Psychology 105

Chapter 8: Thinking, Reasoning, & Language

  • Thinking - any mental activity or processing of information

    → such as learning

    • cognitive miser- tries to reduce mental effort

    • “System 1 thinking” → automatic, quick, intuitive

      • learned the piano years ago and then sit down to play

      • Lots of the way we process information

      • Can backfire

    • “System 2 thinking” → controlled, effortful

      • really thinking about something

      • trying to learn the piano for the first time

  • Quick thinking

    • Predictions are frequently accurate

    • Looking at someone’s face can tell what kind of music the person listens to

    • Can lead to cognitive biases

      • stereotyping individuals → not necessarily accurate

    • Miss small details/make poor judgement

  • Heuristics

    • mental shortcuts/rule of thumb

    • Can be inaccurate

    • Can easily be counteracted

    • Easy to change

    • Mental shortcut aimed at saving mental energy

    • Can be correct

  • Representative heuristic

    • guessing how likely X is, based on how superficially similar it is to Y

    • Sounds like the prototype of a certain position → personality traits, hobbies

    • We ignore base rates → how common a characteristic is in the real world

    • Based on mental models that already exist in our minds/stereotypes

    • How much does a certain event/person represent a prototype in our minds

  • Availability heuristic

    • guessing how likely X is, based upon how easily you can think of an instance where X occurs

    • How available a memory is in your mind

    • How quickly a memory pops into your mind

    • The more media coverage, the more likely one is to assume it occurs more often → what feels safer: driving your car or flying a plane

    • Estimate the probability of something

  • Cognitive biases

    • systematic errors in thinking

    • Not easy to change → because it is systematic

    • Fundamental issue in the way we think

    • Not aimed at conserving mental energy

  • Hindsight bias

    • overestimating your ability to have predicted known outcomes

    • After knowing the result of something, you exaggerate how much you actually know about the result → “I knew they were going to win”

      • confident they always knew it

      • I knew it all along effect → Make you feel the lessons you learn you already know (in a class)

      Ex. When a famous couple breaks up or when the Oilers win a hockey game

    • lure into a false sense of security

  • Confirmation bias

    • tendency to seek out information that aligns with our beliefs and neglecting conflicting evidence

      • blackout/distort any conflicting information

    • Not seek out information that would conflict their train of thought

    • Downplay/forget information

    • Look for news that supports our thinking

    • We like people who agree with us → surround ourselves with likeminded individuals

  • Top-down processing

    • filling in gaps of information based on our preexisting knowledge

    • System 1 thinking

    • We have our own ideas of how certain groups should act etc

    • Adding something to what we already know

Two types:

  1. Concepts - knowledge of particular “sets” which share core properties

    • The concept of an apple → they are all apples

    • Particular set of objects that all share core properties → we all sit in chairs

  2. Schemas - knowledge of how particular actions, objects, and ideas are related

    • how the concepts fit together/are related → apples and bananas are both fruit, the role of a dog owner

    • Person or group schemas → stereotyping

      • Canadians, professors, dog owner, how to host a dinner party, events (how to act)

      • Self schema → oilers fan, from Edmonton, student (System 1)

Both are apart of the cognitive economy

  1. Bottom up processing

    • starting with nothing, then receiving information and building opinion from there

    • System 2 thinking

  • Decision making - process of selecting between a set of possible options

    • Made in subconscious (implicit), to reserve cognitive economy

    • Long term (system 2) vs short term (system 1) impacts

    • We make so many decision we sometimes don’t think about them

    • Consequential decisions = thinking more

    • Thinking deeply/overanalyzing decisions can be problematic

      • Gut decisions are better → lead people to be happier with their choices

      • Our brain gets overwhelmed with too much information → can’t make a good decision/emotional decision

  • Framing - how information is presented

    • framing of facts and information can significantly influence our decisions

  • Problem solving - creating a cognitive strategy to accomplish a goal

    • series of stages that represent the cognitive process of problem solving

    • Situation where there is a difference between where you’re at and where you’re at later on

    • Stages

      • Identify the problem

        → ill-defined solution - there is not one correct solution, can vary (getting dressed)→ well-defined solution

        → well-defined solution - has one correct answer, you know what you have to do (sudoku)

      • Define the problem

        → functional fixedness - difficulty conceptualizing that an object can be used for multiple purpose

