Abate | v. to become less active, less intense, or less in amount |
Abrupt | adj. Sudden and unexpected. |
Abstract | adj. existing purely in the mind; not representing actual reality |
Abysmal | adj. extremely bad |
Acceptable | adj. Satisfactory or permissible. |
Accidental | adj. Happening by chance. |
Accommodate | v. To provide space or make adjustments. |
Accuracy | n. The quality of being correct or precise. |
Acknowledge | v. To recognize or admit the truth. |
Acquired | adj. Gained through effort or experience. |
Adapt | v. To adjust to new conditions. |
Adept | adj. having knowledge or skill (usu. in a particular area) |
Adequate | adj. having sufficient qualifications to meet a specific task or purpose |
Adhere | v. To stick to or follow closely. |
Adjust | v. To modify or change slightly. |
Admire | v. To respect or look up to. |
Advantageous | adj. Beneficial or useful. |
Advent | n. the arrival or creation of something |
Advise | v. To recommend or give guidance. |
Aggravate | v. To worsen or intensify. |
Aggressive | adj. Forceful or overly assertive. |
Allude | v. to make a secretive mention of something |
Ambiguity | n. Uncertainty or multiple interpretations. |
Ambivalence | n. Mixed or conflicting feelings. |
Ameliorate | v. To improve or make better. |
Amplify | v. To increase in size or effect. |
Amusing | adj. Entertaining or humorous. |
Analogous | adj. similar but not identical |
Annotate | v. To add notes or comments. |
Announce | v. To make a public statement. |
Anomaly | n. something different from the norm |
Antagonistic | adj. Showing hostility or opposition. |
Antecedent | n. A preceding event or condition. |
Anticipate | v. To expect or predict. |
Antipathy | n. a strong feeling of dislike |
Apex | n. the highest point of something |
Appropriate | adj. Suitable for a specific situation. |
Approximate | adj. Nearly accurate or close to. |
Arcane | adj. Mysterious or known by few. |
Arduous | adj. Difficult and requiring effort. |
Assemble | v. To gather or put together. |
Austere | adj. extremely plain adj. stern and forbidding adj. relating to self-denial |
Avoid | v. To stay away from or prevent. |
Beneficial | adj. Producing good results. |
Benevolent | adj. kind, generous |
Bold | adj. Courageous or striking. |
Borrow | v. To take temporarily. |
Buttress | v. To support or strengthen. |
Bypass | v. To go around or avoid. |
Calibrate | v. To adjust for precision. |
Candid | adj. direct, blunt |
Carelessly | adv. Without caution. |
Catastrophic | adj. Disastrous or causing great damage. |
Cause | n. A reason for an action or event. |
Characterization | n. The way a character is described. |
Circumvent | v. To find a way around. |
Coincidence | n. A surprising and unexpected event. |
Collaboration | n. Working together on a task. |
Commercialization | n. The process of making something a business. |
Committed | adj. Dedicated to a cause or task. |
Common | adj. Occurring frequently or shared. |
Compelling | adj. Captivating or persuasive. |
Competent | adj. Having the necessary ability or skill. |
Complementary | adj. Enhancing or completing another. |
Complexity | n. The state of being intricate or complicated. |
Compose | v. To create or write. |
Compound | v. To intensify or combine. |
Comprise | v. To consist of or include. |
Conceal | v. To hide or keep secret. |
Concede | v. To admit or yield. |
Conceptualize | v. To form an idea or concept. |
Concerning | adj. Causing worry or distress. |
Condition | n. The state of something. |
Confident | adj. Feeling sure or self-assured. |
Conflated | adj. Combined in a misleading way. |
Conform | v. To comply with rules or expectations. |
Consensus | n. General agreement. |
Consistent | adj. Acting in the same way over time. |
Conspicuous | adj. Easily noticed or standing out. |
Constant | adj. Occurring continuously. |
Contentious | adj. Causing disagreement or debate. |
Contingent | adj. Dependent on something else. |
Contradict | v. to be in contrast with |
Contrived | adj. Artificial or overly planned. |
