Steve was sentenced to 6 months incarceration for a misdemeanor drunk driving offense. In
which type of facility would he be housed?
a. prison
b. federal penitentiary
c. jail
d. diversion
Ans: C
2. Which of the following is a feature of a jail?
a. It is a short-term holding facility for unsentenced offenders.
b. It is a long-term holding facility for sentenced offenders.
c. The majority of convicted felons serve their sentences there.
d. It is used to house those sentenced for federal crimes.
Ans: A
3. Which of the following is a feature of a prison?
a. It is a short-term holding facility for unsentenced offenders.
b. The majority of convicted misdemeanants serve their sentences there.
c. The majority of convicted felons serve their sentence there.
d. Sentences are generally a duration of 1 year or less.
Ans: C
Learning Objective: 12.1: Describe correctional populations, employment, expenditures, and
institutional types.
4. Facilities designed to hold convicted felons for a duration of 1 year or more are known as
a. prisons
b. quarantines
c. jails
d. diversion
Ans: A
5. Which of the following factors has contributed to recent trends in jail and prison populations?
a. an increase in “mandatory minimum” sentencing policies
b. an increase in violent and property crimes
c. states enacting legislation intended to reduce prison populations to save costs
d. releasing thousands of first-time offenders who were incarcerated for violent crimes
Ans: C
6. According to Michelle Alexander, what is the primary cause of the disproportionately high
incarceration rates of people of color in the United States?
a. the “War on Drugs”
b. cultural deficiencies in minority communities
c. the increase in illegal immigration of people with criminal records
d. the decrease in affirmative action policies providing opportunity to minority populations
Ans: A

7. The ______ organization type of correctional organization emphasizes the caretaker
functions of controlling and observing inmates.
a. custodial
b. treatment
c. enforcement
d. prevention
Ans: A
8. Which of the following correctional organizations emphasizes rehabilitation of inmates?
a. custodial
b. enforcement
c. treatment
d. enforcement
Ans: C
9. Which of the following reasons explains why contemporary prisons may not apply the same
stigmatizing effects to all offenders as in the past?
a. It is the best way for many offenders to receive a good education.
b. Many of the offenders’ family and friends have also been to prison.
c. Prisons offer better vocational training than on the outside.
d. Offenders are given a fair amount of money once they are released from custody.
Ans: B
10. Which type of prison classification would determine an inmate’s level of supervision and
types of privileges the inmate may have?
a. custody
b. security
c. housing
d. program
Ans: A
11. A correctional official is reviewing the files of a newly convicted offender named Joe. Joe
was already serving a life-sentence for murder in a state correctional facility. While serving his
sentence, Joe killed another inmate and seriously injured a prison guard. Based on the
circumstances, the official decides that Joe should be housed in an institution with the highest
level of security, so he assigns the inmate to a supermax facility. What type of prison
classification category is being used to classify the inmate?
a. custody
b. security
c. housing
d. program
Ans: B
12. How is the classification of inmates’ housing needs determined differently now than in the
a. Inmate housing is now determined on a “first come, first served” basis.
b. Inmate housing is now determined based on questionnaires, similar to how roommates are
determined in college dorms.
c. Inmates are now assigned to housing based on an objective “lottery” system.
d. Inmates are now assigned to live with prisoners similar to themselves based on an internal
Ans: D

13. It is necessary for correctional staff to make classification decisions of inmates in at least
two areas. What are those two areas?
a. the inmate’s physical characteristics and their criminal history
b. the inmate’s willingness to cooperate with correctional staff and their mental health needs
c. the inmate’s level of physical restraint and their custody grade
d. the inmate’s medical needs and their mental health needs
Ans: C
14. There are two different philosophies regarding what a correctional organization should be.
What is the main difference between the two philosophies?
a. one emphasizes retribution, the other emphasizes deterrence
b. one emphasizes control of inmates, the other emphasizes rehabilitation of inmates
c. one emphasizes the injury of an inmate’s social standing, the other emphasizes the inmate’s
exclusion from the group
d. one emphasizes incarceration, the other emphasizes racialized control
Ans: B
15. Experts suggest that incarceration works as a punishment under two conditions. The first
condition is if incarceration makes the inmate fear that they will be excluded from their social
group. What is the second condition?
a. The offender is deprived of their freedom of movement.
b. The offender is forced to live under an oppressive set of rules.
c. The offender is given vocational training.
d. The offender’s social standing is injured by the punishment.
Ans: D
16. Michael has just finished serving a sentence for felony drug possession, and now lives in
Kentucky, a state that permanently revokes the voting rights of convicted felons. He is among
the 26% of African Americans in Kentucky who are politically disenfranchised, and no longer
has a say in which elected officials represent him. Which of the following describes this
situation, according to Michelle Alexander?
a. rehabilitation
b. incapacitation
c. racialized social control
d. mass imprisonment
Ans: C
17. What are the two related management subsystems utilized by correctional institutions to
achieve their goals?
a. managing correctional employees and delivering services to an offender population
b. managing offenders and ensuring the safety of correctional employees
c. protecting the public and rehabilitating the offender population
d. protecting correctional employees and reducing recidivism in the offender population
Ans: A

