
Aims of the Lecture

  • At the end of this lecture, attendees will be able to:

    • Identify the verbal barriers to communication.

    • Describe the effects of the use of verbal barriers to communication.

    • Demonstrate an understanding that a lack of therapeutic skills can result in communication barriers.

Types of Communication Barriers

  • Physical communication barriers

  • Emotional communication barriers

  • Language communication barriers

  • Focus of the session: Verbal Barriers.

Verbal Barriers to Communication

  • Inappropriate verbal communication can harm relationships, leading to feelings of inadequacy, anger, and dependency.

  • Verbal barriers are termed high-risk responses (communication blockers).

  • Bolton (2007) identified 12 verbal roadblocks categorized into three main categories.

Category One: Judging the Other Person

  • Criticizing: e.g., "Well, you brought that on yourself."

  • Diagnosing: e.g., "You are only saying that because you feel guilty."

  • Praising evaluatively: Giving positive judgments based on evaluation.

  • Labelling and stereotyping.


  • Attributing a set of characteristics to a person based on group membership.

  • Not fact-based; lacks knowledge of the individual.

  • Generalizations that may appear true, e.g., "Accountants are boring."


  • Associating a stereotype with a belief about the group's attributes (positive or negative).

  • Example: Dislike towards accountants shifts from "they are boring" to "I hate accountants, they are boring."


  • Treating individuals differently, often unfavorably, based on prejudice.

  • Likely to occur when those in power (e.g., doctors, nurses) hold stereotypes or prejudiced assumptions.

Impact of Communication Roadblocks

  • Judgments lead to misunderstanding and a defensive reaction.

  • Individuals may feel unsafe and misunderstood.

Category Two: Sending Solutions

  • Ordering: e.g., "Go fix that right now."

  • Threatening: e.g., "If you don't agree to these terms, I will sue you."

  • Moralizing: e.g., "You ought to apologize to her."

  • Excessive/Inappropriate questioning.

  • Advising: e.g., "If I were you, this is what I would do..."

Effects of Sending Solutions

  • Responses aimed at solving problems can be manipulative or coercive.

  • Such responses can exacerbate issues and undermine the other person's capacity to handle their problems, fostering anxiety and resentment.

Category Three: Avoiding the Others’ Concerns

  • Diverting: e.g., "If you think that's bad, let me tell you what happened to me."

  • Logical Argument: e.g., "If you leave your keys in the car, you can expect someone to steal it."

  • Reassuring: e.g., "You have the ability to handle this. You’ll get over it."

Consequences of Avoidance

  • These responses keep emotional distance instead of providing true help, often to make oneself feel more comfortable.

Risk Factors of Roadblocks

  • High-risk responses are more destructive under stress (Bolton, 2007).

  • It's advised to avoid roadblocks when experiencing stress.

Possible Effects of Verbal Barriers to Communication

  • Diminished self-esteem.

  • Trigger defensiveness and resistance.

  • Generating resentment.

  • Creating dependency and withdrawal.

  • Feelings of defeat or inadequacy.

  • Undermining motivation.

Lack of Therapeutic Skills as Communication Barriers

  • Factors indicating lack of therapeutic skills:

    • Disrespecting personal space.

    • Incongruent behavior.

    • Inappropriate use of power.

    • Lack of respect and appreciation for cultural diversity.

    • Mistrust from patients.

    • Showing a lack of caring and empathy.

    • Inability to actively listen.

    • Patient stress.


  • It is easy to create barriers that can harm therapeutic relationships.

  • Communication should be conducted in the manner one wishes to receive it.