Controversial | adj. Causing public disagreement. |
Cordially | adv. In a warm or friendly manner. |
Corroborate | v. to provide evidence for; to back up (a claim) |
Costly | adj. Expensive or requiring sacrifice. |
Counteract | v. to work in opposition to |
Critical | adj. Expressing analysis or judgment. |
Criticize | v. To express disapproval. |
Deceptive | adj. Misleading or dishonest. |
Deciding | adj. Determining or influencing an outcome. |
Decisive | adj. Conclusive or firm. |
Deficient | adj. not enough in degree or amount |
Defunct | adj. No longer existing or functional. |
Delegate | v. To assign tasks or authority to others. |
Deliberation | n. Careful consideration or discussion. |
Delicate | adj. Fragile or requiring careful handling. |
Demarcate | v. To set boundaries or distinguish. |
Derived | adj. Obtained or developed from a source. |
Despise | v. To strongly dislike or look down upon. |
Desultory | adj. Lacking a clear plan or enthusiasm. |
Determine | v. To establish or decide. |
Deviate | v. To move away from a set path or norm. |
Devise | v. to come up with (a plan) |
Diminish | v. To decrease in size or importance. |
Directed | adj. Managed or guided. |
Disagreement | n. A difference of opinion. |
Disastrous | adj. Causing great harm or failure. |
Disconcerting | adj. Causing discomfort or confusion. |
Discord | n. disagreement |
Discount | v. To disregard or reduce in value. |
Discourage | v. To dissuade or deter. |
Discretion | n. The ability to make responsible choices. |
Disengage | v. To separate or withdraw. |
Dismiss | v. To reject or send away. |
Disorienting | adj. Causing confusion or loss of direction. |
Disparage | v. To belittle or speak negatively about. |
Disparate | adj. Essentially different or unconnected. |
Dispute | n. A disagreement or argument. |
Distinct | adj. Clearly different or separate. |
Distract | v. To divert attention. |
Distressed | adj. Suffering from anxiety or pain. |
Diverge | v. To move apart or differ. |
Diverse | adj. Showing variety or differences. |
Dominance | n. The state of being in control or superior. |
Dormant | adj. Inactive but capable of becoming active. |
Dynamic | adj. Constantly changing or energetic. |
Earnest | adj. Serious and sincere. |
Eclipse | v. To overshadow or surpass. |
Eloquent | adj. having refined or expressive communication skills (in speaking or writing) |
Elusive | adj. Hard to find or understand. |
Encompass | v. To include or surround. |
Encounter | v. To meet or face unexpectedly. |
Encourage | v. To support or inspire. |
Enduring | adj. Lasting over time. |
Evidence | n. Information that supports a conclusion. |
Evoke | v. to draw forth or call up |
Exacerbate | v. To make a problem worse. |
Exactitude | n. The quality of being precise or accurate. |
Exaggerate | v. To overstate or magnify beyond the truth. |
Exceed | v. To go beyond a limit. |
Exemplify | v. To serve as a typical example of something. |
Exhaustive | adj. Thorough and complete. |
Expansion | n. The act of increasing in size or scope. |
Expensive | adj. Costing a lot of money. |
Experiment | n. A test to discover something new. |
Explicable | adj. Able to be explained. |
Exploit | v. To take advantage of something unfairly. |
Extensive | adj. Covering a large area or scope. |
Extraneous | adj. Unrelated or unnecessary. |
Fabricate | v. To invent or create, often dishonestly. |
Foretell | v. To predict or anticipate. |
Foster | v. To encourage or promote development. |
Fragile | adj. Easily broken or delicate. |
Fruitless | adj. Failing to achieve desired results. |
Genuine | adj. Authentic or real. |
Grapple | v. To struggle or wrestle with something. |
Habitual | adj. Done regularly or repeatedly. |
Haphazard | adj. Lacking organization or planning. |
Hibernation | n. A state of dormancy or deep sleep. |
Highlight | v. To emphasize or make noticeable. |
Hinder | v. To obstruct or slow progress. |
Hoard | v. To accumulate and store excessively. |
Homogeneous | adj. Uniform or similar throughout. |
