Africa Contemporary Issues Study Guide

I The Slave Trade

  1. Why was there a need for slavery?

Cheap labor

  1. Why did the Europeans look to Africa for slaves? 

Shortage of labor

  1. What is the Atlantic slave trade?

Transportation of slaves to america

  1. Describe the middle passage. 

The journey across the sea that the africans had to endure

II Ending Slavery

  1. What is abolition

Movement to end slavery

  1. Who led the abolition movement?

Former enslaved, women, religious organizations

III Effects of Slavery

  1. What did slavery do to native populations?

Decreased a lot 

  1. What is the African Diaspora? What are examples of cultural diffusion because of the diaspora? 

The spread of africans across the world due to the slave trade. A lot of African music and traditions were spread.

IV Age of Imperialism 

  1. Explain why each of the following reasons Europe had interests in Africa


Resources. Africa was rich in valuable resources.


Gaining the land would allow them to control a lot.




Spreading christianity

“Civilizing” or “modernizing” africa

Spreading religion

  1. What advantages did Europe have over the native Africans that allowed them to advance in Africa? 

Weapons, technology, military

  1. Explain the phrase “scramble for Africa”

The european rush to colonize africa

  1. Why was the Balance of Power Crisis so dangerous for Europe? How was it resolved? 

The balance of power crisis was a crisis where the European nations could not decide on who gets what part of land. It was resolved at the Berlin conference.

  1. Explain how King Leopold exploited the Congo free state. 

He lied about what he would do with his power and killed a lot of people.

  1.  Why was Ethiopia different from Algeria and West Africa resistance? 

Ethiopia resisted colonization with their military.

Ethiopia never gets imperialized. Remains independent. Christian kingdom. Europeans didn't look highly on imperializing other christian kingdoms. Long trade and political connections and alliances with other europeans.

  1. Explain the conflict with the Boers. What is the outcome?

A conflict between the Dutch and british. British won.

V  African Nationalism

a. What is African Nationalism? How does this relate to Pan-Africanism? 

The desire for self rule. Pan Africanism promotes unity and so does this.

b. What were the two main purposes of Pan-Africanism and African Nationalism? 

Unite Africans and gain independence.

c. What are some ways that nationalism was expressed in Africa? - what were these forms of expression designed to do? 

Protests, political movements, poetry, songs. They were designed to celebrate the beauty of the African culture and heritage.

d. Why is the answer to c so important? Was African culture seen this way before? 

It made the people love their own culture. African culture was not seen this way before.

VI  New African Nations

a. Why did the end of World War II give strength to the African Independence movement? 

Europe is weakened economically from WWII so this is the best opportunity to attack back.

b. What are some peaceful ways African nations won Independence? Name 3 African countries that won independence through peaceful means.  

Ghana, Libya, and Tunisia 

c. Revolutions: What is a revolution? 

Revolution is armed resistance.

d. Name two countries that won Independence through revolutions and explain how they won independence. 

  1.  Algeria (French possession) led to fighting between the French army and Algerian nationalists.

Gained independence in 1962

  1. Kenya and the British. Fighting broke out - Africans wanted reforms from the British, - led to armed African resistance (Mau Mau) 

Gained independence in 1964

VII Results of Independence 

a. civil war: what is a civil war? Name an African country that experienced this. 

Civil war is when conflict arises inside of the country. The Congo experienced this.

b. One-Party Rule: how is this different from our form of democracy? Why did this appeal to many African nations?

One party rule is basically democracy but with one party instead of multiple. This appealed to many African nations because one party would help unify them.

c. Military Rule: why did some nations look to military rule? 

Military rule could help provide defense and also could supply the people. Military rule was used to overtake corrupted leaders, and after the leaders were overthrown, the military went into power.

VIII:  Economics

a.  What does "subsistence” mean? What does it mean if the average farmer in Africa is a subsistence farmer?

Subsistence means that the farmer is only making enough food to provide for themselves and their families. They do not make extra food.

b. Why is Africa’s economic recovery fragile?

