9. Introduction to t-statistics

Introduction to t-statistics, Independent and Related Sample t-test

The t Statistic: An Alternative to z

  • Z-score: A statistical procedure testing hypotheses about an about an unknown population average/mean using the average/mean from a sample

  • Basic Concepts:

    • Sample Mean (M) can be use to determind the approximate of Population Mean (μ).

    • Standard Error: Measures how well a sample mean approximates the population mean.

    • Compare sample mean (M) with hypothesized population mean (μ) with z-score calculation.

The Problem with z-Scores

  • Goal: Determine if the difference between data and hypothesis is significant.

  • Z-scores require knowledge of the population's standard deviation, which is often unknown.

  • Using sample standard deviation instead of population standard deviation allows hypothesis testing to proceed

Introduction to t-statistics

  • Estimated Standard Error (sM): Used as an estimate of the real standard error (σM) when population standard deviation(σ) is unknown, derived from sample variance or standard deviation.

t-statistic Formula

  • t-statistics/t-value:how far your sample mean is from the population mean, adjusted for the size and variability of your sample.

  • Usage: Tests hypotheses about an unknown population mean (μ) when population standard deviation(σ) is unknown.

  • Formula structure is similar to z-score but uses estimated standard error in the denominator.

  • Types:used in different contexts depending on what you're comparing;

    1. One-sample t-test (comparing a sample mean to a population mean)=

      • testing a hypothesis about an unknown population mean (μ)

      • formula:calculate the t-value by comparing the sample mean to the hypothesized population mean, adjusting for the sample size and variability (sample standard deviation)

        M =sample mean which represents the average of the sample data.

        𝜇 =population mean (the hypothesized mean you are testing against)

        𝑆 =sample standard deviation, which is used to estimate the population standard deviation.

        𝑛 =sample size.

        𝑆𝑚 =standard error of the mean, It represents the variability of the sample mean.

        *Since you don't know the population's standard deviation, you use the sample's standard deviation to calculate the t-value.

      (Two-sample t-test Isn’t in the ppt so it isn’t as important, focus on One-sample t-test)

    2. Two-sample t-test (comparing two sample means)=

      • comparing means of two samples from different population, often when you want to determine if the two groups come from populations with different means.

      • formula:measures how far apart the sample means are, adjusted for the variability within each sample and their sizes, difference between the two sample means is statistically significant.

        *don't know the population standard deviations, you use the two-sample t-test

  • Degrees of Freedom (df): counting how many numbers in a set are "free to move" or change without messing up the average

    *for sample, not population

    • first two numbers could vary, but the last number is locked in once the first two are chosen for the average to be the same;

      *ex= Imagine you have 3 numbers that must add up to 10. Let’s say:

      The first number is 3.

      The second number is 4.

      Now, the third number must be 3 (because 3+4+3=10)

    • mean depends on the total. That’s why the formula is:

      Degrees of Freedom (df)=n(total number of values in the sample)−1

The t Distributions

  • The t distribution=a curve(not a formula) that shows the probability of getting a certain t-value/something more extreme if the null hypothesis is true, based on small samples.

    • It’s like a normal distribution, but you use it when you don’t know the population standard deviation or working with fewer data points.

  • t-distribution collects all these t-values to show how they behave for a specific sample size or degrees of freedom

  • Shape/Curve=

    • looks like the normal distribution (a bell curve), but it’s a bit wider, especially with smaller sample sizes.

    • sample size gets bigger, the t-distribution becomes nearly identical to the normal distribution.

  • Types of Tail:

    1. Proportion in One Tail

      • A "tail" is the far left or far right end of the curve(probability in one end of the distribution)

      • probability of tail=

        1. Proportion in one tail = 0.05 or 5% → This is the amount of extreme on one side (0.05 or 5%)

    2. Proportions in Two Tails Combined:

      • combined probability in both tails(left and right)

        *interested in extreme values at both ends of the curve (very low or very high t-values) because either could show that the null hypothesis is unlikely.

      • probability of tail=

        1. Two tails combined= Left tail + Right tail

        2. proportion of individual tail= Left tail + Right tail



Determining Proportions and Probabilities for t Distributions (t-distributions Table)

Use a t-distribution table to find proportions for t statistics.

  • t-Distribution Table: A table that give a specific number of;

    • A t-value if you know the probability.

    • A probability if you know the t-value.

    if the null hypothesis is true, based on small samples

    *shortcut for getting t-value/probability

  • How to read the question:

    • One tail/two tails combined=

      1. One tail

        • tail beyond” refers one end of the distribution, either the far right or far left.

