Category | Term | Word Part |
General | bone | oste/o, os/I, oss/I |
General | skull | crani/o |
Bones of the Face | nasal | from Latin nasalis = from nasus = nose |
Bones of the Face | malar | from the Latin word mala = cheek bone, jaw |
Bones of the Face | maxilla | from the Latin word maxilla, the diminutive of mala |
Bones of the Face | mandible | from the Latin mandibula = the lower jaw |
Bones of the Face | hyoid | from the Greek letter upsilon = u and eidos = like, since the bone is u |
Bones of the Trunk and Spine | vertebra | spondyl/o, rachi/o, vertebr/o |
Bones of the Trunk and Spine | sacrum | sacr/o |
Bones of the Trunk and Spine | coccyx | coccyg/o, coccyg/e |
Bones of the Trunk and Spine | clavicle | cleid/o (clid/o), clavicul/o |
Bones of the Trunk and Spine | scapula | scapul/o |
Bones of the Trunk and Spine | sternum | stern/o |
Bones of the Trunk and Spine | ribs | cost/o |
Bones of the Trunk and Spine | pelvis | sacr/o, ischi/o, ili/o, pub/o |
Extremities | humerus | upper arm bone |
Extremities | radius | short arm bone |
Extremities | ulna | forearm bone |
Extremities | carpus | wrist |
Extremities | phalanges | fingers/toes |
Extremities | femur | thigh bone |
Extremities | patella | knee cap |
Extremities | tibia | larger lower leg bone |
Extremities | fibula | smaller lower leg bone |
Extremities | tarsus | ankle bone |
Extremities Word Parts | joints | articul/o, arthr/o |
Extremities Word Parts | cartilage | chondr/o |
Extremities Word Parts | bursa | burs/o |
Extremities Word Parts | ligaments | ligament/o |
Extremities Word Parts | ligaments | ligament/o |
Extremities Word Parts | muscles | my/o, muscul/o |
Extremities Word Parts | tendons | tend/o, tendin/o |
Extremities Word Parts | fascia | fasci/o |