History Second Industrial revolution study guide

  1. Why did some countries catch up to England so quickly in terms of industrialization? (Sec 1) Abundant natural resources, capital to invest in industry, and they could follow England's lead and learn from England's mistakes

  2. Why didnā€™t Russia industrialize? (Sec 1) Because they maintained feudalism

  3. Why was the invention of steel important? (Sec 1) It is lighter, stronger, more durable, and more flexible than iron.

  4. What was the name of the method that was used to make steel more effectively?(Sec 1) Bessemer Process

  5. What did Alfred Nobel make? (Sec 1) Dynamite

  6. What did Thomas Edison make? (Sec 1) The light bulb

  7. What are interchangeable parts?(Sec 1) Parts that can be easily replaced

  8. Why was the assembly line so important? (Sec 1) Complicated processes become easy and quick

  9. What was Henry Fordā€™s most notable invention? (Sec 1) The assembly line

  10. What did the Wright Brothers create?(Sec 1) The first airplane

  11. What are Samuel Morseā€™s contributions? (Sec 1) He made a telegraph cable

  12. What did Alexander Graham Bell create? (Sec 1) Telephone

  13. Why are monopolies bad for capitalist economies? (Sec 1) Reduce competition and increase prices to whatever they want

  14. What is a cartel? (Sec 1) A group of large business that join forces to fix prices and control markets

  15. What did Louis Pasteur create? (all the things we talked about) (Sec 2) Pasteurization and vaccines

  16. What is urban renewal? (Sec 2) The rebuilding of poor areas of a city

  17. Who is Louis Sullivan? (SecĀ  2) The architect who designed the first skyscrapers

  18. What was the biggest issue for society that came from the Industrial Revolution? (Sec 2) Gap between the rich and everyone else was getting wider and wider by day.

  19. What was the difference between the middle class ideal home and the lower class ideal home? (Sec 3) Women worked in the lower class homes while the middle class women stayed at home and took care of the kids, the lower class women had to provide for the kids along with the dad, while in the middle class, women stayed home and took care of the kids, wit the dad being the sole provider.

  20. What movement led to the womenā€™s suffrage movement? (Sec 3) The Temperance movement

  21. When did women get the right to vote in the US? (Sec 3) 1920

  22. What amendment in the US Constitution gave women the right to vote? (Sec 3) 19th amendment

  23. What did John Dalton develop? (Sec 3) Modern atomic theory

  24. What did Dmitri Mendeleev create? (Sec 3) The rough draft for what would become the periodic table

  25. What is the theory of natural selection? (Sec 3) States that all species have to battle for survival, and only those best suited will survive

  26. Why was Darwinism problematic in the eyes of Christianity? (Sec 3) It said the the world wasnā€™t created in 6 days.

  27. What is Social Darwinism? (Sec 3) Applying Darwinā€™s theory to countries, businesses, and races

  28. Why is Social Darwinism so dangerous? (Sec 3) It can lead to racism and violence against weaker races.

  29. What is the Social Gospel movement? (Sec 3) A movement that urged people to do social service

  30. What famous group comes out of the Social Gospel movement? (Sec 3) The Salvation Army
