The means by which the user and a computer system interact, particularly using input devices and software.
To provide or give something to the computer.
Information that a computer or device displays, prints, or transmits to another device.
A syntactic unit of an imperative programming language that expresses some action to be carried out.
Instructions for a computer to execute specific tasks.
The process of programming multiple devices in a chain, one device at a time.
A programming paradigm where external events determine the flow of program execution.
Written text or illustration that accompanies computer software or is embedded in the source code.
A human-readable explanation or annotation in the source code of a computer program.
The process of finding and fixing errors or bugs in the source code of any software.
A software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation.
An action that indicates a user interacting with a program.
A combination of literals, variables, operators, and function calls that produce a value when evaluated.
An operator allowing the value of one variable to be copied into another variable.
A piece of memory that stores a value that can be changed.
A data type used in programming to represent text rather than numbers.
A result that can only have one of two possible values: true or false.
Operators that compare values and return true or false.
Fundamental operations performing logical calculations on two or more values and producing a result based on the truth values of the inputs.
A type of coding instruction used to compare values and express and make decisions.
A sequence of commands that can be reused together later in a program.
An expression containing the function name followed by the function call operator, () .
Adding Binary Values – A programmer adds 14 and 15 using a programming language that represents nonnegative integers with 4-bit binary sequences:
(C) An overflow error will occur because 4 bits are not large enough to represent 29, the sum of 14 and 15.
Character Movement in Games – For a video game character facing 8 directions:
(A) Four bits are not enough to store the eight directions. Five bits are needed for the new version of the game.
Representation of Bits – Which can be represented by a sequence of bits?
(D) I, II, and III (Integer, Alphanumeric character, Machine language instruction).
Data Compression – Which statement about data compression is true?
(D) There are trade-offs involved in choosing a compression technique for storing and transmitting data.
Procedure Documentation – For the procedure printNums(max)
(B) Prints all positive odd integers that are less than or equal to max.
Counting Occurrences – In a procedure to count the number of occurrences of a value in myList
Problematic code identified – variable count initialized inside the loop rather than before it.
(C) Moving the statement in line 5 so that it appears between lines 2 and 3.
Error in Program – If score
needs to be reduced by penalty
, and we need to avoid negative values:
Change line 1 to IF(score - penalty < 0)
and adjust conditions accordingly.
Binary Sequences – How many items can be identified by 6-bit vs. 7-bit sequences?
(C) 2 times as many items can be uniquely identified with 7-bit sequences.
Understanding Data Types – The most appropriate data type for storing a person’s age?
(B) number.
Boolean Variable Simulation – For a simulation that needs to store a true/false condition:
(A) A simulation of flipping a fair coin.
Data Representation in Databases - Using fixed bits:
Likely causes for observed imprecision due to constraints in representation include overflow errors, round-off errors.
Code Correction - Identifying necessary adjustments in given pseudo-code based on logic errors.
Check for optimal documentation and decision-making statements.
Logic for Eligibility - More complex expressions for eligibility evaluations must account for predefined range conditions and logical operators to ensure accuracy in computational checks.