Act 1, Scene 2 - Curses Prospero & Miranda. Sent to fetch logs
Act 2, Scene 2 - Meets Stephano & Trinculo. Gets drunk with them & promises to serve Stephano
Acct 3, Scene 2 - Persuades Stephano to overthrow Prospero
Act 4, Scene 1 - Fails to carry out his plan to kill Prospero & is chased by spirit dogs
Act 5, Scene 1 - Apologises to Prospero
Key Character Traits
Bitter - intially liked Miranda & Prospero, but hates them after enslaving him
Gullible - thinks of Stephano as a “god” because of his wine.
Sensitive - only character who appreciates the island, he says it is “full of noises, / Sounds, and sweet airs.”