Epistemology (1)
Empiricism (2)
Rationalism (2)
Posteriori Knowledge (2)
Priori Knowledge (2)
Traditional True belief (What are the conditions?) (3)
Justified True Belief (Who first coined this? What are the conditions?) (3)
Contemporary View on Knowledge (What is the fourth condition?) (3)
Direct vs indirect knowledge (3)
Competence vs propositional knowledge (3)
Foundationalism vs anti-foundationalism (3)
Skepticism (4)
Brain in the Vat (5)
Key Philosophers:
Confucius (1)
Plato (1/7)
What are Plato’s stages of an intellectual journey? (7)
Aristotle (1/8)
What is inductive reasoning? (8)
Descartes (1)
What is deductive reasoning? (7)
Kant (1/9)
Bertrand Russell (3)
Edmund Gettier (3)
Pyrrho of Elis (4)
Aenesidemus (4)
Hillary Putnam (5)
Noam Chomsky (7)
Foundation of language vs surface structure language
John Locke (8)
From sense experience to ideas
David Hume (8)
Key Concepts
Three contemporary theories of epistemology (9)
Epistemological theories of truth (10)
Correspondence Theory
Coherence Theory
Pragmatic Theory