Hypothesize | v. To form a theory or assumption. |
Imaginative | adj. Creative and full of new ideas. |
Imitation | n. A copy or replica of something. |
Imminent | adj. About to happen soon. |
Immune | adj. Resistant to disease or harm. |
Impartial | adj. Fair and not biased. |
Impending | adj. Approaching or about to happen. |
Impenetrable | adj. Impossible to pass through. |
Imperceptible | adj. Very slight or difficult to notice. |
Implement | v. To put into effect or execute. |
Implication | n. A possible consequence or meaning. |
Implicit | adj. Implied rather than stated directly. |
Impractical | adj. Not sensible or realistic. |
Improvise | v. To create or perform spontaneously. |
Inactive | adj. Not engaged in movement or activity. |
Inadequate | adj. Insufficient or lacking. |
Inadvertently | adv. Unintentionally or by accident. |
Incite | v. to encourage or stir up |
Inconspicuous | adj. Not being easily seen or noticed. |
Indecipherable | adj. Impossible to understand or read. |
Indicate | v. To point out or show. |
Indifference | n. Lack of interest or concern. |
Indisputable | adj. Unable to be challenged or denied. |
Indistinct | adj. Not clear or sharply defined. |
Indulge | v. To allow oneself to enjoy. |
Ineffectual | adj. Not producing the desired effect. |
Inevitable | adj. Certain to happen; unavoidable. |
Inexpensive | adj. Not costly. |
Inexplicable | adj. Unable to be explained. |
Influence | n. The power to affect others. |
Infrequent | adj. Not occurring often. |
Inhibit | v. To hinder or restrain. |
Innocuous | adj. Harmless or inoffensive. |
Insensible | adj. Unaware or indifferent. |
Insignificant | adj. Too small or unimportant to matter. |
Inspect | v. To examine closely. |
Inspirational | adj. Providing motivation or encouragement. |
Intangible | adj. Not able to be touched or measured. |
Intentional | adj. Done on purpose. |
Interchangeable | adj. Able to be substituted for each other. |
Interject | v. To insert a comment abruptly. |
Interpret | v. To explain the meaning of something. |
Intersect | v. To cross or meet at a point. |
Intricate | adj. Very detailed or complicated. |
Intriguing | adj. Arousing curiosity or interest. |
Invalidate | v. To make something void or null. |
Invent | v. To create something new. |
Investigation | n. Systematic inquiries to uncover facts. |
Involuntarily | adv. Done without conscious control. |
Irrelevant | adj. Not related or applicable. |
Isolate | v. To separate from others. |
Lacking | adj. Not having enough of something. |
Latent | adj. Present but not active. |
Legitimate | adj. Lawful or valid. |
Localized | adj. Restricted to a particular area. |
Manageable | adj. Able to be controlled or handled. |
Mandatory | adj. Required or obligatory. |
Mimic | v. To imitate. |
Misanthropic | adj. Disliking people or society. |
Misrepresent | v. To give a false impression. |
Moderate | adj. Not extreme; average. |
Multifaceted | adj. Having many aspects or features. |
Neglect | v. To fail to care for properly. |
Neutrality | n. The state of not taking sides. |
Newfound | adj. Recently discovered or developed. |
Notional | adj. Existing only in theory. |
Novel | adj. New or original. |
Nuanced | adj. Having subtle differences. |
Obligate | v. To compel or require. |
Obscure | adj. Not easily understood or seen. |
Observable | adj. Able to be seen or noticed. |
Observant | adj. Quick to notice things. |
Obsolete | adj. no longer used; rare or uncommon |
Obstructed | adj. Blocked or hindered. |
Occupy | v. To take up space or time. |
Oddity | n. Something unusual or strange. |
Offhand | adj. Done without preparation or thought. |
Omnipotent | adj. almighty and all powerful |
Onset | n. the beginning or early stages |
Operative | adj. Functioning or having effect. |
Ornamental | adj. Decorative rather than functional. |
Oust | v. to remove or force out of (usu. a position or office) |
Outstrip | v. To surpass or exceed. |
Overcome | v. To succeed in dealing with a problem. |
