Self-Esteem: our attitude towards ourselves— whether we feel good or bad about who we are
Why do we have self-esteem?
Terror Management Theory (coping with our inevitable demise by seeking meaning in life) (e.g., someone involved in community service)
Sociometer Theory (internal “meter” that tells us if we’re socially accepted and if we belong)
Self-regulation: monitor and adjust our behaviors to reach our goals
Related concept: Self-control: perception of control over one’s life
External locus of control (faith, luck, or other people) (e.g., “I didn’t get the job because the interviewer didn’t like me.”)
Internal locus of control (you are in charge) (e.g., I didn’t get the job because I didn’t prepare enough for the interview.”)
Limited resource/Strength model
is like a muscle—
Becomes weaker after exertion (e.g., If you've been focusing on studying for hours, you may find it harder to resist distractions as time goes on.)
Replenished with rest (e.g., Taking a break after a long study session to recharge can make it easier to focus again when you return to your work.)
Strengthened by exercise (e.g., Consistently choosing healthy foods or resisting distractions builds your self-regulation muscle over time.)
Study done at FSU—Baumeister et al. 1998
The study was ostensibly about taste perception when it was about testing self-control using a form of deception.
Self-presentation:how we present ourselves to others