ab-/abs-/a- off/away/apart
ad- toward/in addition
ante- before
anti-/anta- against/opposite
auto- self
centi- hundred
circ- circle/around
com-/con-/co- with/together
de- reduce/away/remove
dis- opposite/not
hetero- different
hypo- too little/under
im-/in- not/in
inter- between/jointly
intra- within/inside
micro- small/millionth
mis-/mys- bad/hate/wrong
mono- single/one
omni- all/every
pan- all/any/every I
per- through
peri- around
poly- many
post- after/behind
pre- before
pro- forward/before/in favor
retro- back/behind
sub-/sup-/sus- under/lower
super-/supra- above/more
sym-/syn- together/with
act- do/act
am/amat/amor- love/like
arch- ruler/ancient
aster/astra/stel- star
audi/aur- hear/listen
bene- good/well
brev- short
ceed/cede/cess- go/yield
chron- time
corp- body
cred- believe
di- two/double
dic/dict- say/speak
duc/duct- lead/pull
fer- carry/bear/bring
fix- repair/fasten
gen- birth/kind
geo- earth
gest- carry/bring
graph/gram/graf- write/draw
hydro- water
jur/just- law
log/logue- word/speech/study
luc/lum- light
magn- great
manu/man- hand/make/do
meter/metr- measure
migr/migra- move/wander
neg- no/none
neo- new/recent
ocu- eye
olig- few/little
onym- name
op/oper- work
para- beside/beyond/near
path- feeling/disease
ped/pod- child/foot
phil- love/friendship
phys- body/nature
proto- first
pseudo- false
scrib/script- write
sect/seg/sec- cut
sembl/simil/simul- same/together
sent/sens- feel/think
sol- alone/sun
spec/spic- look/see
struct/stru/stroy- build
tact/tang- touch
tele/tel- far/distant
ter/terr- earth
test- bear witness/affirm
the/theo- god
tract- draw/pull/drag
trans- beyond/through/across
ver/veri- true
verb- word
vid/vis- see
vol- wish/will
solv/solu- loosen/free
-ous/-ose/-ious- having quality of/relating to
-able/-ible- able/can do
-ate- to cause/state of
-er/-ar/-or- one who/that which/action
-ic- quality/relation
-ion- action/condition
-ism- doctrine/belief
-ity- state of/quality
-less- without
-ology- study/science