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Byzantine/Asia Ancient History Test

Fall of Rome

  • Fell in 395 AD

  • Invaders

    • Germanic forces

    • the Huns

  • Civil War

  • social and economic issues

  • split into western and eastern halves

  • continuation of “Roman” identity

  • Justinian (527) and his campaigns

    • Caesar renewed

  • Risks and responsibilities of the emperor

    • church and state

    • assassinations

Justinian and what life was like in Byzantium

  • wealthier than the west

  • Justinian code

    • 5,000 laws

    • a law textbook

    • quotes from many legal minds

  • Building projects

    • Hagia Sophia

    • palace

  • Entertainment

    • hippodrome

    • polo

    • street acts

  • Trade

    • spices

    • purple dye

    • precious gems

    • oil

    • fish

The Great Schism

  • 1054

  • Filioque - (and the son)

  • patriarchs having too much power

    • pope in the west, patriarch in the east

  • issues over how to eat the Lord’s Supper

  • Excommunicated each other

The Seljuk’s

  • Founder - Togrhil Beg

    • chose Isfahan

  • Gained favor with Persians and looked to them for guidance and education

  • Arabic language almost disappeared

  • Seljuks learned to take from conquered cultures

War (This should hopefully cover all that you need to know for the battle of Manzikert & the first crusade)

  • The Crusades

    • Key people

      • Pope Urban ll

        • Called for Crusade

      • Alexis l Comnenus

        • Byzantine Emperor who asked for help

        • Had the Seljuks and Fatamids at his doorstep

      • Peter the Hermit

        • Preached about the crusade (basically a recruiter)

        • Led the “people’s crusade”

  • Jerusalem fell to the first crusaders in 1099

    • would keep until 1187, when military leader Saladin conquered it for the Seljuks

  • The Mongols

    • After the Mongols would fall, the Ottomans would take their place

Tang Dynasty

  • Origins in the Sui dynasty (Sui Wendi)

    • Grand Canal

  • Founding of the dynasty

    • Li Yuan (618-626)

    • Tang Taizong (627-649)

      • reconquered surrounding lands

    • Wu Zhao

      • first empress

      • campaigns against Korea

Song Dynasty

  • Lasted from 960-1279

  • Song Taizu

  • Smaller empire than Han and Tang

  • Created capital at Hangzhou, in southern China

    • Increasingly important location for trade and overall economic growth


  • Population doubled to 100 million

  • End of Song dynasty - 10 cities with 1 million people

  • Moveable type

    • similar to Gutenberg’s printing press

  • Gunpowder

    • cannons

    • first “modern” fireworks

  • Porcelain

  • Literature

    • Li Bai (701-762)

      • Drinking Alone Beneath the Moon

      • Quiet Night Tonight

    • Du Fu (712-770)

      • Chunwang

      • Moonlight Night

  • Art

    • Nature

    • Black is ten colors”

  • Special rice

    • ripened quickly, giving two harvests each year

  • Magnetic compass

    • became one of the most powerful navies in the world

  • Spread of Buddhism

  • Importance of teas

    • tea classic

    • spread to Japan

Genghis Khan’s success

  • Temujin

    • Named Genghis Khan (universal ruler)

    • Reasons for success

      • organization

      • strategy

      • new technology

      • terrorism

Kublai Khan’s reign

  • victory over China and first foreign emperor

    • established the Yuan DYnasty

      • United china

    • Increased trade, NO cultural interference

Japenese Civilization throught the Heian period

  • 794-1185

  • ELaborate rules and rituals

    • sword length

    • color of robes

  • writings

    • Lady Murasaki Shikibu

      • Tale of Genji - first novel


Byzantine/Asia Ancient History Test

Fall of Rome

  • Fell in 395 AD

  • Invaders

    • Germanic forces

    • the Huns

  • Civil War

  • social and economic issues

  • split into western and eastern halves

  • continuation of “Roman” identity

  • Justinian (527) and his campaigns

    • Caesar renewed

  • Risks and responsibilities of the emperor

    • church and state

    • assassinations

Justinian and what life was like in Byzantium

  • wealthier than the west

  • Justinian code

    • 5,000 laws

    • a law textbook

    • quotes from many legal minds

  • Building projects

    • Hagia Sophia

    • palace

  • Entertainment

    • hippodrome

    • polo

    • street acts

  • Trade

    • spices

    • purple dye

    • precious gems

    • oil

    • fish

The Great Schism

  • 1054

  • Filioque - (and the son)

  • patriarchs having too much power

    • pope in the west, patriarch in the east

  • issues over how to eat the Lord’s Supper

  • Excommunicated each other

The Seljuk’s

  • Founder - Togrhil Beg

    • chose Isfahan

  • Gained favor with Persians and looked to them for guidance and education

  • Arabic language almost disappeared

  • Seljuks learned to take from conquered cultures

War (This should hopefully cover all that you need to know for the battle of Manzikert & the first crusade)

  • The Crusades

    • Key people

      • Pope Urban ll

        • Called for Crusade

      • Alexis l Comnenus

        • Byzantine Emperor who asked for help

        • Had the Seljuks and Fatamids at his doorstep

      • Peter the Hermit

        • Preached about the crusade (basically a recruiter)

        • Led the “people’s crusade”

  • Jerusalem fell to the first crusaders in 1099

    • would keep until 1187, when military leader Saladin conquered it for the Seljuks

  • The Mongols

    • After the Mongols would fall, the Ottomans would take their place

Tang Dynasty

  • Origins in the Sui dynasty (Sui Wendi)

    • Grand Canal

  • Founding of the dynasty

    • Li Yuan (618-626)

    • Tang Taizong (627-649)

      • reconquered surrounding lands

    • Wu Zhao

      • first empress

      • campaigns against Korea

Song Dynasty

  • Lasted from 960-1279

  • Song Taizu

  • Smaller empire than Han and Tang

  • Created capital at Hangzhou, in southern China

    • Increasingly important location for trade and overall economic growth


  • Population doubled to 100 million

  • End of Song dynasty - 10 cities with 1 million people

  • Moveable type

    • similar to Gutenberg’s printing press

  • Gunpowder

    • cannons

    • first “modern” fireworks

  • Porcelain

  • Literature

    • Li Bai (701-762)

      • Drinking Alone Beneath the Moon

      • Quiet Night Tonight

    • Du Fu (712-770)

      • Chunwang

      • Moonlight Night

  • Art

    • Nature

    • Black is ten colors”

  • Special rice

    • ripened quickly, giving two harvests each year

  • Magnetic compass

    • became one of the most powerful navies in the world

  • Spread of Buddhism

  • Importance of teas

    • tea classic

    • spread to Japan

Genghis Khan’s success

  • Temujin

    • Named Genghis Khan (universal ruler)

    • Reasons for success

      • organization

      • strategy

      • new technology

      • terrorism

Kublai Khan’s reign

  • victory over China and first foreign emperor

    • established the Yuan DYnasty

      • United china

    • Increased trade, NO cultural interference

Japenese Civilization throught the Heian period

  • 794-1185

  • ELaborate rules and rituals

    • sword length

    • color of robes

  • writings

    • Lady Murasaki Shikibu

      • Tale of Genji - first novel