
Chapter 7: Introduction to Brain and Behavior

Overview of Brain Study

  • Discusses methods to study the brain's structure and functions.

    • Measuring and Manipulating Behavior: Understanding the relationship between brain activities and behaviors.

    • Techniques Used:

      • Measuring electrical activity in the brain.

      • Anatomical imaging techniques like CT and MRI.

      • Functional imaging to assess brain activity.

      • Chemical and genetic assessments of brain behavior through research.

      • Ethical considerations when using animals in research.

Measuring Brain Function

  • Neuropsychology:

    • The relationship between brain functions and human behavior.

    • Originated from Paul Broca's findings on language and brain damage.

  • Measurement Techniques:

    • Advancements in non-invasive imaging techniques.

    • Use of detailed neuroanatomical measurements and behavioral analyses.

Techniques in Behavioral Neuroscience

  • Neuroanatomy Techniques:

    • Histological Techniques:

      • Involves sectioning brains postmortem and staining.

      • Identify molecular, neurochemical, and structural differences.

  • Behavioral Neuroscience:

    • Focus on biological bases of behavior in humans and animals.

    • Ethology: The study of animal behavior under natural conditions.

Neuropsychological Testing

  • Critical for assessing cognitive functions like memory in individuals with brain damage.

  • Memory is diverse, requiring separate evaluations for different types (e.g., events, names, places).

Behavioral Analysis with Rodents

  • Morris Swimming Task:

    • Assess spatial learning through platform location.

    • Variants involve distinct cues for learning locations.

Skilled Reaching Task

  • Evaluation of motor skills through trained reaching for food, analyzing movement segmentation affected by neurological conditions.

Manipulating Brain-Behavior Interactions

  • Brain modification explores how alterations impact behavior.

    • Used to hypothesize relationships between brain structures and behavior.

    • Develops models for neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Brain Lesions Techniques

  • Ablation Methods:

    • Historical use by figures like Karl Lashley to locate memory centers.

    • Lesions facilitated understanding of disorders like amnesia.

Brain Stimulation Techniques

  • Electrical Stimulation:

    • First used by Wilder Penfield for human cortical stimulation.

    • Rat experiments show stimulation influencing eating behavior.

  • Deep-brain Stimulation:

    • Implanted electrodes stimulate targeted areas for therapeutic purposes (e.g., Parkinson's, depression).

Drug Manipulations

  • Exploration of drug effects on brain activity and behaviors through administration techniques.

Genetic Manipulations

  • Optogenetics:

    • Combines genetic engineering with light to control neurons in living tissue.

  • Chemogenetics:

    • Genetic modification to create receptors that respond exclusively to designer drugs.

Chemical and Genetic Measures of Brain and Behavior

  • Neurons and genes' roles in synthesizing important proteins that regulate behavior.

  • Techniques like Microdialysis and Cerebral voltammetry to analyze brain chemistry and neurotransmitter levels.


  • Environmental factors affecting gene expression and persistence across generations.

Neuroscience Research Methods Comparison

  • Different methodologies applied based on the focus of research (morphology and electrical activity).

  • Considerations include temporal and spatial resolution, as well as the invasiveness of methods.

Animal Models in Research

  • Ethical considerations regarding the use of animals in neurological studies.

  • Animal models specific for disorders like ADHD demonstrate behavioral correlations and treatments.

Guidelines for Animal Care in Research

  • Regulatory frameworks ensure humane treatment and ethical use of animals in scientific research variances in methodologies.

  • The Animal Welfare Act establishes standards for the care and use of laboratory animals, ensuring humane practices.
