Congress Organzation
The committee system in Congress serves multiple purposes EXCEPT: A) Dividing policy tasks into specialized working groups B) Allowing members to develop issue expertise C) Providing direct constituent representation D) Extending majOrganizationority party's scheduling power
The answer is C
Which constitutional article provides the basis for each House determining its own procedural rules? A) Article I, Section 2 B) Article I, Section 3 C) Article I, Section 5 D) Article II, Section 1
The Answer is C
Why do congressional leaders schedule bills strategically? A) To maximize personal power B) Bills not on the schedule cannot pass C) To confuse the opposition D) To reduce government spending
The Answer is B
In the current congressional structure, party leaders are: A) Absolute dictators of their party's voting B) Able to completely control their party members' votes C) Can be replaced by party members D) Appointed by the President
The Answer is C
The "Party in the Electorate" primarily consists of: A) Party activists B) Elected officials C) Ordinary citizens who identify with the party D) Political consultants
The Answer is C
Congress Lawmaking
Which of the following is NOT a step in the congressional lawmaking process? A) Bill introduction B) Committee stage C) Executive review D) Resolving bicameral differences\
The answer is C
In the context of bill introduction, who is PROHIBITED from submitting bills? A) House Representatives B) Senators C) Presidents D) State governors
Answer is B
Cloture requires what type of majority? A) Simple majority (51%) B) Supermajority of 2/3 (67%) C) Supermajority of 3/5 (60%) D) Unanimous consent
The answer is C) Supermajority of 3/5 (60%).
Descriptive representation focuses on: A) Policy alignment B) Demographic matching C) Ideological representation D) Voting record similarity
Answer = B
The House Rules Committee can do ALL EXCEPT: A) Set debate time limits B) Restrict amendment numbers C) Introduce legislation directly D) Schedule floor consideration
Answer is C
Bicameral differences are typically resolved through: A) Presidential intervention B) Supreme Court mediation C) One chamber passing the other's version D) State governor negotiations
Answer is C
Constituents most strongly influence members' votes on: A) Technical committee amendments B) Newsworthy votes C) Budget procedural matters D) Internal party negotiations
Answer is B
Partisan polarization has been most evident in: A) Consistent bipartisan cooperation B) Scenarios with different party control of chambers C) Scenarios lacking 60 Senate votes D) Unanimous policy agreements
Answer is C
The Presidency
An Executive Order is BEST defined as: A) A law passed by Congress B) A presidential directive implementing policy C) A Supreme Court mandate D) A diplomatic communication
The answer is B
An Executive Agreement differs from a treaty because it: A) Requires two-thirds Senate approval B) Does not require congressional approval C) Is permanent and unalterable D) Involves direct military commitments
The answer is B
Executive Orders are most constrained by: A) Media coverage B) Judicial review C) Public opinion polls D) International diplomacy
The Answer is B
Presidential appointment powers require: A) Unilateral presidential decision B) Senate majority confirmation C) Supreme Court approval D) State-level ratification
The answer is B
Factors reducing presidential approval typically include: A) Economic prosperity B) Successful foreign policy C) Economic recession D) Bipartisan legislative achievements
The Answer is C
An Executive Agreement's key characteristic is: A) Requiring extensive congressional approval B) Ability to be made without full congressional ratification C) Permanent international commitment D) Automatic Supreme Court validation
The answer is B) Ability to be made without full congressional ratification.
