6c. Food Processing - Plant products

Food Processing and Preservation: Overview

  • Focus on plant products including oils, grains, and fruit and vegetable products.

  • Important to understand the sequence of production steps for:

    • Oils

    • Pasta and grain products

    • Fruit and vegetable products (frozen vegetables, apple juice)

  • Key differentiation in wheat types and their uses in the food industry.

Oil Production Process

Steps in Processing Vegetable Oils

  1. Cleaning

    • Screening: Sifting seeds/kernels to remove debris.

    • Aspiration: Vacuuming to eliminate dirt and dust.

  2. Grinding/Cracking

    • Breaking the hull to access the oil content within the seed/kernel.

  3. Steaming/Cooking

    • Soft thermal treatment to aid in oil release from the cell structure, making seeds more pliable for flaking.

  4. Flaking

    • Pressing seeds into flakes for better oil extraction.

    • Increases exposure of oil-containing cells.

  5. Extraction

    • Addition of solvents to dissolve the oil while leaving solids and water behind.

  6. Separating

    • Utilizing pressing and/or centrifuging to extract oil from plant cells.

    • If solvents are used, they are separated from solids and water.

  7. Removal of Solvents

    • Complete evaporation to obtain crude or unrefined oil, which may need further refining.

  8. Refining Process

    • Deodorization: Steam application to remove odor-causing compounds.

    • Degumming: Removal of water-soluble phospholipids.

    • Bleaching: Removal of color-bearing substances.

    • Neutralizing: Eliminating free fatty acids.

    • Winterizing: Removal of triglycerides with high melting points.

  9. Packaging

    • Packaging must consider oil characteristics to protect from light, metals, and heat.

Olive Oils

  • Virgin and Extra-Virgin: Cold-pressed without excess heat or refining.

  • Pure Olive Oils: Mixtures of virgin and refined oils.

  • Color Variations:

    • Virgin olive oils are usually green-yellow.

    • Pure olive oils are pale green-yellow.

    • Light olive oils are pale yellow with lower color intensity.

Cereal Grain Processing

Wheat Processing for Pasta Making

  • Different types of wheat:

    • Hard Wheat (Durum): High gluten content, suitable for pastas.

    • Soft Wheat: Low gluten, suitable for cakes and pastries.

  • Gluten formation: Two protein fractions (gliadin and glutenin) combine in the presence of water to create a network.

Wheat Milling Process

  1. Cracking the Kernel

    • To expose endosperm containing starch and protein.

  2. Grinding

    • Producing coarse or fine flour from hard or soft wheat.

  3. Sieving

    • Removing hull, bran, and germ to purify flour.

Pasta Processing Steps

  1. Mixing

    • Combining semolina with water to form dough.

  2. Extruding

    • Pressing dough through dies to shape pasta.

  3. Cutting

    • Creating long strands of pasta.

  4. Drying

    • Reducing moisture to improve preservation.

  5. Packaging

    • Storing in boxes or bags at room temperature.

Fruit and Vegetable Processing

Initial Processing Steps

  1. Trimming

    • Removing unwanted plant parts like stems and roots.

  2. Cleaning

    • Washing with detergents; must be suitable for firm fruits and vegetables.

  3. Blanching

    • Mild heat treatment to inactivate browning enzymes.

Vegetable Processing Example (Frozen Mixed Vegetables)

  1. Peeling/Trimming/Cutting

    • Preparing vegetables for processing.

  2. Washing

    • Ensuring cleanliness with mild detergent.

  3. Blanching

    • Inactivating degradation enzymes.

  4. Precooling

    • Lowering temperature before freezing.

  5. Freezing

    • Using Individual Quick Freeze (IQF) method for rapid freezing.

Apple Juice Processing Steps

  1. Skinning and Coring

    • Removing skins and seeds from apples.

  2. Washing

    • Cleaning with mild detergent.

  3. Juice Extraction

    • Crushing apples to recover juice.

  4. Clarification

    • Adding pectinase to remove cloudiness.

  5. Filtration

    • Removing pulp and small particles for clarity.

  6. Pasteurization

    • Heat treatment to eliminate pathogens.

  7. Packaging

    • Storing juice in cleaned and sanitized containers.
