Form- How music is organized.
Key- Group of 7 pitches on which most music is based.
Scale- To play all of the pitches in a key in a row, one at a time.
Symphony- Large scale work for orchestra.
Concerto- Piece of music for orchestra, but featuring a particular soloist.
Cadenza- Moment in a concerto when the orchestra stops, and the soloist shows off with something flashy and difficult.
A-B Form- Music made up to two distinct sections
(Extra credit if you mention that the "A" sections changes key once it's done, and the "B" section returns to the home key at the end of the music)
Rondo- An extension of "A-B" form, but for the test, all you have to write is this:
A-B-A-C-A-D etc.
Dynamics- Terms indicating volume in a piece of music.
Examples of Dynamics (These will be in "match the definition to the word by drawing a line" format)
Piano- Soft
Mezzo Piano- Kind of soft
Mezzo Forte- Kind of loud
Forte- Loud
Theme and variation- A musical idea is presented, and then elaborated on in a series of related pieces of music.
Secular- Non-religious