1. Advice and Consent
2. Appellate Jurisdiction
3. Appropriations
4. Baker v. Carr (1962)
5. Bork, Robert
6. Bully Pulpit
7. Bureaucracy
8. Cabinet
9. Cloture Rule
10. Compliance Monitoring
11. Concurring Opinion
12. Deficit
13. Delegate Model
14. Dissenting Opinion
15. Enumerated Powers
16. Environmental Protection Agency
17. Executive Order
18. Federalist No. 70
19. Federalist No. 78
20. Filibuster
21. Germane
22. Gerrymandering
23. Implied Powers
24. Iron Triangle
25. Issue Networks
26. Judicial Activism
27. Judicial Restraint
28. Judicial Review
29. Line-item Veto
30. Logrolling
31. Majority Opinion
32. Marbury v. Madison (1803)
33. Merit System
34. Necessary and Proper Clause
35. Omnibus Bill
36. Original Jurisdiction
37. Patronage
38. Petition for Certiorari
39. Pocket Veto
40. Politico Model
41. Pork-Barrel Spending
42. Power of the Purse
43. Precedent
44. President Pro-Tempore
45. Rule of Four
46. Securities and Exchange Commission
47. Senatorial Courtesy
48. Shaw v. Reno (1993)
49. Signing Statements
50. Speaker of the House
51. Spoils System
52. Stare Decisis
53. State of the Union Address
54. Stewardship Theory
55. Trustee Model
56. U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals
57. U.S. Supreme Court
58. War Powers Act (1973)
59. Whip
60. Whistleblower Protection Act (1989)