Overlook | v. To fail to notice or consider. |
Overreact | v. To respond too strongly. |
Overshadow | v. To be more important than something else. |
Overtly | adv. Openly and clearly. |
Overwhelmed | adj. Feeling excessive stress or emotion. |
Paramount | adj. predominant, superior, most important |
Paucity | n. A scarcity or lack. |
Perceive | v. To become aware of something. |
Peripheral | adj. On the edge or outer part of something. |
Permanent | adj. Lasting indefinitely. |
Perpetual | adj. Continuing forever or indefinitely. |
Persistent | adj. Continuing despite difficulty. |
Popularize | v. To make widely known. |
Postulate | v. To assume or propose a theory. |
Pragmatic | adj. Practical and realistic. |
Praise | v. To express approval or admiration. |
Precarious | adj. Uncertain or unstable. |
Preclude | v. To prevent from happening. |
Predatory | adj. Exploiting others for personal gain. |
Predetermined | adj. Decided in advance. |
Predict | v. To say what will happen in the future. |
Premeditated | adj. Planned beforehand. |
Prescribe | v. To recommend or order a treatment. |
Preserve | v. To keep something in its original state. |
Presume | v. To assume something to be true. |
Prevail | v. To win or be more powerful. |
Preventable | adj. Able to be avoided. |
Probability | n. Likelihood of something happening. |
Proclaim | v. To announce officially. |
Produce | v. To create or generate something. |
Profusion | n. A large quantity of something. |
Prolong | v. To extend in duration. |
Prominent | adj. Important or well-known. |
Proponent | n. A supporter of a cause or idea. |
Provoke | v. To stir up or incite. |
Prudently | adv. In a wise or careful manner. |
Quantity | n. An amount or number. |
Quarrel | n. An angry argument or dispute. |
Questionable | adj. Doubtful or uncertain. |
Ramify | v. to split into two or more branches |
Rarely | adv. Infrequently or seldom. |
Rationalize | v. To justify an action with reasoning. |
Rebellion | n. An act of resistance against authority. |
Recalcitrant | adj. Stubbornly resistant to authority. |
Recant | v. To take back a previous statement. |
Receptive | adj. Open to new ideas. |
Reciprocate | v. To give in return. |
Recognizable | adj. Easily identified. |
Rectify | v. To correct or fix something. |
Redefine | v. To change the meaning of something. |
Redress | v. To set right or remedy. |
Reform | v. To improve by making changes. |
Refuse | v. To decline or reject. |
Refute | v. To prove false or incorrect. |
Regrettable | adj. Causing sorrow or disappointment. |
Regulate | v. To control or manage. |
Reject | v. To dismiss or refuse to accept. |
Relocate | v. To move to a new place. |
Renounce | v. To give up or reject formally. |
Replenish | v. To refill or restore. |
Replicable | adj. Able to be copied or repeated. |
Representative | n. A person acting on behalf of others. |
Repress | v. To suppress or hold back. |
Reprieve | n. A temporary relief or delay. |
Repudiate | v. To reject or disown. |
Resilient | adj. Able to recover quickly. |
Resolve | v. To find a solution. |
Responsive | adj. Reacting quickly or positively. |
Restore | v. To bring back to original condition. |
Restrain | v. To hold back or limit. |
Retain | v. To keep or hold onto. |
Retaliate | v. To respond to an attack. |
Rousing | adj. Exciting or stirring. |
Rudimentary | adj. Basic or simple. |
Sanction | v. To authorize or approve. |
Sanguine | adj. Optimistic or hopeful. |
Saturate | v. To soak or fill completely. |
Scorn | v. to look down on with disdain |
Scrutinize | v. To examine closely. |
Secretive | adj. Keeping things hidden. |
Sensitive | adj. Easily affected or aware. |
Simulate | v. To imitate or replicate. |
Sincerity | n. The quality of being genuine. |
Skeptical | adj. Doubtful or questioning. |
Sophisticated | adj. Complex or refined. |
Span | n. The extent or length of something. |
Sparingly | adv. insufficiently, meagerly, or in a restricted manner |
Speculate | v. To guess or theorize. |
Spurious | adj. False or deceptive. |
