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Bowman’s Capsule: The portion of the nephron that receives the glomerular filtrate.

Cortex: The outer layer or portion of an organ.

Distal Convoluted Tubule: The portion of a renal tubule that empties into the collecting tubule.

Diuresis: Output of an abnormally large urine volume.

Glomerular Filtrate: The fluid that passes from the blood into the nephron and from which urine is formed.

Glomerulus (pl. glomeruli): A small bundle of capillaries that is the filtering portion of the nephron.

Loop of Henle: The U-shaped portion of the renal tubule between its proximal and distal portions.

Medulla: The inner or central portion of an organ.

Nephron: The structural and functional unit of the kidney.

Proximal Convoluted Tubule: The portion of a renal tubule that collects the filtrate from Bowman’s capsule.

Pyelitis: Inflammation of the renal pelvis.

Pyelonephritis: Inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis.

Renal Pelvis: The cavity in the kidney that receives urine from the renal tubules and the site where the ureter enters the kidney.

Renal Threshold: The blood concentration above which a substance not normally excreted by the kidneys appears in urine.

Tubular Necrosis: Death of the tissue comprising the renal tubules.

Anuria: Complete failure of kidney function and suppression of urine production; absence of urine production.

Clean-Catch Urine: A midstream urine sample collected after the urethral opening and surrounding tissues have been cleansed.

Midstream Urine: A urine sample collected in the middle of voiding.

Nocturia: Excessive urination at night.

Oliguria: Decreased production of urine


Bowman’s Capsule: The portion of the nephron that receives the glomerular filtrate.

Cortex: The outer layer or portion of an organ.

Distal Convoluted Tubule: The portion of a renal tubule that empties into the collecting tubule.

Diuresis: Output of an abnormally large urine volume.

Glomerular Filtrate: The fluid that passes from the blood into the nephron and from which urine is formed.

Glomerulus (pl. glomeruli): A small bundle of capillaries that is the filtering portion of the nephron.

Loop of Henle: The U-shaped portion of the renal tubule between its proximal and distal portions.

Medulla: The inner or central portion of an organ.

Nephron: The structural and functional unit of the kidney.

Proximal Convoluted Tubule: The portion of a renal tubule that collects the filtrate from Bowman’s capsule.

Pyelitis: Inflammation of the renal pelvis.

Pyelonephritis: Inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis.

Renal Pelvis: The cavity in the kidney that receives urine from the renal tubules and the site where the ureter enters the kidney.

Renal Threshold: The blood concentration above which a substance not normally excreted by the kidneys appears in urine.

Tubular Necrosis: Death of the tissue comprising the renal tubules.

Anuria: Complete failure of kidney function and suppression of urine production; absence of urine production.

Clean-Catch Urine: A midstream urine sample collected after the urethral opening and surrounding tissues have been cleansed.

Midstream Urine: A urine sample collected in the middle of voiding.

Nocturia: Excessive urination at night.

Oliguria: Decreased production of urine