ELA Benchmark #3 Review (2)


Bedlam- a scene of uproar and confusion

Evading- Avoiding or escaping

Unbridled- Uncontrolled or unrestrained

Barrage- A rapid and continuous outpouring of something

Drawl- To speak slowly with prolonged vowel sounds

Scheme- A plan or plot to achieve a particular purpose

Inscription- Words or symbols engraved or written on a surface

Beckon- To signal or summon someone with a gesture

Liberation- The act of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression

Intense- Extreme in degree, strength, or severity

Persistent- Continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition

Optimistic- Having a positive outlook on life or a particular situation

Defiant- Resisting or challenging authority or convention

Flustered- Agitated or confused

Dwindle- To diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength

Recede- To move back or away from a previous position

Flimsy- Lacking strength or solidity

Forlorn- Pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely

Amiss- In a wrong or imperfect way

Scowl- To frown in an angry or bad-tempered way

Quiver- To tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion

Ferocity- The state or quality of being fierce or aggressive

Bluff- Deceive someone by a show of confidence that is not real

Trudge-To Walk slowly with heavy steps, typically due to exhaustion or harsh conditions
