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biol114- ch.15

Chapter 15: Olfaction: Smell

  • Receptor

  • Neuron goes through cribriform plate

  • Olfactory bulb

  • Olfactory tract

  • Olfactory cortex (in temporal lobe)

Gustation: Taste

  • Sour

  • Bitter

  • Salty

  • Sweet

  • Umami

  • Tongue

  • Taste bud

  • Gustatory cells

  • Cranial Nerves

  • Gustatory Cortex


Accessory Structures of the eye

  • Eyelid; lubrication, keeps foreign objects out, protect from sunlight

  • Eyelashes; keeps stuff out of your eye

  • Superficial epithelium (conjunctiva); thin layer of skin membrane that covers the eye; ducts on eyelashes tears give oxygen and nutrients to keep skin "alive"

  • Structures associated with tears; lacrimal glands

Layers of the eye

  • Fibrous layer; sclera, cornea

  • Vascular layer: iris, choroid, ciliary body

  • Inner layer: retina

Anterior cavity: aqueous humor (watery)

Posterior cavity: vitreous humor (ball shape)

Light entering eye

  • Cornea- refracts light

  • Pupil- diameter changes by iris (melanocytes controls pigments)

  • Lens- accommodated by ciliary body

  • Fovea centralis- clearest image, central focus, light hits just above optic nerve


  • Shrinks

  • Decreases light from coming in


  • Expands

  • Allows more light to come in


  • Lens changes shape for clear vision

  • Object close: lens rounded by muscle contraction (ciliary body)

  • Object distant: lens flattened by muscle relaxation

  • Presbyopia: Age Lens elasticity

Photoreceptors in retina


  • Dim light

  • Black & white

  • Dull images


  • Intense light

  • Color vision

  • Clear images

Blind Spot

  • No photoreceptors at optic disc

  • Vitamin A

  • Retinol in rods

  • Important for night vision

  • Cones- blue, green, red

  • Visual images -> visual cortex of occipital lobe

  • Emmetropia- normal vision

  • Myopia- nearsightedness- see stuff close to me clearer than things farther than me

  • Hyperopia- farsightedness- can see things far away clearer than things closer to me


External ear

  • Auricle (pinna)- funnels sound in

  • External Acoustic Meatus

  • Tympanic Membrane

Middle Ear

  • Auditory Ossicles

    • Malleus

    • Incus

    • Stapes

  • Auditory Tube

Inner Ear

  • Semicircular canals

  • Vestibule

  • Cochlea

Functions: Hearing (cochlea)

  • Captures & funnels sound

  • Vibrates

  • Senses sound & sends to brain via CN VIII (vestibulocochlear nerve)

  • In cochlea there are hair cells

At a cellular level....

Function: Equilibrium (vestibule & semicircular ducts)

  • Senses:

    • Gravity: internal ear can sense gravity

    • Acceleration: can feel acceleration

    • Rotation: when you get dizzy you have not yet stabilized the fluid; sends signals to cerebellum (balance)

Decibel are units of the intensity of sound

Conductive hearing loss -> External or Middle Ear

  • Can be temporary

Sensorineural hearing loss -> Internal Ear or CNS

  • Permanent

  • Can get hearing aids

  • Something wrong with internal ear, CN VIII


biol114- ch.15

Chapter 15: Olfaction: Smell

  • Receptor

  • Neuron goes through cribriform plate

  • Olfactory bulb

  • Olfactory tract

  • Olfactory cortex (in temporal lobe)

Gustation: Taste

  • Sour

  • Bitter

  • Salty

  • Sweet

  • Umami

  • Tongue

  • Taste bud

  • Gustatory cells

  • Cranial Nerves

  • Gustatory Cortex


Accessory Structures of the eye

  • Eyelid; lubrication, keeps foreign objects out, protect from sunlight

  • Eyelashes; keeps stuff out of your eye

  • Superficial epithelium (conjunctiva); thin layer of skin membrane that covers the eye; ducts on eyelashes tears give oxygen and nutrients to keep skin "alive"

  • Structures associated with tears; lacrimal glands

Layers of the eye

  • Fibrous layer; sclera, cornea

  • Vascular layer: iris, choroid, ciliary body

  • Inner layer: retina

Anterior cavity: aqueous humor (watery)

Posterior cavity: vitreous humor (ball shape)

Light entering eye

  • Cornea- refracts light

  • Pupil- diameter changes by iris (melanocytes controls pigments)

  • Lens- accommodated by ciliary body

  • Fovea centralis- clearest image, central focus, light hits just above optic nerve


  • Shrinks

  • Decreases light from coming in


  • Expands

  • Allows more light to come in


  • Lens changes shape for clear vision

  • Object close: lens rounded by muscle contraction (ciliary body)

  • Object distant: lens flattened by muscle relaxation

  • Presbyopia: Age Lens elasticity

Photoreceptors in retina


  • Dim light

  • Black & white

  • Dull images


  • Intense light

  • Color vision

  • Clear images

Blind Spot

  • No photoreceptors at optic disc

  • Vitamin A

  • Retinol in rods

  • Important for night vision

  • Cones- blue, green, red

  • Visual images -> visual cortex of occipital lobe

  • Emmetropia- normal vision

  • Myopia- nearsightedness- see stuff close to me clearer than things farther than me

  • Hyperopia- farsightedness- can see things far away clearer than things closer to me


External ear

  • Auricle (pinna)- funnels sound in

  • External Acoustic Meatus

  • Tympanic Membrane

Middle Ear

  • Auditory Ossicles

    • Malleus

    • Incus

    • Stapes

  • Auditory Tube

Inner Ear

  • Semicircular canals

  • Vestibule

  • Cochlea

Functions: Hearing (cochlea)

  • Captures & funnels sound

  • Vibrates

  • Senses sound & sends to brain via CN VIII (vestibulocochlear nerve)

  • In cochlea there are hair cells

At a cellular level....

Function: Equilibrium (vestibule & semicircular ducts)

  • Senses:

    • Gravity: internal ear can sense gravity

    • Acceleration: can feel acceleration

    • Rotation: when you get dizzy you have not yet stabilized the fluid; sends signals to cerebellum (balance)

Decibel are units of the intensity of sound

Conductive hearing loss -> External or Middle Ear

  • Can be temporary

Sensorineural hearing loss -> Internal Ear or CNS

  • Permanent

  • Can get hearing aids

  • Something wrong with internal ear, CN VIII