Fermented: [feed] Subjected to an aerobic or anaerobic process in which yeast, molds or bacteria act to produce alcohol, acids, B complex vitamins or antibiotics.
Flaked: [feed] Rolled or cut into flat pieces with or without prior steam conditioning.
Steamed: [ingredients] Treated with steam to alter physical and/or chemical properties.
Condensed: Reduced to a denser form by removing moisture.
Green Chop: forage harvested and fed in the green, chopped form.
Meal: A feed ingredient having a particle size similar to flour.
Shredded: Similar to chopped, except feedstuffs are cut longitudinally rather than cross-wise.
Cracked: [particle size] Reduced by a combined breaking and crushing action.
Pelleted:[feed] Compressed into a circular or cubic mass, forced through die openings by a mechanical process and cut at predetermined lengths.
Palatability: The appeal and acceptability of feedstuffs, including the taste, odor, texture and temperature of the feed
Crimped: [feed] Rolled using grooved rollers.
Flour: Soft, finely ground meal consisting mainly of starch and gluten obtained during grain milling.
Mash: A mixture of ingredients in meal form.
Rolled: [grain] Passed between a set of rollers, splitting the coarse outer grain shell.
Steamflaked: Processing technique for cereals that subjects the grain to steam under atmospheric conditions for usually 15-30 min, before rolling. Heavy roller mills make the grain completely flat and rupture the cells, making the nutrients available more freely to the animal. Increases feed efficiency and rate of gain compared with feeding dry rolled cereals.
Steeped: [feed] Soaked in water or other liquid.
Scratch: Whole, cracked or coarsely cut grain.
Cured: [feed] Preserved by drying, chemical additives or other preservation methods.
Dehulled: [grains, fruit or nuts] Free of seed coats or outer shells.
Dehydrated: Dried by removing moisture.
Particle size: The diameter of granular feed materials (e.g., grains, pellets, mineral particles) and/or the length of roughage fragments. Particle size can affect mixing of feed ingredients and digestion rate.
Sweet feed: A commercial feed sweetened with molasses to improve palatability.
Liquid feed: A feed with a high water content, (e.g., 2:1 water: feed).
Hulls: The outer protective covering of seeds.
Grain: Seed from cereal plant (e.g., oats, corn, wheat).
Screenings: Small, imperfect kernels, broken grains, hulls, weed seeds and other foreign material obtained from the cleaning of grain.