          “Tail beyond t = 2.353 occupies 5% of the distribution”

          -with the number/probability occupied refers specifically to the area in one tail, not the total area in both tails

          (5% one tail)

      2. Two tails combined

        • "Combined tails beyond” refers to the combined distribution

          “Combined tails beyond ±2.353 occupy 5% of the distribution”

          -with the number/probability occupied refers to two tails combined (2.5% in each tail)

    • direction of the tail=

      1. Positive/negative

        • Right tail(higher values on the curve)

          - t-value = positive (e.g.,t=2.353)

        • Left tail(lower values on the curve)

          - t-value = negative (e.g.,t=−2.353)

      2. Key words

        • Right tail

          -question says "beyond" t = 2.353, because it’s looking at values greater than t=2.353

        • Left tail

          -question says "below" or "less than" t = -2.353, because it’s looking at values smaller than t=−2.353

      3. Context of the problem

        • Right tail

          -problem involves testing whether values are greater than the mean

        • Left tail

          -problem involves testing whether values are less than the mean

  • Problem example:

    • df = 3(this comes from your sample size minus 1)

      Tail beyond t = 2.353 occupies 5% of the distribution

    “Tail beyond”=one tail positive number=right tail

  • Process:

    1. Step 1: Look up the degrees of freedom (df) in the table (in this case, 3).

    2. Step 2: Find the desired probability (in this case, 0.05, or 5%).

    3. Step 3: The table will show you the t-value that corresponds to that probability. For df = 3 and 5%, the t-value is 2.353.

Independent and Related Measure Designs

  • Between-Subjects Design(Independent Measures Design):

    • A research design that uses a separate group of participants for each treatment condition

    • goal= compare the effects of each conditions on the two groups

    • The Hypotheses for independent measure=

      H0: µ1 − µ2 = 0

      H1: µ1 − µ2 ≠ 0

    • formula=

    • Independent Sample t-test Calculation:

      • used to compare the averages (means) of two different groups.

      • steps=

        1. State hypotheses and alpha level:

          -Hypotheses=make a claim about Null hypothesis (H₀) & Alternative hypothesis (H₁)

          -Alpha level=cut-off value, helps decide if your results are statistically significant

        2. Determine degrees of freedom (df) and critical region using the t-distribution table:

          -determine the degrees of freedom (df)

          -Critical region=reject the null hypothesis if your t-statistic falls in this region

        3. Compute the test statistic (t-statistic):

          -calculate using Two-sample t-test

        4. Compare t-statistic with critical values to make a decision:

          -compare t-statistic to the critical t-value you found in the t-table;

          • If the t-statistic is greater than the critical t-value, you reject the null hypothesis(there is a significant difference between the two groups)

          • If the t-statistic is smaller, you fail to reject the null hypothesis (there’s no significant difference)

  • Within-Subjects Design(Related Measures Design):

    • A research design that uses the same group of participants which experience all treatments.

      *test the same individuals more than once, with each person going through every condition or treatment

    • goal: comparing their performance in two different conditions, but each person is tested with both conditions.

Parametric vs Nonparametric Statistics

  • Parametric Statistics: way of analyzing data where you make assumptions about how the data behaves in the population;

    *such as following a specific pattern or distribution(like assuming it follows a normal distribution; bell-shaped curve)

    • key assumptions=

      1. Additivity= assumes that the impact of one factor is independent of the impact of the other factors, so you can just sum them up to get the total effect

      2. Normality= data should follow a normal distribution (a bell-shaped curve)

      3. Homogeneity of Variance= The spread or variability of data should be the same across groups.

      4. Independence: Each data point should be independent of the others (one person’s result doesn’t affect another’s)

  • Nonparametric Statistics: Way of analyzing data with no assumptions about the distribution at all

Hypothesis Tests

Example - Independent Sample t-test

  • Describes an experiment testing the effect of lighting on puzzle-solving performance and the resulting potential for cheating.

Example Step - Hypothesis and Alpha Level

  • Alpha level set at 0.05. Directional hypotheses may specify expected outcomes based on environmental conditions.

Example Step - Compute Test Statistic

  • Analyzed significance of t value (-2.67) indicating a substantial difference in performance based on environmental lighting.

Calculating Effect Size: Cohen’s d

  • Effect size measurement standardizing mean difference between two groups, reported as Cohen's d.

Repeated Measure Test

  • Describes within-subject designs measuring dependent variables multiple times.

  • Matched-Subjects Design: Individuals matched across samples based on specific variables.

Related Sample t-test

  • t statistic is derived from difference scores rather than raw data, with hypotheses:

    • H0: µD = 0

    • H1: µD ≠ 0

Related Sample t-test Visualization

  • Illustration of how each individual is measured twice with computation of difference scores.

Related Sample t-test Calculation Steps

  • Similar to independent measures but includes obtaining data from related measurements.

t-test Summary

  • Comparison of scores between independent and related samples, including considerations for bias and assumptions.
