diseases in humans and plants 

diseases in humans table

types of pathogenpathogens life cycletransmission of the diseaseglobal impact of the diseasepreventing the spread
choleravibrio cholerae serogrouplives in contaminated water suppliesdrinking contaminated waterroughly 1.3 to 4.0 million cases, and 21000 to 143 000 deaths worldwide every yearwashing hands often and making sure to drink safe water
malariaplasmodiumlives in tropical and subtropical reignsby a vector usually a mosquito called anopheles mosquitoin 2019 around 409,000 deaths around the worldusing antimalarials
HIVthe human immunodeficiency viruslives in the body fluids of a infected personunprotected sexaround 69,000 people died worldwide because of HIVhaving a less sexual behaviour and having protected sex
COVID - 19coronaviruslives in the liver of the bodybreathing the particles of a infected personinfected 82 million and killed 1.8 million worldwidestaying 2 meters apart from each other and wearing a mask as well as using a hand sanitiser or washing hands often
tuberculosismycobacterium tuberculosismainly effects the lungsinhaling the droplets of a infected person from a sneezein 2018, over 1.7 billion people were affectedusing masks and staying at least 2 meters distance from an infected person

diseases in plants table

Namepathogentransmissionsymptomsorganism affectedprevention
Tobacco mosaic virustobamoviralwhen and affected plant leaf rubs against a healthy leafmatting, leaf curling and yellowingplantswashing tolls and hands after dealing with a infected plant
athletes footdermatophytescontaminated towels, cloths and surfacesitchy red rash develops between the spaces of toeshumansantifungal medication
ring footcalvibacter michigenesiscontactin the early stages the tissues around the vascular ring appear glassy and water soakedplants- potato plantsspacing plants
HIV/AIDSimmunodeficiencysexual contact without proper protectionfever, sour throat etchumansno treatment
black sigatokablack sigatoka fungusdirect contactreduction of leaf areaplants - banana plantsfrequent application of fungicides
ring wormtineaspread through mouth, skin and household productsred and silvery round like rashhumansnot sharing equipment
tuberculosismycobacterium tuberculosisspreading by inhaling the droplets of a infected personweight loss, fever and night sweatshumanssanitise and wash hands/ hygiene
bacterial meningitisstreptococcus pneumoniaspread through mouth contact/ by sharing salivafever, headache, stuff neck etchumanshaemophilus influenza type B (Hib) vaccine
influenzainfluenza A viruscough, sneeze or talking too close to the infected personfever, cough, sour throat etchumanstake drugs such as Tamiflu, Relenza
malariaplasmodiumvectors which are female anopheles mosquitoesfever, vomiting etchumansantimalarials
potato/tomato blightphytophthora infesransfungal sporessmall brown dots on leaves and fruitsplantsspace between plants, rotate crops etc
