The Blood-Brain Barrier:
Molecules can’t slip b/w the cells and go in/out of the capillaries (only in the nervous system)
Very few things actually get into the brain
Some lipid solubility - pretty much everything has to have an active transport system (glucose, amino acids, vitamins, hormones)
1st internal mechanism of protection for the brain
Circumventricular organs::not protected by the BBB
Area postrema::neg. molecules coming into brain and brain stem - the first poison detection center, causes vomiting/diarrhea
Nourishing Vertebrate Neurons:
Glucose, lactate, acetate - brain uses more sugar than any cells/organs
Sperm and cancer also really attracted to sugar
Using glucose requires oxygen, crosses in using a transport system
Korsakoff’s Syndrome::”alcoholic’s disease” - thiamine deficiency; neurons in the midline structures start to die (also seen in anorexic patients)
1st NT discovered by Otto Loewi (1921) - acetylcholine using frog hearts
Acetylcholine works on skeletal muscles, tissue, internal organs
Activating vagus nerve lowers heart rate
Two Classes of Receptors:
Ionotropic receptors::open ion channels
Quick activity; a few ms
GABA receptors open chloride channels (hyperpolarization)
Glutamate receptors open sodium and calcium channels (depolarization)
Metabotropic receptors::2nd mess, metabolic change occurs
Slow, long lasting (30ms - s, m, etc.)
G-protein coupled
Can open surrounding ion channels or alter prod. of proteins
Basic Rules of Neurotransmitters:
Must by synthesized by a presynaptic neuron and stored in vesicles
Must be released in response to an action potential reaching the terminal
Receptor must recognize the NT somewhere
Must be some kind of a change to the cell when received by receptor
Blocking release interferes w/ability of presynaptic cell to affect postsynaptic cell
Neurotransmission in 4 Steps:
Synthesis (axon terminal or cell body)
Receptor action
Activation and Deactivation:
Receptor-site activation
Post-synaptic effects
Depolarization, hyperpolarization, modulating effects
Pre-synaptic effects
Autoreceptors::a way of giving feedback to the neuron about the status of the external environment; guides overall production in Cell A
NT deactivation
Diffusion - they float away where they have no effect (automatic)
Degradation - degrade/fall apart over time (automatic)
Transporters (reuptake)::presynaptic, reabsorb the NT and recycle it so it can be used again
Glial cell help - astrocytes pull excess NTs and safely give to cell A
Types of Synapses:
Type I::excitatory
Type II::inhibitory
PSD::pre or post synaptic density
How Drugs Work:
Agonists::increase effectiveness of the NT targeted
Antagonists::decrease effectiveness of the NT targeted
Pharmacologists need to know Effective Dose of potential drugs - start w/animal models
Need to know Toxic Dose (TD50) or Lethal Dose (LD50)
Therapeutic Index (TI)::difference between ED and LD can have wide or narrow variability
Amino Acid NTs:
GABA::gamma-aminobutyric acid
Primary inhibitory NT (opens chloride channels and causes hyperpolarization; oval shaped vesicles on cell body)
Valium, Xanax → Benzodiazepenes (opens chloride channels for longer periods of time)
Alcohol (agonist) - loss of coordination and balance (cerebellum)
As you turn up GABA, glutamate is negatively effected (“brain mush”)
Makes GABA - in every cell in our body, but very specialized in neurons
Primary excitatory NT (round vesicles, Type I synapses)
Learning and memory
Alcohol (antagonist) - loss of memories (hippocampus), poor decisions (PFC)
If turned up too high, can become neurotoxic::kills other neurons
Quaternary Amine NTs:
Acetylcholine (ACh)::highly tied to learning and memory (hippocampus and basal ganglia); fast acting at the neurotransmitter junction and degrades very quickly
Synthesized from Acetyl Coenzyme A and Coline (thru diet)
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE)::enzyme, breaks down ACh
Cholingeric Drugs:
Curare, Botex, Sarin/Soman/Tabun - neuromuscular junction
Curare and Botox are paralytics bc they block the ability of ACh to bind to the muscle - antagonists
Sarin/Soman/Tabun - nerve gases and AChE-I agonists
Nicotine - agonist, causing brain fog because ACh receptors are being removed
Alzheimer’s Disease - shrinkage in the hippocampus, tau protein chains start to disintegrate and break, neurons die or retract; plaque forming in synapse makes it hard for ACh and glutamate
Neuromuscular Junction:
Axons of motor neurons synapse onto receptor proteins that form clusters on various muscles throughout the body
Monoamine NTs - Catecholamines:
Motion and control, reward (feelings of pleasure)
Cocaine, methylphenidate - dopamine agonists and block reuptake
Adderall, amphetamines - dopamine agonists and increase release of DA
MDMA - at low doses releases DA
Wellbutrin - dopamine reuptake inhibitor, helps people w/depression
Diseases (Parkinson’s on left end of continuum, schizophrenia at right end)
Parkinson’s - tremors, inability to initiate movement, DA neurons in substantia nigra are dying and can’t stimulate the basal ganglia in the mesostriatal pathway - treat w/a dopamine agonist (L-Dopa)
Schizophrenia - delusions and hallucinations, flight of ideas, disorganized behavior, overstimulation of dopamine in mesolimbocortical pathway - treat w/a dopamine antagonist (anti-psychotics)
Norepinephrine (NE)
Attention, vigilance, arousal, alertness
SNRIs (Effexor, Remeron, Cymbalta, Meridia) - good for mild/mod depression
NRIs (Atomoxetine - Strattera) - ADHD nonstimulant
Epinephrine (Epi)
Mainly in body, small amounts in brain - aka “adrenaline rush”
Cardiac meds (beta blockers)
Catecholamine Synthesis
Phenylanine and tyrosine part of our diet - essential amino acid, foods high in protein (soy based products, eggs, nuts/seeds, seafood, meat)
Turning up phenylanine/tyrosine can increase dopamine, and maybe increase NE and Epi
Monoamine NTs - Indoleamines:
Serotonin (5-HT)
Synthesized from tryptophan
Emotional states, impulse control, dreaming, OCD, anxiety, dep, over-eating, aggression
SSRIs - Prozac, Paxil, Lexapro, Celexa, Zoloft
Psychedelics - LSD, psilocybin - interaction b/w 5-HT and DA
Ecstasy - MDMA
Serotonin Synthesis
Tryptophan::essential amino acid (foods high in protein - wild game, seeds/nuts, cheeses, seafood/fish, meat)
Peptide NTs:
Opiate Drugs
Opioid receptor activation::inhabit VTA GABA neurons and increase DA activity
Blocks locus coeruleus activity in brain which thereby decreases response to stress, impairs memory, decreases arousal
Delta-a-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidol (CBD)
THC - pain relief, lower BP, relief of nausea, decreased eye pressure in glaucoma, immunosuppressive actions (Schedule I drug)
Many, many cannabinoid receptors in the brain
Decrease glutamate activity in brain regions
Disrupts attention, STM impairments, altered sensory awareness
Not lethal, very few receptors in brain stem