Stark | adj. Very plain; devoid of any details or features |
Strenuously | adv. With great effort. |
Sturdily | adv. Strongly or solidly. |
Stymie | v. To hinder or block. |
Substantial | adj. Large or important. |
Subtle | adj. Hard to detect or analyze |
Succumb | v. To give in or surrender. |
Superficial | adj. Shallow or lacking depth. |
Supplement | v. To add to something. |
Surmise | v. To infer or guess. |
Surpass | v. To exceed or go beyond. |
Surrender | v. To give up or yield. |
Susceptible | adj. Easily influenced or affected. |
Synchronization | n. The process of coordinating events. |
Tentative | adj. Uncertain or not fully decided. |
Tenuous | adj. Weak or insubstantial. |
Theoretical | adj. Based on theory rather than practice. |
Theory | n. A system of ideas intended to explain something. |
Thoughtfulness | n. Consideration for others. |
Tranquil | adj. Peaceful and calm. |
Transform | v. To change in form or appearance. |
Ubiquitous | adj. Present everywhere. |
Uncontroversial | adj. Not likely to cause disagreement. |
Undeniable | adj. Cannot be disputed. |
Underscore | v. To emphasize. |
Unimportant | adj. Not significant. |
Unintended | adj. Not planned or meant. |
Universal | adj. Common to all. |
Unmistakable | adj. Clearly recognizable. |
Unobtrusive | adj. Not attracting attention. |
Unoriginal | adj. Lacking originality. |
Unpredictable | adj. Difficult to foresee. |
Validate | v. To confirm the accuracy of something. |
Variable | adj. Likely to change. |
Verisimilitude | n. The appearance of being true or real. |
Veritable | adj. Used to emphasize truth. |
Vigilance | n. The action of keeping careful watch. |
Vital | adj. Urgently necessary |
Waive | v. To give up a right or claim voluntarily. |
Warranted | adj. Justified or necessary. |
Widespread | adj. Found or occurring over a large area. |
Withdraw | v. To remove or retreat. |
Abstract | adj. existing purely in the mind; not representing actual reality |
Abysmal | adj. extremely bad |
Accordingly | adv. in accordance with |
Acquisition | n. the act of gaining a skill or possession of something |
Adapt | v. to make suit a new purpose v. to accommodate oneself to a new condition, setting, or situation |
Adept | adj. having knowledge or skill (usu. in a particular area) |
Adequate | adj. having sufficient qualifications to meet a specific task or purpose |
Advent | n. the arrival or creation of something (usu. historic) |
Adversarial | adj. relating to hostile opposition |
Advocate | n. someone who promotes or defends something v. to defend or promote something (usu. a belief, theory, opinion, etc.) |
Aesthetic | adj. relating to beauty or refined taste |
Afford | v. to be able to buy v. to be able to spare |
Agitate | v. to promote something (usu. a cause) |
Allow | v. to permit or consent to |
Allude | v. to make a secretive mention of something |
Altercation | n. a noisy argument or confrontation |
Ambiguous | adj. unclear or vague in meaning |
Ambitious | adj. having a powerful desire for success or achievement |
Ambivalence | n. the state of being uncertain or stuck between two or more options |
Analogous | adj. similar but not identical |
Annihilate | v. to destroy or cause devastating destruction |
Anomaly | n. something different from the norm |
Anticipate | v. assume to be likely to happen |
Antipathy | n. a strong feeling of dislike |
Apex | n. the highest point of something |
Apprehension | n. fearful expectation of something |
Articulate | v. to clearly express in words |
Artificial | adj. something made; not occurring naturally |
Assertion | n. a strong declaration |
Austere | adj. extremely plain adj. stern and forbidding adj. relating to self-denial |
Authenticity | n. the quality of being real and true instead of fake and contrived |
Avenue | n. an intangible path or approach to something |
Avid | adj. actively interested in or enthusiastic about something |
Basic | adj. relating to the foundation or basis of something |
Bear | v. to have as a characteristic v. to have (a child) v. to bring forth v. to put up with |
