The Subjunctive, Present Tense, Passé Composé, Conditionnel, Futur, And L'Imparfait.
Used to express doubt, wishes, emotions, or hypothetical situations.
Conjugated differently from indicative.
Commonly used after certain expressions.
Present Tense:
Describes actions happening now or habitual actions.
Regular verbs follow patterns, irregular verbs have unique conjugations.
Used for general truths or future events.
Passé Composé:
Formed with auxiliary verb "avoir" or "être" and past participle.
Used for completed actions in the past.
Regular verbs follow patterns, irregular verbs have unique past participles.
Used to express hypothetical actions or polite requests.
Formed with the infinitive verb and endings (-ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient).
Often used with si (if) clauses.
Describes actions that will happen in the future.
Formed with the infinitive verb and endings (-ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont).
Can also express assumptions or probability.
Describes ongoing or repeated actions in the past.
Regular verbs follow patterns, irregular verbs have unique conjugations.
Used for background information or setting the scene in storytelling.