Because they really depended on foreign countries to help them.

b. Why does Africa have trouble paying back its debt to foreign nations? 

They don't have enough people to create enough resources for themselves so they need to buy from other countries, therefore causing a lot of debt.

IX: Genocide: What does genocide mean? What are the four components of genocide? 

Genocide means “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. The 4 reasons are: 

    1. Must be done purposefully

    2. Includes "hate propaganda"

    3. generalizing whole groups of people.

   4. generalized groups must be seen as the "other"

a. Somalia: why was there a civil war in Somalia? 

General Barre had the clans fight each other instead of him. When Barre was overthrown, instead of stopping, the clans kept fighting each other.

b. Why was the USA initially there? What new permission did the USA gain to do? Was it successful?

The USA were there to give aid. The UN gave the US permission to capture the Somali warlord. It was not successful because Aidid died instead of being captured. 

c . Why did President Clinton pull US troops out of Somalia? 

Images were also shown of soldiers' bodies being handled disrespectfully, which caused the USA to pull out of Somalia.

d. What is the mission in Somalia commonly known as?

Operation Restore Hope 

X: Rwanda: 

a. What was the European power in charge of Rwanda before Rwanda gained independence?


b. How did this power create a division between the Hutu and the Tutsi? Why did they do this?

The Belgian people said the Tutsi looked more European than the Hutu, so they were in charge. This caused years of oppression against Hutus.

c. What is the immediate cause of the Rwandan genocide?  

The death of the Hutu president in a plane crash.

d. Who are the Interhamwe and what was their role in the genocide?

The Interhamwe are Hutu extremists. They were the ones killing all of the Tutsis.

e. Why did international powers not intervene in the Rwandan conflict? Why wouldn't they call it genocide?

They used the excuse that America helped Somalia and “look what happened to them”. If they called it genocide, the public would get them to help. 

f. How long did the genocide last and what was death toll? 

Around 100 days, approximately 1 million Tutsis and moderate Hutus died.

XI: Apartheid

a. What is the policy of Apartheid?  Where did this occur?

The policy was that there needed to be forced segregation. This occurred in South Africa.

b. Name: three Apartheid policies and what they did? 

1. "non-whites" could not vote

2. Living areas were restricted

3.ethnic tribes- made to live in infertile" home lands "

c. What were "Passbooks" and why were they so hated? 
Passbooks limited people to where they could live and work. They were hated because it separated families.

d. What was the Sharpeville Massacre and what did it do? 

The Sharpeville Massacre was when police opened fire on peaceful protesters killing 60+ people. 

e. What role did women and students play in the resistance movement? 

Both these groups led powerful protests which became televised.

f. How did the UN and other nations put pressure on the country of South Africa  to end Apartheid? 

a. United Nations: weapons embargo against South Africa

       b. Nations encouraged to boycott South African goods

     c. International sports: banned South Africa 

ex. Olympics

g. Who is Nelson Mandela? When did he become president?

Nelson Mandela helped stop the Apartheid. Mandela became the first black African president of South Africa in 1994.

XII: Possible Short Essays: Choose 1

1) How does the role of the International community change from the issue of Apartheid to the Somali Civil war to the Rwandan Genocide? Why is the role of the International Community different in each of these events?



Civil rights/political conflict

No military needed

South africa had a stable government structure

South africa was economically/politically connected

IC = international community

Weapons embargo, ban from international sports, boycotts south african goods

It worked


Civil war conflict

No stable government structure

Not a major economic partner

No major political alliances


UN is there to provide humanitarian aid

UN asks US to provide aid workers with security

US are allowed to arrest General Aidid



There is a government structure

Not a major global economic partner

No major political alliances


UN does send peacekeeping forces + aid workers

Rest of international community does not participate 

Not recommended to choose to write on somalia.

2) Analyze and discuss the effects of European Imperialism in Africa and how it led to specific modern situations in Africa. Please make sure that you include specific details connecting the modern events to European Imperialism. 
