nonrenewable: the fixed amount that cannot be replaced easily (within a humans lifespan)
has finite amount
ex. petroleum, gasoline, fossil fuels, nuclear energy (uranium)
renewable: can be replenished naturally at a reasonable rate
reusable, can be used indefinitely with proper management
ex. biomass, hydroelectric, solar, wind, waves, geothermal
energy resources are unequally distributed among LDCs and MDCs
20% of population = 80% of energy
MDCs use a lot more energy than LDCs
fossil fuels - major/dominant source of energy (before coal)
ie. petroleum, coal, oil, gas
sustainable energy sources are not projected to be major energy sources until 2040
MDCs are very reliant on fossil fuels
increase in country development = increase in energy consumption
industrialization = demand for energy
due to machinery that increases efficiency and productivity
factors for energy use depend on the country
availability (what sources are present?)
price (supply and demand)
government regulation (taxes, subsidies)
wood and charcoal: used in LDCs due to ease of access and little to no processing
abundant in these countries
causes soil degradation from less CO2 and deforestation
peat: decomposed organic material that is burned for fuel
a precursor to coal (can be pressurized to become coal)
there are many types of coal
lignite: low heat capacity, low sulfur, high moisture (worst)
bituminous: most commonly used, high heat capacity & sulfur
anthracite: best quality, high heating capacity, low sulfur (best)
cleanest fossil fuel: natural gas
does not release as many harmful emissions (only releases CO2 and CH4)
easily transportable
crude oil is extracted from sand, water, and bitumen in tar sands
not ideal for processing
expensive and inefficient
specialized types of fuel: gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, heating oil, etc.
based on having different boiling points in refineries
cogeneration: fuel sources used for heat + electricity
natural energy resources: coal, oil/petroleum, natural gas, ores/uranium
energy sources found all over the world
ex. Australia, Canada, Russia, etc.
main energy source depends on energy sources in the country
natural gas and other fossil fuels formed from pressure and heat of organic matter over millions of years
combustion: chemical process from burning fuel
fuel + O2 → CO2 + H2O
includes coal, oil, and natural gas
pulverization: crushes the coal to powder → burning/combustion: done in boiler → steam in a turbine to generator → generator: converts energy to electricity (water for boiling, water for cooling)
causes lots of environmental problems
destroying habitat through mining
pulverized coal harmful to respiratory systems and flammable
water depletion needed for cooling/heating
CO2 production → impact on climate change
dispersion of pollutants (mercury, sulfur)
oil/natural gas: formed from organic matter caught under earth material
decomposition → gas, petroleum
requires mechanical pumping, drilling, and hydraulic fracturing
habitat destruction, potential for oil spills
natural gas: found at many rock levels
coal mining: dug from underground
surface mining: dig some land to get coal a little bit underneath
subsurface mining: requires machinery to dig deep into earth to find coal; habitat disruption, water contamination, frequent earthquakes
hydrologic fracturing (fracking): method to get natural gas from the ground and bypassing groundwater reserves
well is made → pipe is inserted → fracking fluid (volatile compounds) → gas flows into pipe
causes wells/pipes to contaminate water/habitat destruction
VOCs harmful to the ground
gas leakage into atmosphere
causing earthquakes from added pressure
water depletion
nuclear fission: usage of uranium 235 → electricity
splits the nucleus into separate parts to release energy (chain reaction, repeating process)
emits radioactive energy alongside heat
is not safe even after long periods of time
overuse: unable to create enough heat
remains radioactive for up to 24k years → prone to waste leaking into environment
ex. three-mile island (partial plant meltdown), chernobyl (full plant meltdown), fukushima (earthquake trigged nuclear explosion)
uranium placed in fuel rods → struck by outside neutron → heat releases from uranium splitting up → heat generates steam → turns turbine → powers generator → electricity
water can be reused through condensation (steam cools down)
pros: low chemical gas emissions, high power output, low cost, no mining for fossil fuels, no air pollutants
cons: hazardous/accident, thermal pollution, high initial cost, emissions from mining uranium, a nonrenewable source
half-life: measure of the time for an atomic nuclear to decay
biomass stores energy from the sun
leading renewable energy source
converted during photosynthesis, stored in glucose molecules
