

  • system or group of people governing an organized community

  • organizational policies are enforced/determining policy

  • constitution: statement of its governing principles/philosophy.

  • legislature

  • executive

  • judiciary.

  • government: 200 independent national governments

  • Obtaining: electoral contest/hereditary succession

5 government types

  • Aristocracy: rule by law and order

  • Timocracy: rule by honour and duty, e.g. Sparta

  • Oligarchy: rule by wealth and market-based-ethics, like a free-trading capitalist state

  • Democracy: rule by pure liberty and equality

  • Tyranny: rule by fear, like a despot

Forms of government

  • Bodies of power→organise society to protect it

  • Differences: amount of people/ how chosen/ how ruled

Democracy: people choose

direct democracy: same but every vote counts and chosen by simple majority

Republic: People choose representatives

Presidential democracy: choose president and people in legislature(congress)

Parliamentary democracy: choose representatives legislature(parliament)

Majority party: multiple parties→prime minister


  • independent judicial system and freedom of speech.

  • courts provide checks on government power

  • Federalism: provide power to local governments

Governments lie on spectrum between democracy/autocracy

Democratic backsliding: democracy→ more authoritarian