Benevolent | adj. kind, generous |
Bias | n. a preconception that prevents objectivity |
Bittersweet | adj. tinged with a feeling of sadness |
Bolster | v. to support, strengthen, or fortify |
Boost | n. an increase or growth v. to increase or make grow |
Brawl | n. an intense, loud fight v. to fight loudly and disruptively |
Brevity | n. the quality of being brief or terse |
Candid | adj. direct, blunt |
Candor | n. the trait of being honest and frank |
Capitalize | v. to use to your advantage |
Capture | v. to trap or take possession of v. to successfully represent or imitate v. to captivate, mesmerize v. to catch or seize |
Civic | adj. relating to the city or citizens |
Clinical | adj. emotionally unattached (usu. used in medical or scientific setting) |
Clout | n. special advantage or power |
Coarse | adj. indicating a rough texture adj. lacking refinement or sophistication |
Coincide | v. to happen at the same time |
Commission | n. the use of payment to request something (e.g., a service or product) |
Comparable | adj. able to be compared |
Competent | adj. sufficiently qualified |
Complacent | adj. satisfied, with no desire to change or improve |
Complement | v. to make perfect or complete |
Concede | v. to be forced to agree or surrender v. to admit to a transgression |
Conceive | v. to imagine or come up with |
Condone | v. to overlook, approve, or allow |
Conducive | adj. able to bring about or be suitable for |
Conduct | v. to control or manage v. to behave a certain way |
Confide | v. to share something secretive with someone |
Confine | v. to put limits on; to restrict |
Consensus | n. overall agreement |
Constitute | v. to form or compose (part of) something |
Contemplate | v. to think deeply about |
Contend | v. to maintain or assert (an opinion) |
Contradict | v. to be in contrast with |
Controversial | adj. highly debatable and causing contention |
Conventional | adj. abiding by accepted standards |
Convey | v. to pass on or transfer (information) |
Conviction | n. a firm belief in something |
Corroborate | v. to provide evidence for; to back up (a claim) |
Counteract | v. to work in opposition to |
Counterargument | n. an argument used to criticize or dismantle another argument |
Counterproductive | adj. hindering the achievement of a goal |
Culmination | n. the final act or climax |
Cultivate | v. to foster the growth of |
Decree | v. to declare formally and with authority |
Deference | n. respect; regard |
Deficient | adj. not enough in degree or amount |
Demonstrate | v. to do as an example v. gives evidence for |
Demur | v. to object to |
Deplete | v. to (over)use over time (usu. resources) |
Desolate | adj. bare, barren, empty |
Devise | v. to come up with (a plan) |
Dilemma | n. a problem, usually requiring a choice between two options |
Diligence | n. conscientiousness; the quality of being committed to a task |
Diminish | v. to become smaller in scope or degree |
Dire | adj. hopeless and dangerous or fearful |
Discord | n. disagreement |
Disdain | n. a lack of respect and strong dislike (toward something or someone) |
Dismay | n. hopelessness, stress, or consternation v. to fill with woe or apprehension |
Disparage | v. to belittle or speak down to |
Dispatch | v. to send off a message or messenger |
Diversification | n. the act of becoming diverse |
Doctrine | n. a principle, theory, or position, usu. advocated by a religion or gov’t |
Dominion | n. power and authority (usu. over a territory) n. a legal territory |
Dreary | adj. sad, gloomy, dull |
Dubious | adj. doubtful, questionable |
Eccentric | adj. peculiar or odd; deviating from the norm |
Egregious | adj. extremely bad |
Eloquent | adj. having refined or expressive communication skills (in speaking or writing) |
Eminent | adj. superior or distinguished; high in position or status |
Emit | v. to discharge, give forth, or release |
Emphatic | adj. very expressive; using emphasis |
Empirical | adj. derived from experience, observation, or an experiment |