13. It is necessary for correctional staff to make classification decisions of inmates in at least
two areas. What are those two areas?
a. the inmate’s physical characteristics and their criminal history
b. the inmate’s willingness to cooperate with correctional staff and their mental health needs
c. the inmate’s level of physical restraint and their custody grade
d. the inmate’s medical needs and their mental health needs
Ans: C
14. There are two different philosophies regarding what a correctional organization should be.
What is the main difference between the two philosophies?
a. one emphasizes retribution, the other emphasizes deterrence
b. one emphasizes control of inmates, the other emphasizes rehabilitation of inmates
c. one emphasizes the injury of an inmate’s social standing, the other emphasizes the inmate’s
exclusion from the group
d. one emphasizes incarceration, the other emphasizes racialized control
Ans: B
15. Experts suggest that incarceration works as a punishment under two conditions. The first
condition is if incarceration makes the inmate fear that they will be excluded from their social
group. What is the second condition?
a. The offender is deprived of their freedom of movement.
b. The offender is forced to live under an oppressive set of rules.
c. The offender is given vocational training.
d. The offender’s social standing is injured by the punishment.
Ans: D
16. Michael has just finished serving a sentence for felony drug possession, and now lives in
Kentucky, a state that permanently revokes the voting rights of convicted felons. He is among
the 26% of African Americans in Kentucky who are politically disenfranchised, and no longer
has a say in which elected officials represent him. Which of the following describes this
situation, according to Michelle Alexander?
a. rehabilitation
b. incapacitation
c. racialized social control
d. mass imprisonment
Ans: C
17. What are the two related management subsystems utilized by correctional institutions to
achieve their goals?
a. managing correctional employees and delivering services to an offender population
b. managing offenders and ensuring the safety of correctional employees
c. protecting the public and rehabilitating the offender population
d. protecting correctional employees and reducing recidivism in the offender population
Ans: A

18. Mary has completed interviews and tests to determine what type of vocational training she
should receive when she begins serving her sentence in a minimum-security prison. What type
of inmate classification is she undergoing?
a. security
b. custody
c. housing
d. program
Ans: D
19. Which of the following terms describes a system of classification that breaks the prison into
more manageable sections with some degree of decision-making authority?
a. custody management
b. mini-institution
c. security department
d. unit management
Ans: D
20. An inmate’s custody grade is synonymous with which of the following?
a. level of supervision
b. physical restraint
c. security level
d. program assignments
Ans: A
21. The chief administrator of a federal penitentiary or state prison is the _______.
a. warden
b. lieutenant
c. sergeant
d. superintendent
Ans: A
22. Which of the following is usually the largest department in a prison?
a. security
b. kitchen
c. intake
d. education
Ans: A
23. Which of the following terms describes the use of prison and jail inmates to produce goods
or provide services for a public agency or private corporation?
a. prison industries
b. work release
c. community service
d. boot camp
Ans: A

24. What is the main difference between prison wardens today and prison wardens before the
beginning of the 20th century?
a. In the past, wardens were civil service employees.
b. Today, wardens are appointed via a system of political patronage.
c. In the past, wardens did not have absolute control over the prisons.
d. Today, wardens earn their positions thorough seniority and merit.
Ans: D
25. The two purposes of unit management are to decentralize the administration of the prison
and to do which of the following?
a. decrease recidivism rates for inmates once they are released
b. enhance communication between staff and inmates as well as among staff members
c. improve safety of correctional staff
d. decrease the oversight of inmates
Ans: B
Learning Objective: 12.3: Explain the basic structure and function of state prisons.
26. Which of the following deputy wardens would oversee the library, mental health services,
and religious services?
a. deputy warden for special services
b. deputy warden for administration
c. deputy warden for operations
d. deputy warden for unit management
Ans: A
27. Mr. Smith is a deputy warden at a state penitentiary. He is responsible for overseeing the
largest department in the prison: the correctional security department. What type of deputy
warden is he?
a. deputy warden for special services
b. deputy warden for administration
c. deputy warden for operations
d. deputy warden for unit management
Ans: C
28. Which prison type is considered to be work and program oriented?
a. supermax
b. high security
c. medium security
d. minimum security
Ans: D
29. Federal institutions with dormitory housing, a low staff-to-inmate ratio, and limited to no
perimeter fencing would be considered which type of prison?
a. correctional complexes
b. medium security
c. minimum security
d. low security
Ans: C

