Title: STAT1004 Introduction to Scientific Data Analysis Workshop 1
Instructor: Unknown Author
License: CC BY-NC
Unit Coordinator: Dr. Roger Collinson
Room: 314.351
Phone: 92662127
Email: r.collinson@curtin.edu.au
Workshop: 1 x 2-hour session per week
Laboratory: 1 x 2-hour session per week
Admin Contact: Curtin Connect, building 102
Phone: 1300 222 888
Website: https://students.connect.curtin.edu.au/app/ask
Essential Contacts
Unit Outline
Useful Resources
Computer Labs / Workshops:
Weekly teaching notes, lab exercises, and solutions
OASIS - BlackBoard
Constructive participation in learning experience
Attend classes and engage in activities and discussions
Spend time outside class reviewing material and applying techniques to various datasets
Importance of practice with knowledge application
Reference: Student Charter at https://students.curtin.edu.au/essentials/rights/student-charter/
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."
Author: Vince Lombardi
Importance of maintaining academic honesty
Plagiarism Monitoring can be found at: http://academicintegrity.curtin.edu.au/
Breakdown of topics by week, including:
Week 0: Orientation Week
Week 1: Data collection and analysis
Weeks 2-12: Various topics including Excel basics, research study design, data analysis, project planning, and hypothesis assessment
Important dates noted for assessments and project submissions
Continuous practical assessment: 5 submitted worksheets worth 8% each
Due by 11:59pm on the Sunday after each lab
Research project: Group work (3 or 4 students) requiring problem framing and data collection
Assessments based on project plan (5%) and final report (35%)
In-class practical test (20%) in Week 12
Statistics as a research tool:
Helps discover new things and prevent mistakes
Insight: 70% of graduates wish they had learned more statistics
Related fields include: Biometrics, Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning
Introduction to statistics for data thinking: production, visualization, analysis, and inference
By the end of the course:
Grounding for advanced units
Statistical literacy in evaluating claims in media
Discovery of 25 genes causing 7 common diseases
Importance of statistical methodologies in research conclusions
Analysis of common diseases:
Bipolar Disorder
Coronary Heart Disease
Type 1 & 2 Diabetes
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Crohn's Disease
Study methodology and statistical findings presented
Statistics as the science of drawing conclusions from data
Historical context given on various discoveries and mistakes in data interpretation
Examples include:
Universe expansion by Edwin Hubble
Sun exposure and cancer correlation
Misunderstanding of brain cell loss
Highlights famous mistakes made in data interpretation
Importance of sound methodology in developing drugs and research
Importance of data analysis for informed decision-making
Role in summarizing and organizing data through:
Graphs and Tables
Case studies:
Pizza topping preferences
Rainfall data analysis
Data related to Carnaby's Black Cockatoo populations
Display of statistical results:
Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation
Frequency distribution
Utilizing sample data to make inferences about larger populations
Importance of context and correct statistical tools
Data inference principles highlighted
Steps in conducting scientific research, including:
Defining question/hypothesis
Data collection and ethical consideration
Importance of clearly defining populations during research
Definitions of respective data types and observational units:
Continuous, Discrete, Nominal, Ordinal
Classifications in statistical research using practical examples
Different scales of data (ratio, interval, etc.)
Classification of data as cross-sectional or time-series
Bivariate vs multivariate data
Examples of potential project topics related to environmental awareness and behavioral studies among students
Closure of Workshop 1 and preview of Workshop 2: "Data Exploration and Description"
Emphasis on understanding the value of statistics in making sense of data.