Endow | v. to equip or bestow (usu. a quality or ability) |
Endure | v. to withstand, sustain, or hold out against |
Entail | v. to involve or include |
Entrenched | adj. firmly established |
Enumerate | v. to specify or count |
Envy | n. excessive jealousy v. to admire and be jealous of |
Erratic | adj. having no fixed course; deviating from the norm |
Establish | v. to enact v. to found (a business, group, school, etc.) |
Evoke | v. to draw forth or call up |
Exacerbate | v. to make worse or increase the severity of |
Excel | v. to do something extremely well or to be superior in |
Exert | v. to put into use (usu. as effort) |
Exhilarating | adj. invigorating, stimulating, or exciting |
Expend | v. to use up (as in energy or money) |
Exploit | v. to use selfishly or for profit |
Facilitate | v. to aid the progress of |
Feasibility | n. the practicality or possibility of something |
Ferocity | n. viciousness, violence |
Fiscal | adj. related to (government) money |
Flourish | v. to prosper, grow, or make fast progress |
Fluctuate | v. to be unstable; to rise and fall |
Foment | v. to stir up |
Foreseeable | adj. capable of being predicted or anticipated |
Frankly | adv. directly, clearly |
Freewheeling | adj. carefree |
Fundamental | adj. the most essential or most basic part |
Galvanizing | adj. thrilling, exciting, stimulating |
Geriatric | adj. relating to old age |
Hostile | adj. harmful, dangerous |
Hypothetical | adj. supposed; related to a hypothesis |
Ignominious | adj. publicly shameful or humiliating |
Impart | v. to transmit, bestow, or disclose |
Impartiality | n. the equal and objective treatment of opposing views |
Imposing | adj. impressive (esp. in size or appearance) |
Imposition | n. an unnecessary burden |
Imprudent | adj. not cautious or prudent; rash |
Incite | v. to encourage or stir up |
Indifference | n. apathy, emotional detachment |
Indiscriminately | adv. randomly; with little or no distinction |
Indulge | v. to give into; to satisfy or gratify |
Infer | v. to guess, conclude, or derive by reasoning |
Innovative | adj. novel or new (esp. as an idea or invention) |
Insatiable | adj. can’t be satisfied |
Inversion | n. a reversal |
Invoke | v. to call on; to appeal to (e.g., a higher power) |
Irreconcilable | adj. incapable of being in harmony or agreed upon |
Lament | v. to feel sorrow for; to mourn |
Locomotion | n. movement |
Lucrative | adj. capable of making a lot of money; profitable |
Malicious | adj. harmful, spiteful |
Malleable | adj. capable of being molded or changed |
Materialistic | adj. superficial; focus on material possessions |
Melodramatic | adj. extravagant or exaggerated (as of a melodrama) |
Modest | adj. simple and humble adj. small in size or amount |
Modify | v. to change, alter, or tweak |
Momentous | adj. historically significant |
Novel | adj. new, innovative |
Nuance | n. a subtle difference in meaning |
Null | adj. legally void and ineffective |
Objectivity | n. judgment based on observations instead of emotions or opinions |
Obsolete | adj. no longer used; rare or uncommon |
Omnipotent | adj. almighty and all powerful |
Onset | n. the beginning or early stages |
Opine | v. to openly express an opinion |
Ornate | adj. highly detailed and decorated |
Oust | v. to remove or force out of (usu. a position or office) |
Paramount | adj. predominant, superior, most important |
Peculiar | adj. strange, bizarre |
Perish | v. to die; to pass away |
Persecute | v. to cause suffering to |
Petulant | adj. cranky, pouty, irritable |
Pinnacle | n. highest level or degree |
Pitiable | adj. deserving pity |
Plausible | adj. reasonable and possibly true |
Postulate | v. to assert |
Potent | adj. having great influence adj. having a strong, chemical effect |
Pragmatic | adj. practical, useful |
Precedent | n. an example or subject from earlier in time |
Predecessor | n. someone who comes before you (usu. in position or office) |
Prescribe | v. to command orders v. to issue authorization for medications |