30. What distinguishes minimum security institutions from low security institutions?
a. the staff-to-inmate ratio is higher in low security institutions
b. the perimeter fencing is more secure in minimum security institutions
c. low security institutions have electronic detection systems
d. minimum security institutions have cell-type housing
Ans: A
31. Rachel is incarcerated at an institution that has the following features: reinforced walls,
cell-type housing, and the highest staff-to-inmate ratio when compared to other institutions.
What is the security level of the institution where she is incarcerated?
a. low security
b. medium security
c. high security
d. correctional complex
Ans: C
32. Which of the following is a prison where offenders rarely leave their cells, eat meals alone,
and do not participate in educational or vocational programs?
a. medium security
b. supermax
c. high security
d. maximum security
Ans: B
33. Which of the following is among the concerns about the use of supermax prisons?
a. Lack of access to vocational and educational programs.
b. Lack of access to visitors from the outside.
c. Lack of access to others for social or group activities.
d. Lack of access to religious services.
Ans: C
34. Which of the following is true of supermax prisons when compared to high-security
a. Supermax prisons have more work opportunities than high-security prisons.
b. High-security prisons have more heavily fortified perimeter fences than supermax prisons.
c. High-security prisons have fewer vocational training programs than supermax prisons.
d. Supermax prisons typically allow no social activity of any kind, while high-security prisons
still allow for social interaction between inmates.
Ans: D
35. Supermax prisons do not offer vocational programs, educational opportunities, or even
social activity of any kind. Based on what you’ve learned in this chapter, which type of
organizational philosophy do supermax prisons exemplify?
a. custodial
b. treatment
c. classification
d. rehabilitation
Ans: A

36. Which court case concluded that supermax prisons were not appropriate for inmates who
suffered from serious mental illnesses?
a. Madrid v. Gomez
b. Jones-El v. Berge
c. Gideon v. Wainwright
d. Griffin v. Illinois
Ans: B
37. Which of the following describes a correctional institution in which publicly owned prison
facilities are operated by a private company?
a. state prison
b. managed prison
c. supermax prison
d. private prison
Ans: D
38. Which of the following are most likely to be detained in private prisons?
a. state prison inmates
b. federal prisoners
c. state jail inmates
d. immigrant detainees
Ans: D
39. Which features would reflect the design of “new-generation” jails?
a. a distinct barrier between inmates and staff
b. padded carpets and movable furniture
c. high-resolution cameras for better inmate monitoring
d. cell phones and tablets for inmates to use
Ans: B
40. Removal of symbols of incarceration, movable furniture, and close monitoring of bathroom
and shower areas are all facility features of new generation/direct supervision jails that are
meant to do which of the following?
a. cooperate with court-ordered improvements for inmates based on findings that traditional
facilities violated the constitutional rights of prisoners
b. increase the privileges of offenders
c. reduce the trauma of incarceration
d. reduce the interaction of staff and inmates
Ans: C
41. Compared to most prisons, local jails consider rehabilitation programs to be ______.
a. primary goals
b. secondary goals
c. tertiary goals
d. unimportant to the mission of the organization
Ans: B

36. Which court case concluded that supermax prisons were not appropriate for inmates who
suffered from serious mental illnesses?
a. Madrid v. Gomez
b. Jones-El v. Berge
c. Gideon v. Wainwright
d. Griffin v. Illinois
Ans: B
37. Which of the following describes a correctional institution in which publicly owned prison
facilities are operated by a private company?
a. state prison
b. managed prison
c. supermax prison
d. private prison
Ans: D
38. Which of the following are most likely to be detained in private prisons?
a. state prison inmates
b. federal prisoners
c. state jail inmates
d. immigrant detainees
Ans: D
39. Which features would reflect the design of “new-generation” jails?
a. a distinct barrier between inmates and staff
b. padded carpets and movable furniture
c. high-resolution cameras for better inmate monitoring
d. cell phones and tablets for inmates to use
Ans: B
40. Removal of symbols of incarceration, movable furniture, and close monitoring of bathroom
and shower areas are all facility features of new generation/direct supervision jails that are
meant to do which of the following?
a. cooperate with court-ordered improvements for inmates based on findings that traditional
facilities violated the constitutional rights of prisoners
b. increase the privileges of offenders
c. reduce the trauma of incarceration
d. reduce the interaction of staff and inmates
Ans: C
41. Compared to most prisons, local jails consider rehabilitation programs to be ______.
a. primary goals
b. secondary goals
c. tertiary goals
d. unimportant to the mission of the organization
Ans: B

