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AP US History Unit 2 Content Outline

•  British settlement of New World begins after defeat of the Armada

•  Roanoke – the “Lost Colony” of Sir Walter Raleigh

•  Jamestown 1607

• Joint-stock Virginia Company looking for Gold

• John Smith:  “He who will not work shall not eat” - Starving Time

• Powhatan Indians help with crops but later attacked by English

• Pocahontas/John Rolfe/tobacco = cash crop

•  Plymouth 1620

• Puritans & Pilgrims unhappy with Church of England

• Pilgrims go to Holland then to Massachusetts

• Mayflower Compact = rule of the majority

• Survive because of Native American help

• Indians then lose Pequot War & King Philip’s War

• Larger group of Puritans arrive in Massachusetts Bay in 1629

• No religious freedom, however church leaders not allowed to lead

town meetings

• Strict Blue Laws – “City on a Hill”

• Salem Witch Trials show strictness & seriousness of religion

• Anne Hutchinson & Roger Williams banished

• Rhode Island = religious freedom & independent

(separation of church & state)

•  Connecticut

•  Fundamental Orders = first Constitution limiting powers

•  Maryland

• Proprietor Cecil Calvert set up as home for Catholics

• Maryland Toleration Act

•  New York

•  Dutch settle as New Netherlands for business & trade

•  Taken over by British

•  Pennsylvania

•  Proprietor William Penn set up as home for Quakers

• Religious freedom & diversity

• Carolinas given to friends of the King

• Georgia set up as a buffer colony and a haven for debtors by James Oglethorpe

• North American Colonial Diversity

•  New England colonies (MA, RI, CT, NH)

•  Religion very important (Puritans=Congregationalists)

• Trade, towns, education, no rights for married women, healthy

•  Families very important

• Middle colonies (NY, PA, DE, NJ)

• Very diverse, fertile farming, wealthy

• Southern Colonies (VA, MD, NC, SC, GA)

• Unhealthy, few towns, cash crop farming, little education

• tobacco in Chesapeake

•  rice & indigo in Carolinas & Georgia

• Indentured servants (headright system)

• Bacon’s Rebellion

•Replaced by the Atlantic Slave Trade • Stono River Rebellion

• Great Awakening starts to unite colonies  = evangelical religions

•  Slavery at first in ALL colonies, but then unprofitable in the north

• Colonial culture is European culture

•  Mercantilism

•  Atlantic World system of trade changes economies in Americas and Europe

•  British have Navigation Laws to keep money flowing to England

•  Look the other way (salutary neglect) and allow smuggling, etc.

•  British allow lots of freedoms

• Zenger Case

•  Most colonists like being under British rule

•  France and England battled for control of North America 1750s-1763

•  Called the “& Years War” in Europe, “French & Indian War” in America

• Most of the Indians except the Iroquois helped the French

•  Colonists and British had very different fighting styles and opinions

•  Franklin called for unity in the Albany Plan

•  rejected by colonies

•  George Washington learned how to fight and retreat

•  England won the Battle of Quebec and eventually the war

•  Indians in the Ohio River Valley attack American settlers in Pontiac’s Rebellion

• British Proclamation of 1763 forbids colonists from crossing the Appalachians

AP US History Unit 2 Content Outline

•  British settlement of New World begins after defeat of the Armada

•  Roanoke – the “Lost Colony” of Sir Walter Raleigh

•  Jamestown 1607

• Joint-stock Virginia Company looking for Gold

• John Smith:  “He who will not work shall not eat” - Starving Time

• Powhatan Indians help with crops but later attacked by English

• Pocahontas/John Rolfe/tobacco = cash crop

•  Plymouth 1620

• Puritans & Pilgrims unhappy with Church of England

• Pilgrims go to Holland then to Massachusetts

• Mayflower Compact = rule of the majority

• Survive because of Native American help

• Indians then lose Pequot War & King Philip’s War

• Larger group of Puritans arrive in Massachusetts Bay in 1629

• No religious freedom, however church leaders not allowed to lead

town meetings

• Strict Blue Laws – “City on a Hill”

• Salem Witch Trials show strictness & seriousness of religion

• Anne Hutchinson & Roger Williams banished

• Rhode Island = religious freedom & independent

(separation of church & state)

•  Connecticut

•  Fundamental Orders = first Constitution limiting powers

•  Maryland

• Proprietor Cecil Calvert set up as home for Catholics

• Maryland Toleration Act

•  New York

•  Dutch settle as New Netherlands for business & trade

•  Taken over by British

•  Pennsylvania

•  Proprietor William Penn set up as home for Quakers

• Religious freedom & diversity

• Carolinas given to friends of the King

• Georgia set up as a buffer colony and a haven for debtors by James Oglethorpe

• North American Colonial Diversity

•  New England colonies (MA, RI, CT, NH)

•  Religion very important (Puritans=Congregationalists)

• Trade, towns, education, no rights for married women, healthy

•  Families very important

• Middle colonies (NY, PA, DE, NJ)

• Very diverse, fertile farming, wealthy

• Southern Colonies (VA, MD, NC, SC, GA)

• Unhealthy, few towns, cash crop farming, little education

• tobacco in Chesapeake

•  rice & indigo in Carolinas & Georgia

• Indentured servants (headright system)

• Bacon’s Rebellion

•Replaced by the Atlantic Slave Trade • Stono River Rebellion

• Great Awakening starts to unite colonies  = evangelical religions

•  Slavery at first in ALL colonies, but then unprofitable in the north

• Colonial culture is European culture

•  Mercantilism

•  Atlantic World system of trade changes economies in Americas and Europe

•  British have Navigation Laws to keep money flowing to England

•  Look the other way (salutary neglect) and allow smuggling, etc.

•  British allow lots of freedoms

• Zenger Case

•  Most colonists like being under British rule

•  France and England battled for control of North America 1750s-1763

•  Called the “& Years War” in Europe, “French & Indian War” in America

• Most of the Indians except the Iroquois helped the French

•  Colonists and British had very different fighting styles and opinions

•  Franklin called for unity in the Albany Plan

•  rejected by colonies

•  George Washington learned how to fight and retreat

•  England won the Battle of Quebec and eventually the war

•  Indians in the Ohio River Valley attack American settlers in Pontiac’s Rebellion

• British Proclamation of 1763 forbids colonists from crossing the Appalachians