Functions of the Muscular System:
Heat production
Three Major Types of Muscles:
Skeletal Muscle:
Voluntary control
Attached to bones
Striated appearance
Fast contraction speed
Smooth Muscle:
Involuntary control
Found in hollow organs & blood vessels
Non-striated appearance
Slow contraction speed
Cardiac Muscle:
Involuntary control
Found in the heart
Striated with intercalated discs
Medium contraction speed
Four Main Characteristics:
Excitability: Ability to respond to stimuli
Contractility: Ability to shorten and thicken
Extensibility: Ability to stretch
Elasticity: Ability to return to original length
Movement: Muscles contract to pull on bones, producing movement.
Stability: Muscles stabilize joints during movement.
Posture: Maintain correct body position.
Protection: Muscles cover and protect internal organs.
Heat Production: Muscle contractions generate heat.
Circulation: Aid in moving substances through the body.
Concentric: Muscle shortens, pulling on bones; e.g., lifting a weight.
Isometric: Muscle contracts without changing length; e.g., holding a weight still.
Eccentric: Muscle lengthens while contracting; e.g., lowering a weight.
Agonist: Provides main force for movement.
Antagonist: Opposing muscle that relaxes during movement.
Synergist: Stabilizes joints and assists movement.
Fixator: Stabilizes the origin of the agonist.
Decrease in mass, strength, endurance, and recovery.
Sarcopenia: Age-related muscle loss.
Regular exercise can mitigate effects of aging on muscle mass.
Hypertrophy: Increase in muscle size and strength.
High intensity exercise builds strength; low intensity improves endurance.
Bruise: Injury to tissue or skin.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Nerve compression in the wrist.
Cramp: Sudden, involuntary muscle contraction.
Fibromyalgia: Chronic widespread pain.
Muscular Dystrophy: Genetic disease causing muscle weakness.
Myasthenia Gravis: Muscle weakness due to antibody production.
Myositis: Muscle inflammation.
Poliomyelitis: Viral infection affecting muscle movement.
Rhabdomyolysis: Breakdown of muscle tissue.
Strain: Stretching or tearing muscle fibers.
Tendonitis: Inflammation of tendon.
Tetanus: Bacterial infection causing muscle spasms.
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE) for strains and bruises.
Activity modifications for carpal tunnel syndrome and muscle tensions.