Question: How many bits do you need to represent the integer 79,956,963,024?
Base 10 Representation:
79,956,963,024 has 11 digits.
Base 2 Representation:
Calculation: (2^7) * (2^10) * (2^10) * (2^10) = 37 bits.
Approximation: 11/3*10 = 36.66 bits needed.
Scenario: Two investors considering two data science graduates, both aged 22.
Investor A:
Saves $500 a month for 10 years from age 22 to 32.
Stops saving after 10 years.
Investor B:
Starts saving at age 32, saving for 30 years until age 62.
The goal is to determine which graduate has $1 million after 40 years.
Key Observation:
At 8% interest, savings double every 9 years.
Savings Growth Example:
Year 1: $1,000
Year 2: $1,080
Year 3: $1,166.4
Year 4: $1,259.712
Year 9: $1,360.48896
Year 10: $1,469.32808
The '10 Years and Done' Saver:
Interest Rate: 8%
Contributions: $6,000 per year for the first 10 years.
Cumulative Savings Breakdown:
Year 1: Savings = $6,000; Yield = $480; Cumulative = $6,480
Year 2: Savings = $6,000; Yield = $998.4; Cumulative = $13,478.4
Year 3: Savings = $6,000; Yield = $1,558.272; Cumulative = $21,036.672
Year 10: Total after 10 years = $93,872.92478
Savings from Year 41 (40 years in total): Approx. $1,020,175.56
The '30 Year Saver':
Starts saving $6,000 per year from age 32 for 30 years.
Cumulative Savings Breakdown:
Year 1: Savings = $6,000; Yield = $480; Cumulative = $6,480
Year 10: Total after 10 years = $93,872.92478
Year 20: Approx. $202,664
Year 30: Approx. $437,536
Total at year 40: Approx. $734,072
Logarithm in Exponential Growth:
Importance of understanding growth with a constant rate—savings example logs.
Mathematical Patterns:
Savings grow exponentially under constant interest.
Matrix Exponentiation:
Definitions of functions for determining odd/even exponentiation.
Usage of recursive strategies for optimization.
Complexity: O(log n) due to halving the exponent, leading to efficient calculations.
RSA Encryption:
Relates to exponentiation involving public-private key pairs for securing messages.