      • Develop a solution

        → trial and error strategy

        • Algorithms - step by step guide that does not change → there are situations where they do not work/is disrupted

        • Insight - suddenly realizing a solution

        → obstacles

        • Salience - focus on superficial/surface level similarities between problems → we might try to solve them in the same way (different algebra problems about trains or young children and dogs)

        • Mental set - becoming stuck on a proven strategy or being confined to previous ideas, and being unable to generate new alternatives → using the same strategy over and over and over again

      • Allocate resources

        → problem solving involves (constrained by our cognitive system)

        • Attention → how long can you focus on the problem itself

        • Long-term memory → drawing from things we learned a long time ago (how to make a sandwich, tying your shoes)

        • Working memory capacity → have to be able to have it in the front of our mind in order to be able to solve the problem

        • Expert → the more expert you are at the problem, the easier you will be able to solve it (use more effective problem solving strategies because have gone through the process already)

      • Monitor progress

        → take home message - “look back and learn”

        → evaluate how you solve the problem

  • Language - combines symbols (words, gestures) to create meaning

    • Follows agreed-upon rules

    • Entirely arbitrary

      • No good reason why we use the words we use

    • Helps express emotion and maintain social ties

  • Phoneme - the sounds used in a language

    • Changes to vocal apparatus produces different phonemes

      • Shoe vs cheese

  • Morphemes - Smallest unit that provide information

    • Convey information about semantics

    • Can we words or word modifiers

      • Apple, help, teach, re-, ish-

  • Syntax - the rules that govern how sounds should be combined to form sentences

    • Word order

    • Morphological markers

      • Change the meaning of words (adding -ed, -ing,)

    • Sentence structure

→ commonly ignored

  • Extralinguistic information - parts of communication that exist outside of the language content, but influences interpretation

    • Non-verbal cues

    • Tone of voice

The nerdy psychologist made a video

  1. Does the sentence follow proper syntax → yes

  2. How many morphemes does psychologist have? → 3

  3. How many phonemes does the word video have? → 5

  • Dialects - differences in the use of the same language by different groups

    • Newfinese

    • Influenced by geographical location, culture


  • Disadvantages

    • Lengthy learning period

    • Large mental space/energy requirement

  • Advantages

    • Allows communication of complex ideas

    • Helped coordination of social interactions

→ Phoneme, morphemes, and syntax are arbitrary

  • Is the arbitrary nature a good thing?

    • We can come up with new words and ways to describe things

→ Words may not always be arbitrary

  • Onomatopoeia - buzz, meow, beep

  • Sound symbolism - certain speech sounds associated with a particular meaning

Learning language;

  • Babies in utero (5 months) recognize their mother’s voice and some songs/stories

  • At 2 days old, babies respond to their mother’s native language using high amplitude sucking procedure

    • Captures how hard the baby is sucking on the pacifier

  • By the end of year 1, babies start babbling → comprehension precedes production

    • Babies can recognize words before they can produce them

  • By their first birthday, children start producing their first words

  • By their second birthday, most children can produce several hundred words

  • Underextend - when children apply words in a narrow sense

    • “Flower” refers to only a rose

    • “Ball” refers to only their red ball

  • Overextend - children apply words in a broad sense

    • “Truck” for all vehicles

    • “Apple” for all round food

Learning Syntax:

  • Begin at the one word stage

    • Dog, juice, mom

    • Same word used for multiple meanings

  • Combine two words around 2 years old

    • Follow syntactic rules

    • Big Bird and the Cookie Monster study

      • Which photo is associated with the video

  • Sign language - relies on visual communication

    • Uses hands, face, body, and “sign space” (the space in front of the communicator)

    • Same brain areas are used

      • Developmental stages are unchanged

  • Bilingualism - being proficient and fluent at speaking and comprehending two distinct languages

    • Learning another language is easier when:

      • Living with native speakers

      • Motivated

      • Younger

    • Bilingual children syntactic development is slightly slower

Explanation for children’s learning:

→ Nature - biological

→ Nurture - learned

Language deprivation suggests there is a period of time where language development is crucial → the case of “Genie”

  • Home signers - children with hearing loss whose parents do not know sign language

    • Develop their own rudimentary language → inventing their own signs

Nature vs Nurture:

