Define/Identify the following: Be ready to discuss how these shape/influence religions/philosophies.
Monotheism: belief that there is only one single god
Polytheism: belief that there are many gods
Torah: the first part of the Jewish bible, the sacred scripture of Jewish religion
Bible: the Christian scriptures containing old and new testaments
Quran: Islamic sacred book,
Four Noble Truths: the four central beliefs containing the essence of Buddhist teaching
Hebrews: a member of an ancient people living in now Israel and Palestine
Moses: to pull or draw out of water
Abraham: Abraham is a key character in the Hebrew Bible. He is depicted as the common patriarch of the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Jesus: is the name of the man who Christians believe was the son of god and whose teaching are based on Christianity
Buddha: enlightened
Muhammad: prophet, founder of Islam, and proclaimer of quaran
Sunnis: largest branch of Islam
Shiites: second-largest branch of Islam, A Shiite believes that Mohammed's son-in-law, Ali, was his legitimate successor as a political and religious leader.
Caste System/Roles- class structure determined by birth
Confucius- conflict resolution through meditation
Priest/Minister- administering the church’s seven sacraments
Rabbi- a teacher who teaches Jewish or one who studies Jewish, a religious leader of the Jewish congregation
Imam- a person who leads prayer in a mosque
Nirvana- the state of perfect happiness and peace in Buddhism
Hajj- the Muslim pilgrimage to mecca
Hadith-a collection of traditions sayings of the prophet Muhammad
Synagogue- the buildings were a Jewish assemble or congregation for religious worship
Mosque- a Muslim place of worship