I will be able to identify the journey of nerve cells
I will be able to identify the critical periods.
I will be able to identify and define plasticity
The connectivity of neurons is dependent on genetics and the environment
Several diseases thought to only be in adults are now being considered in development
Likely due to improper pathway formation in early life
Genes important in brain development may play a role in ASD
Signaling molecules: molecules that “turn on” and “turn off” genes
Signaling molecules begin the process of neural induction
Begins as embryo is developing
The three main steps in the journey to becoming a neuron are induction, proliferation, and migration
Proliferation: the rapid reproduction of cells in an organism
Migration: the process by which newly formed neurons travel to their final destination
There are 3 embryonic layers:
endoderm: the innermost layer of cells in an embryo
ectoderm: the outermost layer of cells in an embryo
mesoderm: the middle layer of cells in an embryo
These layers eventually form into organs, bone, muscle, skin, and nerve tissue
This process of differentiation is controlled by mesoderm signaling molecules
Neural Induction: the process by which some cells in the ectoderm differentiate into nervous tissue cells when they receive certain signaling molecules
Other molecules further differentiate these cells between neurons and glial cells
The portion of the ectoderm that doesn’t receive signaling molecules becomes the skin
Sonic hedgehog: a specific signaling molecule secreted by mesodermal tissue lying beneath the future spinal cord
The proximity of cells to the sonic hedgehog secretion site determines what organ they will be
Adjacent nerve cells are converted to a class of glia
Cells farther away become motor neurons that control muscle
Cells exposed to an even lower concentration become interneurons
Interneurons: neurons that communicate w/ other neurons
This mechanism is similar in many other species
Migration: the process by which neurons move to their proper positions in the brain
Begins 3 to 4 weeks after an embryo is fertilized
The ectoderm starts to thicken and build up in the middle
The flat neural plate grows through cell division
Then the formation of parallel ridges starts
The ridges fold in on each other and fuse to form a hollow neural tube
The top of the neural tube forms 3 bulges that will become the hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain
At week 7, the first signs of eyes and brain hemispheres appear
Neurons move from the tube’s inner to outer surface
Division stops and the neurons form the intermediate zone (gradually accumulate as brain develops)
They then migrate to final destination with help of a variety of guidance mechanisms
Glia aid in the guidance mechanism for neurons & provide scaffolding for ushering neurons to their destination
Migration happens in an “inside-out” manner
Cells that arrive earliest make up the deepest layer of the cortex
Inhibitory neurons: small neurons with short pathways usually found in CNS
Inhibitory neurons migrate in a straight line
Overall, this is a very delicate process
Alcohol, cocaine, and radiation prevent proper migration
This results in the misplacement of cells and may lead to mental retardation or epilepsy
Mutations in genes that regulate migration have been shown to cause some rare genetic forms of retardation and epilepsy in humans
Neurons must make proper connections so their particular function can emerge
The next phases of brain development are dependent upon environmental interactions
Birth and beyond: the reaction to listening to voices, toy responses, and even the temperature in the room can lead to more connections in neurons
Interconnections happen through the growth of dendrites and axons
Axons enable connections between neurons at considerable distances
The axon can either be microscopic or very large
the axon of a motor neuron in the leg can travel from the spinal cord to the foot muscle
Growth Cones: enlargements on an axon’s tip that actively explore environment as they seek out their precise destination
Signaling molecules lie on cells that they contact or are released from sources found near the growth conecone
The binding of signaling molecules with receptors tells the growth cone whether to move forward, stop, recoil, or change direction.
These signaling molecules include:
Vertebrate netrins guide axons around spinal cord
Mostly families of similar molecules
Most of these proteins are common to many organisms
But these protein families are smaller in less evolved organisms
Synapses: where axons make connections with other cells once they reach their target
At the synapse, the electric signal from the axon is transmitted by neurotransmitters to dendrites of other neuron
This can provoke or prevent the generation of new signal
Portion of axon contacting the dendrite becomes specialized for neurotransmitter release
Portion of dendrite contacting the axon becomes specialized for neurotransmitter reception
These connections must be highly specific
Arises from mechanisms that guide axon to its target & molecules mediating target recognition when the axon meets the right neuron
Dendrites are actively involved in process of initiating contact with axons & recruiting proteins to the postsynaptic side of synapse
Molecules pass between sending & receiving cells to make sure contact is formed properly & sending and receiving specializations are matched precisely
These processes ensure that the synapse can transmit signals quickly and effectively
Other molecules coordinate maturation of synapse so it can accommodate changes as body matures and behavior changes
Defects in these molecules thought to make people susceptible to autism
Loss of these other molecules may underlie degradation of synapses that occurs during aging
The combination of signals determines type of neurotransmitters that neuron will use to communicate with other cells
Some cells’ type is fixed, others aren’t
When immature neurons are maintained in a dish with no other cell types they produce norepinephrine
If other cells are there they produce acetylcholine
Signal to engage gene influenced by factors coming from location of synapse
Myelination: wrapping around axons by extensions of glial cells
Myelin increases speed by 100x
Nodes of Ranvier: gaps between sections of myelin
Saltatory conduction: the motion of the electrical signal when it jumps from one node to another
The neural network is pared back to create a more efficient system
Around half of the neurons made in development survive to function in adults
Apoptosis: programmed cell death
Neurons that need to be pared down are removed this way
Apoptosis occurs when the neuron loses a battle with other neurons to receive trophic factors
Trophic factors produced in limited quantities by target tissues
Each type of trophic factor supports the survival of a distinct group of neurons
E.g- Nerve growth factor is important for sensory neurons
Injuries and some neurodegenerative diseases kill neurons by activating cells death programs
Brain cells form an excess amount of connections at first
Primates: projections from 2 eyes to brain overlap and then sort to their own territories for each eye
Young primate cerebral cortex: connections are greater in number & two times as dense
Connections that are active survive while ones with little or no activity are lost
Most neuronal cell death occurs in the embryo
The developing nervous system must get sensory, movement, or emotional input to mature properly in postnatal life
Critical periods are characterized by high learning rates
After the critical period, connections diminish in number and are less subject to change
Ones that remain are stronger, more reliable, and more precise
These turn into a variety of sensory, motor, or cognitive “maps” that reflect one’s perception of their worldworld
The maturation of the frontal lobes is the last step in creation of adult brain
Function: judgment, insight, impulse control
Frontal lobe development continues into early 20’s
Injury or deprivation of input occurring at specific stages of postnatal life can reshape the underlying circuit development
Loss of vision actually caused by loss of functional connections between eye and neurons in visual cortex
Cognitive recovery from social deprivation, brain damage, and stroke is the greatest in early life
Enriched environments support brain development
Children can learn languages/develop musical ability better than adults
Higher activity in the critical period may contribute to higher incidences of disorders such as epilepsy
But as brain activity subsides many types of epilepsy fade away by adulthood
Plasticity: the ability of brain to modify itself and adapt to challenges of environment
Plasticity is not unique to humans
2 types of plasticity:
Experience-expectant plasticity: developing functions to prepare for the experience to come
Experience-dependent plasticity: developing the function after the experience has happened