42. What is the term for a low security level inmate?
a. trusted offender
b. exempt detainee
c. trusty
d. privileged inmate
Ans: C
43. Which innovative correctional facility was created in response to the increase in inmate
lawsuits regarding deplorable conditions?
a. prison industries
b. correctional complexes
c. supermax prisons
d. new generation/direct supervision jails
Ans: D
44. What was the impact of the 1984 Justice Assistance Act?
a. It ensured that inmates would serve the entire sentence they were given.
b. It removed restrictions on interstate commerce of prisoner-made goods.
c. It allowed inmates to sue correctional facilities for mistreatment.
d. It permitted states to privatize prisons.
Ans: B
45. What is the benefit of officers providing privileges and activities for inmates in new
generation/direct supervision jails?
a. increases good behavior and reduces idleness
b. allows inmates to develop hierarchies and enjoy the benefits of higher status
c. improves mental health outcomes for inmates
d. increases the length of time visitors are willing to stay during visits
Ans: A
46. One outcome of new generation/direct supervision jails is that they ______.
a. reduce the trauma of incarceration
b. increase sexual assaults
c. increase tension in the unit
d. reduce control exerted by correctional staff
Ans: A
47. What is the benefit of virtual visits to medical facilities for correctional inmates?
a. It is a cost-effective way to deal with numerous inmate medical complaints.
b. It alleviates public safety concerns with physically transporting inmates to medical facilities.
c. It allows prisons to comply with requirements to provide medical services to inmates.
d. It eliminates the need for medical staff at the prison.
Ans: B
48. Why are prisons concerned with the potential of inmates gaining possession of cell phones
within the facility?
a. Inmates can arrange for assassination and harassment of victims.
b. Inmates can access pornography.
c. Inmates can engage in identity theft.
d. Inmates fight over phones so they can contact loved ones.
Ans: A

49. What are the purposes of technologies in correctional facilities?
a. to ease overcrowding
b. to reduce recidivism and ease the stigma of incarceration
c. to improve safety, efficiency, and effectiveness
d. to increase technological literacy in inmates
Ans: C
50. What is an outcome of correctional institutions transitioning to a video visitation system as
opposed to an in-person visitation system?
a. decreases in inmate mental health
b. increases in costs due to expanded staff training
c. increased inmate tension
d. reduced risk of contraband
Ans: D
1. Jails and prisons are essentially the same, with no distinguishing features between the two.
Ans: F
Learning Objective: 12.1: Describe correctional populations, employment, expenditures, and
institutional types.
2. Jails are long-term holding facilities designed to house sentenced felony offenders.
Ans: F
3. Prisons are generally operated by state or federal governments, while jails are typically
operated by a county sheriff's department.
Ans: T
4. For some, incarceration is not a punishment; instead, it can be considered a lifestyle
Ans: T
Learning Objective: 12.1: Describe correctional populations, employment, expenditures, and
institutional types.
5. Custodial organizations emphasize the caretaker function of corrections, such as controlling
and observing inmates.
Ans: T
6. An inmate’s program classification determines where the inmate should be placed for work,
treatment, and training programs.
Ans: T
7. Most prison industries are self-supporting and use no tax dollars to run the programs.
Ans: T
Learning Objective: 12.3: Explain the basic structure and function of state prisons.
8. The largest department in a prison is the correctional security department.
Ans: T

9. Medium-security correctional institutions are also known as U.S. penitentiaries.
Ans: F
10. Parole was abolished in the federal system in 1987.
Ans: T
11. Maximum-security prisons represent the most secure form of incarceration in the United
Ans: F
12. Among the concerns related to supermax prisons is the high degree of isolation and the
constitutionality of such institutions.
Ans: T
13. The primary purposes of prisons are to hold people accused of crimes until their court
dates and to hold people convicted of lesser offenses who were sentenced to less than one
year of incarceration.
Ans: F
14. The 1984 Justice Assistance Act removed some of the long-standing restrictions on
interstate commerce of prisoner-made goods.
Ans: T
15. Rehabilitation and reintegration are considered primary goals of local jails.
Ans: F
16. In the new generation/direct supervision jails, officers “live” with the inmates and are
encouraged to mingle with them and to provide them privileges and activities.
Ans: T
n/direct supervision jails have been found to be too costly.
Ans: F
18. Studies have found that the longer one has been released from prison, the greater the
likelihood of re-offending.
Ans: T
19. Recidivism is one of the most important concepts in criminal justice, as it concerns a
person's relapse into criminal behavior.
Ans: T
20. Opponents of the private prisons argue that private prisons provide an effective, cost-
saving alternative for governments seeking to address significant capacity needs while taking
pressure off of corrections budgets.
