unit 4 psych


            1. Fixed ratio – Reward after set actions.

2. Fixed interval – Reward after set time.

3. Variable ratio – Reward after random actions.

4. Variable interval – Reward after random time.

5. Generalizing – Same reaction to similar things.

6. Acquisition – First learning something.

7. Discrimination – Telling things apart.

8. Higher-order conditioning – Adding extra steps to learning.

9. Extinction – Forgetting learned behavior.

10. Spontaneous recovery – Behavior suddenly comes back.

11. Taste aversion – Avoiding food after sickness.

12. Unconditioned Stimulus (US) – Natural cause of reaction.

13. Unconditioned Response (UR) – Natural reaction.

14. Conditioned Stimulus (CS) – New trigger for reaction.

15. Conditioned Response (CR) – Learned reaction.

16. B.F. Skinner – Studied rewards & punishments.

17. Reinforcer – Encourages behavior.

18. Law of effect – Good results = more behavior.

19. Negative reinforcement – Remove bad to increase behavior.

20. Shaping – Rewarding small steps.

21. Primary reinforcer – Natural reward (food, water).

22. Secondary reinforcer – Learned reward (money, praise).

23. Positive reinforcement – Add good to increase behavior.

24. Premack principle – Fun activity as a reward.

25. Operant – Voluntary behavior.

26. Intrinsic motivation – Doing it for yourself.

27. Punishment – Decreases behavior.

28. Negative punishment – Taking away good to stop behavior.

29. Extrinsic motivation – Doing it for a reward.

30. Positive punishment – Adding bad to stop behavior.

31. Over-justification effect – Reward ruins fun.

32. Shaping – Rewarding little progress.

33. Latent learning – Learning happens but shows later.

34. Social learning theory – Learning by watching others.

35. Mental map – Brain’s picture of a place.

36. Albert Bandura – Studied learning by watching.

37. Token economy – Earning points for rewards.