Principle | n. basic truth, assumption, or rule |
Prohibit | v. to command against, to outlaw |
Prompt | adj. punctual, on time n. a cue to begin something; instructions v. to incite, propel, or cause to act |
Promulgate | v. to put into law or formally declare |
Prosecute | v. to bring criminal action against someone (in a trial) |
Provocative | adj. intending to provoke, inspire, or arouse |
Qualitative | adj. involving qualities of something (features and content) |
Quantitative | adj. involving quantities (numbers and amounts) |
Quirk | n. a strange habit |
Ramify | v. to split into two or more branches |
Rash | adj. without attention to danger or risk |
Raw | adj. unrefined adj. not processed; uncooked (as in food) |
Readily | adv. right away and without difficulty |
Reconsideration | n. thinking again about a previously made choice |
Reform | n. a change for the better; improvement v. to improve via change |
Refute | v. to prove to be untrue, unfounded, or incorrect |
Reinforce | v. to strengthen or add support to |
Reluctantly | adv. somewhat unwillingly |
Renounce | v. to give up (usu. power or a position) v. to cast off |
Reproach | v. to criticize |
Repudiate | v. to refuse to recognize as true v. to cast off |
Retention | n. the act of keeping something |
Satiated | adj. satisfied (usu. in hunger) |
Savvy | adj. having practical intelligence or knowledge |
Scandalous | adj. morally offensive, often causing damage to one’s reputation |
Scorn | v. to look down on with disdain |
Scrupulous | adj. paying great attention to detail |
Scrutinize | v. to examine carefully and critically |
Secrete | v. to produce or release (a substance) |
Sentiment | n. opinion n. a tender or moving gesture |
Sheer | adj. so thin that light can shine through |
Simple | adj. easy; not complex adj. undecorated |
Sinister | adj. ominous, evil |
Solidarity | n. the joining of commonalities or common purposes among a group |
Sparingly | adv. insufficiently, meagerly, or in a restricted manner |
Spawn | v. to release eggs v. to call forth or generate |
Spur | v. to stimulate or incite |
Squalid | adj. run-down, sordid, or sleazy |
Stark | adj. very plain; devoid of any details or features |
Static | adj. motionless adj. changeless |
Subordinate | adj. lower in rank n. someone lower in rank v. to make dependent on or put at a lower rank |
Subsequently | adv. happening later or after something |
Substantial | adj. very large in amount or degree |
Substantiate | v. to strengthen with new evidence or facts |
Subtle | adj. hard to detect or analyze |
Sufficient | adj. enough; just meeting a requirement |
Surly | adj. unfriendly; inclined to anger |
Surmount | v. to get on top of or overcome |
Susceptible | adj. to be vulnerable (to something) |
Tactful | adj. skilled at dealing with people |
Taut | adj. pulled tight |
Teeming | adj. abundantly filled (usu. with living organisms) |
Temperament | n. usual mood or feelings |
Tentative | adj. not yet finalized |
Transparent | adj. see-through; so thin that light can shine through adj. truthful or easy to perceive |
Treacherous | adj. dangerous and unstable |
Tremendous | adj. very large, good, or bad in degree or size |
Ubiquitous | adj. being everywhere at once |
Unadorned | adj. undecorated, plain |
Undermine | v. to weaken or subvert (usu. gradually or secretly) |
Underscore | v. to emphasize or give additional weight to |
Undulate | v. to move as ripples or in a wavy pattern |
Unilateral | adj. one-sided |
Unjust | adj. unfair; not justified |
Unmitigated | adj. downright, utter, total |
Unprecedented | adj. completely new and never having happened before; historic |
Unveil | v. to make visible; to reveal |
Urge | n. desire or impulse v. to encourage or persuade |
Validate | v. to prove or declare valid |
Viability | n. ability to be done in a practical or useful way |
Vital | adj. urgently necessary |
Vow | v. to promise |
Warrant | v. to prove to be reasonable |
Yield | n. production of an amount v. to give way to or surrender to v. to produce or supply |