Untitled Flashcards Set

Topic 1.1 Role of Business

A. Producing goods and services

In carrying out their function, businesses must do the following:




B. Roles of business (economic and social roles) PIECE WIQ









Topic 1.2: Types of Businesses

A. Classification of business

The 4 common methods used to classify businesses are: LISGLet It Sound Good

i)                    __________________________

ii)                  __________________________

iii)                __________________________

iv)                __________________________

i) Classification by legal structure/ownership

Businesses can be classified by legal structure as follows:

Private sector businesses (or privately owned businesses) which make up: SPPP





Public sector organisations which make up:


ii) Classification by industry


There are 5 main types of industry groupings or sectors as follows: PST QQ




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iii) Classification by size


Businesses can be classified by size as follows:




iv) Classification by geographical spread


Businesses can be classified by geographical spread as follows:




B. Factors influencing choice of legal structure


There are three factors that will influence the choice of legal structure a business chooses.  They are:  SOF












Topic 1.3 Influences in the business environment

A. External Influences on Business


The main external influences on a business include:  MET GFC SLIP




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Changes in markets




Economic influences



Technological influences




Geographical (and globalisation) influences





Financial influences




Competitive situation influences




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Social influences




Legal influences


Institutional influences






Political influences




B. Internal Influences on Business


The main internal influences on a business include:  MR BPL




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Business Culture











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C. Stakeholders and the responsibility a business owes to each stakeholder

Internal stakeholders:







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External stakeholders












Topic 1.4: Business growth and decline

A. Stages of the business life cycle (and their characteristics) EGMP


















Different types of mergers and acquisitions include:












B. Challenges at each stage













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C. Factors that can contribute to business decline







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D. Voluntary and Involuntary Cessation








Important concepts:

Insolvency/insolvent –


Administrator –


Receivership –


Liquidation –


Bankruptcy -



