YouTuber Partner Programme anables creators who achieve a certain amount of views to monetise their content when advertising
Advertising revenue is then split between YouRube and the content creators
The advertising on Zoella’s content channels are linked to specific ideologies and values
Types of Advertising
Display Ads of Banners
Overlay Ads placed over the top of the video content in the lower portion of the video
Video Ads that appear before, during, or after the video
Pre-roll Ads appear before a video (skippable or non-skippable)
Shorter non-skippable ads that are up to 6 seconds long are called bumper ads
Zoella makes her content less about the product, more about her
Used to present the product more
As she grows as an advertiser, she doesn’t need to rely on advertising as much
Audience trusts her
Advantages of Advertising
Advantage of online media over traditional mass media forms is that advertising can be targeted to match the tastes and interests of individual users based on their personal browsing histories an information gathered about them whenever they go online
Google’s AdSense program uses algorithms to place targeted ads on the website of those who use the service