The honeymoon period typically lasts: A) Entire first term B) First 100 days C) First year in office D) Until midterm elections
The Answer is B
The Federal Bureaucracy
Who is typically the head of each department in the federal bureaucracy? a) President b) Secretary c) Governor d) Chief Justice
The answer is B
Regulatory agencies are responsible for: a) Assisting certain groups of citizens b) Performing basic functions needed by any government c) Restricting a type of economic activity d) Collecting taxes
The answer is C
Which of the following is NOT a tool used by Congress to control the bureaucracy? a) Oversight b) Executive orders c) Authorization d) Appropriation
The answer is B
What is the term for replacing government workers with political supporters? a) Merit system b) Civil service system c) Spoils system d) Patronage
The answer is C
Which agency is part of the maintenance function? a) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) b) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) c) Office of Federal Student Aid d) Veterans Health Administration
The Answer is B
How many departments are there in the executive branch? a) 10 b) 15 c) 20 d) 25
The answer is B
Which agency is responsible for national security? a) IRS b) EPA c) NSA d) NPS
The answer is C
Which agency restricts insider trading of stocks? a) FDA b) SEC c) IRS d) EPA
The answer is B
The Courts
In criminal law, who is typically the plaintiff? a) Citizen b) Government c) Corporation d) Judge
The answer is B
Which type of jurisdiction hears the case first? a) Appellate jurisdiction b) Federal jurisdiction c) Original jurisdiction d) Concurrent jurisdiction
The answer is C
What is the term for the principle that previous court decisions should be followed in similar future cases? a) Judicial review b) Judicial activism c) Precedent d) Judicial restraint
The answer is C
Public law involves cases where the plaintiff is: a) Citizen b) Government c) Corporation d) Non-profit organization
The answer is B
What is the primary goal of regulatory policy? a) Economic growth b) Economic efficiency c) Price stability d) Reducing unemployment (the answer is B)
What is the main tool used by the Federal Reserve to influence monetary policy? a) Tax rates b) Federal funds rate c) Government spending d) Trade tariffs (federal funds rate)
What is an example of a regulatory technique? a) Increasing government spending b) Decreasing taxes c) Restricting monopolistic practices d) Adjusting interest rates (the answer is c)
Which of the following describes demand-side economics? a) Decreasing taxes to increase business investment b) Increasing government spending to stimulate demand c) Reducing government regulation to foster competition d) Controlling the money supply to manage inflation (the answer is B)
What is the definition of economic efficiency? a) Meeting society’s needs at the highest possible cost b) Meeting society’s needs at the lowest overall cost c) Achieving the maximum employment rate d) Ensuring the highest possible wages (is B)
In a free-market economy, who determines the production and distribution of goods? a) Government b) Individuals c) International bodies d) Corporations (the answer is B)
Which act is an example of US regulatory policy? a) Sherman Anti-Trust Act b) Federal Reserve Act c) Social Security Act d) Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the answer is a)
Which economic policy technique involves the central bank affecting borrowing costs? a) Fiscal policy b) Monetary policy c) Regulatory policy d) Trade policy (the answer is b)
What is the goal of supply-side economics? a) Increase consumer demand through government spending b) Increase supply of products by decreasing taxes on businesses c) Reduce government intervention in the economy d) Control inflation through monetary policy ( the answer is B)
Which economic policy aims to stimulate demand by increasing government spending? a) Regulatory policy b) Fiscal policy c) Monetary policy d) Trade policy (the answer is B)
What is the main problem with supply-side economics? a) Increases government spending b) Decreases national debt c) Decreases tax revenue without reducing spending d) Reduces inflation by too much (the answer is C)
Social Welfare
Which policy can be considered an indirect technique to reduce poverty? a) Social insurance programs b) Social assistance programs c) Regulatory policy d) Education policy (the answer is C)
Which federal policy provides in-kind subsidized health insurance for the elderly? a) SNAP b) TANF c) Medicaid d) Medicare (the answer is D)
How is Social Security funded? a) General tax revenue b) Sales tax c) Payroll tax (FICA) d) Property tax (the answer is C)
Which policy aims to regulate economic practices of businesses? a) Fiscal policy b) Regulatory policy c) Monetary policy d) Trade policy (the answer is B)
Which social welfare program requires a work requirement after 3 months for able-bodied adults? a) SNAP b) TANF c) Medicaid d) Unemployment insurance (the answer is a)
What is the primary funding source for Medicaid? a) Payroll tax b) Sales tax c) General tax revenue d) Property tax (the answer is C)