  • Critical periods - able to learn a language better with earlier exposure

    • age of immigration

  • Sensitive period - “less is more” hypothesis

    • The earlier you learn it, the more likely you are to learn a language

    • Can learn a language easier

    • Less is more hypothesis

      • Suggests it is easier to learn a language from the ground up → with no prior knowledge

Accounts of Language Acquisition:

  1. Pure nature/nurture account

    • Children learn through imitation

      • Hear language according to language rules, so we follow it and are reinforced for using language correctly

    → problem = does not account for the generative aspects of language

  2. Nativist account (strongly nature)

    • Children are born with basic knowledge of language

    • Noam Chomsky’s language acquisition device

      • construct in the brain that is pre programmed with universal parameters of language

    → problem = unfalsifiable

    • Very hard to test whether people have a language acquisition device in their brains

  3. Social pragmatics account (largely nurture)

    • Child infers the meaning of the words by observing how people use words in conversation

      • Context and figuring out what word applies to which thing

    → problem = parsimony

    • We always prefer the simplest explanation → this theory is not simple

  4. General cognitive processing account

    • The development of language is an expression for the same vernal l children have for other abilities

      • Children are good at learning things

    → problem = contradictory evidence

    Researchers have settled on #3 and #4 for the most correct/reasonable

Non-human Animal Communication:

  • Different forms and purposes for communication in animals

    • Scents, visual, and vocal

  • Less generative and complex than human communication

    • Mating, food, aggression, predators

  • Human communication is much more generative

    • Coming up with new communication

→ Chimpanzees

  • Can learn rudimentary language

  • Never master syntax

  • Requires a lot more repetition and rewards

→ Bonobos

  • More similar to human learning

    • Do better when they are young

    • Learn a lot through observation

    • Use symbols

    • No syntax

→ African grey parrot

  • Not understanding what they are saying

    • Imitation of what they heard before

  • Lots of reinforcement


  • Very automated and difficult to turn off

    • Stroop task

To master reading:

  • Understand whole words

    • Whole-word recognition

  • How to sound out unfamiliar words

    • Phonetic decomposition

  • Need to understand format of reading

    • Right to left

    • Top to bottom

Chapter 9: Intelligence

  • Intelligence - reflection of your senses

    • Knowledge comes through the senses, and therefore, individuals with stronger sense are more intelligent

      • However, strength of one sense does not correlate with intelligence

Intelligence Test (Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon):

  • Used to differentiate students who were falling behind peers

  • Used diverse items that together helped measure higher mental processes

General vs Specific Abilities:

→ Charles Spearman noted that items on a intelligence test correlate

  • Some underlying factor should account for this

    • g is the underlying intelligence — “mental energy”

    • s are the specific abilities that fall within g

Fluid and Crystallized:

→ Raymond Cattell and John Horn

  • Fluid intelligence - ability to learn new ways to solve problems

    • Used when mastering new tasks

  • Crystallized intelligence - knowledge we have acquired over time

    • Used to recite facts

Multiple Intelligences:

→ Howard Gardner’s “Frames of Mind”

  • Different frames of mind have different way of viewing the world

    • Each type should be relatively independent, and verifiable from studies of brain damage and autistic savants

Intelligence Types:

  • Linguistic - speak and write well

  • Logico mathematical - use logic and mathematical skills to solve problems, such as scientific questions

  • Spatial - think and reason about objects in three dimensional space

  • Musical - perform, understand, and enjoy music

  • Bodily kinaesthetic - manipulate the body in sports, dance, or other physical endeavours

  • Interpersonal - understand and interact effectively with others

  • Intrapersonal - understand and possess insight into self

  • Naturalistic - recognize, identify, and understand animals, plants, and other living things

Triarchic Model (Robert Sternberg):

  • Analytical intelligence - ability to reason logically, traditional “book smarts”, g

  • Practical intelligence - ability to solve real world problems, especially socially

  • Creative intelligence - ability to create novel and effective answers


  • Practical intelligence is related to g

  • The measures of practical intelligence may be considered measures of job knowledge

Measuring Intelligence:

  • Self reports do not work

    • Double curse of incompetence

      • Poor cognitive skills lead to poor metacognition and therefore, poor estimation one’s intelligence

→ Lewis Terman

  • 1916 — Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test

  • Established norms

    • Typical scored from large groups of people at different ages

    • Norms are used to compare Person X to peers

→ What is IQ?

