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Chapter 3: Dental Care Delivery in the United States

Dental Public Health and Research

Chapter 3: Dental Care Delivery in the United States

Dental Care Delivery in the U.S

  • Dental care delivery in the U.S. involves private and government entities

  • Oral health is a major unmet need in this country

  • Untreated dental disease is more prevalent in individuals from lower-income households and ethnic minorities

  • Oral health is integral to total health and well-being

  • Mostly in private dental practices

  • Impacted by many federal and state governmental entities

  • Providers:

  • Dental hygienists

  • Dentists

  • Dental assistants

  • Denturists (in some states)

  • Expanded function dental personnel

  • Dental technicians

  • Trends are suggestive more public funding for dental care

Federal Influence

  • Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

  • Largest grant-making agency in the federal government

  • Works closely with state and local governments

  • United States Public Health Services (PHS)

  • Improve and advance the health of all Americans

  • U.S. Surgeon General directs the PHS

  • RDH can work as a PHS commissioned officer

  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)

  • The federal government’s medical research institution

  • Research conducted within the Bethesda, Maryland facilities and coordinates other research projects across the nation

  • National Institutes of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)

  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

  • Established in 1906 and headquartered in Rockville, Maryland

  • Regulates:

  • Dental materials

  • Dental equipment

  • Dental medicine

  • Over-the-counter dental care products

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  • Health surveillance

  • Prevent and monitor outbreaks

  • Oral health division

  • Focus on prevention

  • Community water fluoridation

  • Indian Health Services (IHS)

  • Dental care for Native Americans

  • Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

  • National Health Services Corps

  • Ryan White

  • CARE Act

  • Organ transplants

  • Infant and children health

  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

  • Research quality, costs, access, and effectiveness

  • Administration of Aging

  • Older Americans Act of 1965

  • Administration of Children and Families

  • Early Head Start and Head Start Programs

  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

  • Medicare: Federal insurance program for senior citizens

  • Medicaid: Publicly-funded insurance program for low-income and populations with disabilities, includes dental for children and adults in some states

  • Department of Justice (DOJ)

  • Responsible for the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the dental care provided to inmates incarcerated in this system

  • Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

  • Dental care for veterans with service-connected disabilities

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics

  • Labor, economics, and statistics, which impact dental care delivery

  • Department of Agriculture

  • Women, Infant, and Children Program (WIC)

  • Nutrition focused

  • Department of Treasury

  • Department of Education

  • Agencies:

  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

  • Peace Corps

Strategic Plan of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  • Strategic Goal #1: Strengthen health care

  • Strategic Goal #2: Advance scientific knowledge and innovation

  • Strategic Goal #3: Advance the health, safety, and well-being of the American people

  • Strategic Goal #4: Ensure efficiency, transparency, accountability, and effectiveness of HHS programs

State Influence

  • State dental departments work as dental consultants within the state environment and strive to promote dental health

  • They also work to implement water fluoridation within communities, school-based prevention programs, school sealant programs, and fluoride mouthrinse programs

Dental Health Care Workforce

  • Mixture of organizations, practitioners, financing mechanisms, and innovative approaches to health services planning

  • Need

  • Demand

  • Utilization

  • Supply

  • Models of care

  • Direct access to dental hygienist

  • Increasing access to dental care

  • Dentist workforce

  • Trends

  • Demand for dental hygienists

  • Demand

  • Trends

  • Denturists

  • Dental therapists

  • Proposed providers

  • Mid-level models

  • Advanced dental hygiene practitioner

  • Community dental health coordinator


Chapter 3: Dental Care Delivery in the United States

Dental Public Health and Research

Chapter 3: Dental Care Delivery in the United States

Dental Care Delivery in the U.S

  • Dental care delivery in the U.S. involves private and government entities

  • Oral health is a major unmet need in this country

  • Untreated dental disease is more prevalent in individuals from lower-income households and ethnic minorities

  • Oral health is integral to total health and well-being

  • Mostly in private dental practices

  • Impacted by many federal and state governmental entities

  • Providers:

  • Dental hygienists

  • Dentists

  • Dental assistants

  • Denturists (in some states)

  • Expanded function dental personnel

  • Dental technicians

  • Trends are suggestive more public funding for dental care

Federal Influence

  • Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

  • Largest grant-making agency in the federal government

  • Works closely with state and local governments

  • United States Public Health Services (PHS)

  • Improve and advance the health of all Americans

  • U.S. Surgeon General directs the PHS

  • RDH can work as a PHS commissioned officer

  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)

  • The federal government’s medical research institution

  • Research conducted within the Bethesda, Maryland facilities and coordinates other research projects across the nation

  • National Institutes of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)

  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

  • Established in 1906 and headquartered in Rockville, Maryland

  • Regulates:

  • Dental materials

  • Dental equipment

  • Dental medicine

  • Over-the-counter dental care products

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  • Health surveillance

  • Prevent and monitor outbreaks

  • Oral health division

  • Focus on prevention

  • Community water fluoridation

  • Indian Health Services (IHS)

  • Dental care for Native Americans

  • Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

  • National Health Services Corps

  • Ryan White

  • CARE Act

  • Organ transplants

  • Infant and children health

  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

  • Research quality, costs, access, and effectiveness

  • Administration of Aging

  • Older Americans Act of 1965

  • Administration of Children and Families

  • Early Head Start and Head Start Programs

  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

  • Medicare: Federal insurance program for senior citizens

  • Medicaid: Publicly-funded insurance program for low-income and populations with disabilities, includes dental for children and adults in some states

  • Department of Justice (DOJ)

  • Responsible for the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the dental care provided to inmates incarcerated in this system

  • Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

  • Dental care for veterans with service-connected disabilities

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics

  • Labor, economics, and statistics, which impact dental care delivery

  • Department of Agriculture

  • Women, Infant, and Children Program (WIC)

  • Nutrition focused

  • Department of Treasury

  • Department of Education

  • Agencies:

  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

  • Peace Corps

Strategic Plan of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  • Strategic Goal #1: Strengthen health care

  • Strategic Goal #2: Advance scientific knowledge and innovation

  • Strategic Goal #3: Advance the health, safety, and well-being of the American people

  • Strategic Goal #4: Ensure efficiency, transparency, accountability, and effectiveness of HHS programs

State Influence

  • State dental departments work as dental consultants within the state environment and strive to promote dental health

  • They also work to implement water fluoridation within communities, school-based prevention programs, school sealant programs, and fluoride mouthrinse programs

Dental Health Care Workforce

  • Mixture of organizations, practitioners, financing mechanisms, and innovative approaches to health services planning

  • Need

  • Demand

  • Utilization

  • Supply

  • Models of care

  • Direct access to dental hygienist

  • Increasing access to dental care

  • Dentist workforce

  • Trends

  • Demand for dental hygienists

  • Demand

  • Trends

  • Denturists

  • Dental therapists

  • Proposed providers

  • Mid-level models

  • Advanced dental hygiene practitioner

  • Community dental health coordinator