
o The idea that AAE is not wrong just different
· Mock Spanish
o El cheapo, making fun of languages
· Language loss
o When people stop speaking a language
· Zhang Alan and sperm donation in China
o How modern reproductive practices are understood and managed in deeply traditional places
· Kinship
o Blood ties, marriage or adoption
· Nuclear family
o Two parents and their children living in a house
· Descent group
o A group based on common ancestry either patrilineal or matrilineal
· Lineage vs clan
o A group with direct traceable common ancestor
o A larger less traceable group with a common ancestral connection
· Matrilineal vs patrilineal vs ambilineal descent
o Descent traced through the mother
o Descent traced through the father
o The individual decided which way they trace their descent
· Affinal relationships/ affines
o Relationships formed through marriages
o In laws
· Marriage
o Socially and legally recognized between two individuals
· Arranged vs companionate marriages
o You don’t get to choose your spouse
o You do get to choose your spouse
· Monogamy
o Having one sexual partner at a time
· Polygamy
o Polygyny
§ 1 man many wives
o Polyandry
§ 1 woman many husbands
· Incest taboo
o The disapproval of sexual relations between family
· Endogamy vs exogamy
o Marrying in your social group
o Marrying outside of your social group
· Dowry vs bridewealth
o Woman pays man for marriage
o Man pays woman for marriages
· Biological vs non-biological kin/ “chosen families”
o Blood related kin
o Chosen families
o The Langkawi in Malaysia
§ chosen
o “Cousins” in Southall, England
§ chosen
o Carol Stack and black urban kinship networks in Chicago
§ chosen
· Benedict Anderson and imagined communities
o Nations are socially constructed communities
· Reproductive technologies and Israel
o The countries support for reproductive technologies is really helping with the birth rate
· Family of orientation vs family of procreation
o The family you are born into
o The family you create as an adult
· The American Anthropological Association (AAA) and same-sex partners
o The AAA supports same sex partners
· Oral religion
o Religions that are passed down verbally (indigenous)
· Textual religions
o Religion that are written down (sacred texts)
· Martyr
o Someone who suffers for their beliefs
· Saint
o An individual recognized for their exceptional holiness
· Émile Durkheim on religion
o Sacred
§ Things or places that are holy
o vs profane
§ things or places that are not holy
o Ritual
§ A set of formalized actions performed for a religious purpose
· Victor Turner on religion
o Rites of passage
§ Separation, liminality, reintegration
o Communitas
§ Equality and togetherness in the liminal phase of a rite of passage
o Pilgrimage
§ Journey to a religious site
· Mary Douglas and Jewish dietary codes
o She thinks they are more than just laws and help maintain distinctions between the sacred and profane
· Karl Marx on religion
o He thinks religion is a form of consolation
o “The opium of the people”
· Marvin Harris on religion
o He realized that cows are more useful alive
o Cultural Materialism and India’s sacred cow
· Max Weber on religion
o He came up with charismatic authority
o The Protestant Ethic
§ Helps promote capitalism
· Shamans
o Individuals in some cultures that have special powers from the spirit world
· Magic
o The use of rituals symbols or actions to influence events or outcomes
· E.E. Evans-Pritchard and the Azande
o He observed the Azande and their magical beliefs like witchcraft and oracles
· Paul Stoller and In Sorcery’s Shadow
o He studied sorcery and magic among west africans
· George Gmelch and baseball magic
o The guy who had a bunch of pregame rituals
· Talal Asad and Western conceptions of religion
o He thinks western religions are shaped by history and are different from how other cultures experience religion
· David B. Edwards and suicide bombing in Afghanistan
o It is a way to restore honor after americans took over and humiliated them.