  • Intelligence quotient

    • Wilhelm Stern

    • Mental age is the “age” corresponding to the persons performance

    • Mental age / chronological age X 100 = IQ

      know this formula for the midterm

→ Reformulating IQ

  • Works well for children, but not for adults

  • IQ formula needed to be revised

  • Deviation IQ

    • Compares each person to what is normal for their age, with an average of 100

  • Bell curve - intelligence follows a normalized distribution in most populations

    • Most people will be pretty close to 100

  • Wechsler test

    • Wechsler adult intelligence scale (WASIS-IV)

    • 15 subtests that can generate 5 main scores:

      1. Full scale IQ → g score, overall intelligence

      2. Perpetual reasoning → spatial awareness skills

      3. Working memory → how much information can you hold in your mind at one time

      4. Verbal comprehension → ability to use and understand language

      5. Processing speed → how fast can you think through something

    • Wechsler intelligence scale for children

    • Wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence

    • Used for kids 16 and older


  • Who is the president of the United States?

    • Possible item from the information subtext

    • Measures general knowledge

  • Why should people be tested to get a driver’s license?

    • Possible inter from the comprehension subtext

    • Measure’s understanding of social conventions and use of past experiences

  • Complete the empty spaces using the legend

    • Possible item from digit symbol subtest

    • Measures speed of learning and processing speed

  • Which two pieces can be combined to make the object above?

    • Possible item from visual puzzles subtest

    • Measures spacial abilities, mental organization

    • Perceptual reasoning index

  • Repeat this number set after me…

    • Possible item form digit span subtest

    • Measures attention and short-term memory

  • What does the word repugnant mean?

    • Possible item from vocabulary subtest

    • Measures verbal intelligence

    • Crystallized intelligence

→ intelligence tests must be standardized

  • Must be done at the same speed and same way

Reliability of IQ Scores:

  • For adults, intelligence scores tend to be extremely stabile

    • Very high correlations, regardless of test-retest duration

  • Very low correlations between intelligence scores taken before age 3 and adult correlations

    • However, speed of habituation in infants is related to adult intelligence

      • Getting bored of looking at an image (habituating to it) → the faster you habituate, the higher IQ they will have

Validity of IQ Scores:

  • Strong concurrent validity

    • Do other intelligence tests agree with each other

    • Convergent validity

  • Are you measuring the thing you say you are measuring

    • Correlation is high between different intelligence measures

  • Predicative validity

    • Does the test tell you about the person in the real world

    • Real world criteria


0.5> = strong relationship

.30 - .50 = moderate/medium relationship

.10 -. 30 = weak relationship

.00 - .10 = no relationship

→ intelligence is the best predictor of how well you will do in life (school, work)

  • Strong predictive validity

    • Positively associated with health related outcomes

      • People with higher IQ tend to be healthier

    • Negatively associated with criminal tendencies

  • Socioeconomic status

    • What are your parents’ jobs?

    • What neighbourhood do you live in?

Environment Influences:

  • Children from larger families may have lower intelligence

    • Have less opportunities/parents don’t have as much money

    • People with higher intelligence wait to have children and have less children

  • If you believe intelligence is “fixed”, may be less likely to challenge yourself academically and mentally

    • “I suck at this and there is nothing I can do about it”

    • Versus a growth mindset → “I will work and get better”

  • More education may lead to higher intelligence

    • Children with more time in school score higher on intelligence tests than children of the same age with less school

    • IQ score decrease when out of school

    • Kids who start school earlier boost IQ

    • Bloomer study

      • Psychologist lie to teachers and tell them a specific kid is going to be smart → teachers treat them differently

→ if your teacher expects you to be smart, may add a minor boost to intelligence

  • Head start program

    • Gave disadvantaged preschool chilled access to enriched educational environments

      • After program ended, the kids’ IQs went back down

    • Hoped it would help them “catch up”

    • Provided a short-term boost to IQ score

    • If you give people equal opportunity, their IQs match

    • Had high emotional intelligence

      • Able to regulate their emotions better

  • Poverty

    • Arthur Jensen’s cumulative deficit study

      • Older siblings had lower intelligence than younger siblings → the older child has lived longer not having resources (younger child has not had intelligence sucked out yet)

