Quiz 2 Religion

Allah: literally “the god” Arabic name for the deity used by Muslims


Agnostic-“one who does not know”; usually taken by persons who claim not to know for certain

the nature or reality of God.


Ahura Mazda-The one true God recognized by Zoroastrians. His symbol is the sacred fire.


Baptism-Christian initiatory ritual.


Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah-Jewish rituals in which young men and young women respectively,

are officially recognized as adult members of the community.


Caliph-Successors of Muhammad in leading Islam.


Chanukah (Hanukkah)-Jewish festival that celebrates the rededicating of the Temple by Judas

Maccabaeus in 165 BCE.


Consubstantiation-Presence of the body and blood of Jesus in the bread and wine of



Diaspora-Scattering of the Israelites from their homeland, which began with the Assyrian

destruction of Israel in 721 BCE.


Docetism-Belief held by some Gnostics that Jesus only appeared to be human while he was

actually pure spirit.


Eschatology-Doctrines concerning the end of the world.


Eucharist-Christian memorial meal of bread and wine that celebrates the sacrifice of Jesus,

literally means “thanksgiving”.


Ghetto-Section of certain European cities where Jews were forced to live.


Gnostic-Family of early Christian heresies that were purported to contain the secrets of the

universe and were thus considered superior to orthodox Christianity.


Hajj-Pilgrimage each Muslim is supposed to make once in a lifetime to the shrines in and around



Jihad-Arabic word meaning “struggle in the cause of God”, examples range from mission work

to armed conflict.


Kosher-means “fit” or “proper”, that which is ritually clear or acceptable in Judaism; usually

applied to food or food preparation.


Monotheism-The belief in a single Supreme God.


Mosque-Muslim house of prayer.


Prophet-one who speaks the words of the gods.