used primarily in many LDCs
ex. wood, peat, charcoal, crop residue, manure
pros: low cost, easily accessible, used for heating/cooking
cons: causes many types of air pollutants, amplifies health effects (ie. respiratory illness) due to air pollutants indoors, tree for fuelwood → deforestation
biofuels: liquid fuels made from biomass that can replace fossil fuels
ethanol: made from fermented plant-based sugars → alcohol
typically combined with gasoline (gasohol)
sources: corn, sugarcane, sugarbeets
biodiesel: modified oil from plants
can replace diesel fuel
sources: soybeans, oil palms, rapeseed
pros: carbon neutral, renewable, domestically produced
cons: low net energy, increases fossil fuels for harvesting and deforestation
photovoltaic solar energy (PV): sunlight → electricity
sunlight hits cell → releases electrons → releases electricity
pros: reduces habitat destruction, flexibility in application (ie. off the grid)
cons: use limited to sunlight availability, limited cell lifespan, expensive, may hurt fragile deserts
active/concentrated solar power: red liquid heats up from sun → water turns into steam → steam turns the turbine → turbine turns a generator
also produces heat through house heating system
pros: flexibility in application
cons: expensive, maintenance, may hurt fragile deserts, requires high solar intensity
passive solar: sunlight coming through windows and other parts of your home
produces heat, windows are strategically placed to minimize heat in summer months and maximize sunlight during winter months
pros: cheap, low maintenance
cons: difficult to implement, cannot be collected or stored
kinetic energy from movement of wires and magnets in systems
dams/reservoirs: water has kinetic energy (KE) → KE to spin turbine → KE to spin generator
micro hydro power: utilizes single rivers/canals as energy source
similar to dams/reservoirs but much smaller scale and goes through powerhouse
tidal power: KE from tides spins turbine underwater
pros: no air pollution or waste, inexpensive to maintain, the reservoir provides other services
cons: very expensive to construct, habitat destruction before/after building dams, disruptions migration of aquatic species, increased risk of flooding, disrupts natural river flows
ex. china three gorges dam
geothermal: using heat from Earth’s core that comes up from the crust
water in the injection well underground→ water turns into steam from internal heat → steam rises → KE steam turns a turbine → generator → electricity
pros: no CO2 emissions, not dependent on weather conditions
cons: limited access based on location, hydrogen sulfide release, depletion of heat, groundwater impact
home heating: uses pump to bring heat from underground into house/building
uses hydrogen as fuel to replace nonrenewable sources
reaction between hydrogen & oxygen → electric current
open container used to refuel battery with hydrogen fuel & oxygen
hydrogen from water: electrolysis → electricity splits water into hydrogen and oxygen
hydrogen from natural gas: splitting methane using heat → CO2 pollution
decreases net energy of hydrogen as a fuel source
net energy: amount of energy produced by the source - the energy used or lost to generate said energy
first reaction layer: H2 added to cell → splits protons/electrons → electrons create electric current & protons move to membrane
second reaction layer: O2 splits and combines with protons and electrons = water vapor as emission
pros: efficient at turning PE to ME than internal combustion engines
cons: expensive, production of hydrogen fuel requires some use of nonrenewable resources
KE from moving air → moves turbine → powers generator → generates electricity
has grown exponentially in the past 20 years
pros: renewable, clean, can use land for multiple uses, can be used on all types of land (ie. mountains, coasts, forests, etc.)
cons: limitations on flying (ie. killing birds), required maintenance, location must have consistent wind patterns
using less energy decreases energy dependence of humans and lessens impact (footprint) on the environment
adjusting the thermostat to appropriate temperatures
using energy-efficient appliances
ex. energy star appliances use significantly less energy
use less water
taking shorter showers
doing large loads of laundry & using the cold cycle
conservation landscaping: reducing irrigation energy, plant trees to match energy needs
ex. using a shade tree, matching your location/climate to compatible plants
transportation: meeting cafe standards (corporate average fuel economy standards) (using less fuel to go more miles), electric/hybrid vehicles, ridesharing (public transportation/carpooling)
using green building design elements (ie. solar windows, thermal mass, insulation, lightning from sun, green roof)