Migraines Mascara- Dianne Bystrom 2014

Study Overview

  • Title: Migraines, Marriage, and Mascara: Media Coverage of Michele Bachmann in the 2012 Republican Presidential Campaign

  • Authors: Dianne Bystrom and Daniela V. Dimitrova

  • Context: Study examines differences in media coverage of Michele Bachmann compared to male Republican candidates during the 2012 election primaries.

Key Findings

  • Coverage Disparity: Bachmann received less coverage than her male counterparts, framed more in terms of personal and stereotypical issues rather than political.

  • Coverage Frames: More likely to be associated with masculine issues but still received inadequate issue-related coverage.

  • Tone of Coverage: Generally less negative than for male candidates.

Historical Context

  • Previous research indicates women candidates (e.g., Dole, Clinton) often receive different, often less favorable media coverage.

  • The study analyzes changes from past campaigns to determine shifts in media treatment of female candidates.


  • Content Analysis: Reviewed television news segments over 5 months leading up to the Iowa caucuses to assess coverage patterns.

  • Sample Size: Analyzed 557 transcripts from a wider pool of 4,269.


  1. Bachmann received less television news coverage compared to male opponents.

  2. Increased focus on Bachmann's physical appearance, family, and husband relative to male candidates.

  3. More negative coverage for Bachmann than male candidates.

  4. Greater emphasis on feminine issues in coverage of Bachmann.

  5. Use of game frame (strategic) rather than issue frame in reporting on Bachmann.


  • Coverage Quantity: Bachmann was mentioned in 56% of stories but quoted in only 19%—far less frequent than Romney or Perry.

  • Image Focus: No significant differences in coverage of physical appearance; Bachmann did not receive more personal focus than male candidates.

  • Negative Coverage: Bachmann faced minimal criticism; Romney and Gingrich had higher rates of negative framing in their coverage.

  • Issue Association: Bachmann associated more with masculine issues but overall issue coverage was less than that of male candidates.

  • Framing: Bachmann was predominantly covered in the game frame (75% of stories) rather than the issue frame.


  • The study suggests a persisting gender bias in the media coverage of presidential candidates.

  • While Bachmann experienced a relatively positive tone, the quantity and quality of coverage compared to her male counterparts reveal disparities in how female candidates are portrayed.