Hazards and risks

  • Difference between hazard and risk:
    • Hazard - anything that can cause harm [chemicals, ladders etc]
    • Risk - how great the chance that someone will be harmed by the hazard
    • Risk - a situation involving danger
    • Risk assessment - an investigation of risks involved with a certain procedure, and an analysis of whether an alternative 'safer' method can be used
  • Safe working practices in the science laboratory
    • In order to work safely in a laboratory there are a number of factors that need to be taken into account
    • The activities and processes
    • The hazards associated with the substances involved
    • The risks involved
  • Risk assessment
    • The aim of a risk assessment is to minimise the risks of a procedure to an acceptable level
    • Risk can never be taken away completely but ricks can be minimised
    • What factor do you think the college considers when carrying out risk assessments for your practical work?
  • Practical risk assessment
    • Equipment
    • Chemicals - how are they classified
    • Your abilities and confidence with equipment
    • Your maturity during practical's - you are allowed to do practical work that year 9 students would not be allowed to do
descriptionwhat it means
carcinogenSuspected of causing or increasing the risk of cancer
teratogenA drug or a substance that is capable of interfering with the development of the fetus (unborn child) - thereby causing birth defects
mutagenSomething that can induce or increase the risk of genetic mutations in a organism
  • how can we minimise the risk?
    • Use a safer alternative
    • Use a lower concentration
    • Computer stimulation rather than a experiment
    • Watch a demonstration
    • Use PPE (personal protective equipment)
equipmentwhen should we use?
gogglesthe chemicals could irritate/damage eyes
protective glassesprotection for eyes
visorif whole face must be covered - danger of splashing
glovesif it is likely to her spilled or that is corrosive
shoesif you need to carry out the chemical particularly with bio hazards
fume cupboardsharmful fumes must be drawn away
