Describe general characteristics of blood and discuss its major functions
Distinguish among the formed elements of blood
Explain the control of red blood cell production
Describe and relate the structure of a red blood cell to its function
Distinguish among the 5 types of white blood cells and give the function to each type
State the % of each WBC in a normal WBC differential
Visually distinguish between the various blood cells and structures
List the major components of blood plasma and describe the functions of each
Define hemostasis and explain the mechanisms that help achieve it
Summarize the major steps in blood coagulation
Explain blood typing ( ABO & Rh groups) and how it is used to avoid adverse reactions following blood transfusions
Correctly determine a patient’s blood type by analyzing the results
Explain why O- blood type is termed the “universal donor” and why AB+ blood type is termed the “universal recipient”
Differentiate between a major and minor transfusion reactions
Explain erythroblastosis fetalis, how blood reactions can occur between maternal and fetal tissues, and how this is prevented with the use of RhoGAM
Correlate abnormal blood cell counts to specific diseases