    • Lead poisoning

      • Has a clear detrimental effect on intelligence

    • Breastfeeding

      • Boosts IQ scores, but could be de to SES

        → Women who have time to breastfeed often are able to go on long-term maternity leave/have enough money to take a year off

    Biology and Intellect:

  • Brain volume and intelligence

    • r = .30 - .40

      • Stronger for verbal abilities than spatial abilities

      • Moderate correlation, but may not be casual

      • Bigger brain is better → more connections to different aspects of the brain

        → Einstein is the exception - small, but FULL of connections

  • Smarter brains may be more efficient brains

    • Reaction time

    • Overall activity

    • Working memory

      • Moderately to strongly correlated with intelligence tests than

      • Ability to hold multiple things in your mind at one time

→ Tetris study and reaction time boxes study (pg. 340-341)

  • Prefrontal cortex is highly active when engaging in “g-loaded” tasks”

    • Parietal lobe is related to spatial reasoning

      • Awareness of your body

      • Able to move shapes around in your head

Genes and IQ:

  • Intelligence runs in families

    • Family studies show significant correlation

    • Identical twins IQ, r = .70 - .80

    • Fraternal twins/siblings IQ, r = .30 - .50

      • Same as any brother and sister

    • Cousins IQ, r = .15

→ heritability of IQ is 40%-70%, and becomes higher in adulthood

→ genes account for about 50% of people’s IQ

  • Identical twins reared apart are as similar on intelligence tests as identical twins reared together

    • Adoption studies

      • If leaving a deprived environment, intelligence will increase

      • Adopted children’s intelligence is more closely related to biological parents than adopted parents, especially with age


  • Intelligence tests were used to determine who was “feeble-minded”, “dumb”, etc

  • Belief in biological basis of intelligence led to a fear of the “low IQ” of immigrants, minorities, and others, mixing with the majority populations

    • It will “dumb down” the population (lose IQ)

  • Positive eugenics vs negative eugenics

    • Positive - offering something to people to have children

      • Money, support, encouraging smart people

    • Negative - Stopping someone from having children

      • Sterilizing people with low IQ

→ sexual sterilization act lead to over 2800 individuals being sterilized from 1928 to 1972

  • Flynn Effect

    • Discovered by James Flynn in the 1980s

    • Average IQ scores rise by approximately 3 points every decade

→ environmental influences

  • Increased experience with test

    • However, finding is stronger or uncommon tests

  • More information processing required in modern life

  • Improved nutrition

  • Improvements at home

  • Improvements in education

Mental Giftedness:

  • Top 2% of IQ (Mensa criteria)

    • Tend to reside in “higher” occupations

  • Terman’s “termites”

    • 1500 junior high students with IQs of 135+

    • Many eared prestigious degrees

    • Lower rates of mental illness and suicide

    • May be a link to between worry/rumination and verbal intelligence

  • While genes play a role, dedication and practice are essential

    • Rare that insights com without substantial effort

Intellectual Disability:

→ three general criteria

  1. Childhood onset

  2. Deficits in intellectual functioning

    • Previously stated as IQ below functioning

  3. Deficit in adaptive functioning

    • Have a hard time living independently, communicating, dressing themselves

→ often lose the diagnosis as life skills are developed

→ mild (55-70), moderate (45-55), severe and profound

  • Mild - immature social judgement

  • Severe

    • Rare genetic mutations

    • Birth accidents

    • Fragile X syndrome

      • Mutation on X chromosome

      • Nearly half meet criteria for autism

      • Boys are at higher risks

  • Down syndrome

    • Extra copy of chromosome 21

    • Most have mild to moderate intellectual disability

    • Likelihood increases with mother’s age

Sex Differences & IQ

  • Very few, if any, differences between men and women on average

    • However, men have a wider distribution of scores

  • Differences do appear to exist in a few specific aspects of intelligence

    • Women tend to do better with verbal tasks, arithmetic, and recognizing emotions

    • Men tend to do better with spatial abilities and mathematical reasoning

  • Biology as a casual agent

    • Estrogen related to verbal abilities

    • Testosterone related to spatial abilities

  • Yet, environment plays a major role

    • Infants show few differences

    • Different problem-solving strategies

    • Gender roles ands stereotypes

Racial Differences and IQ:

  • Common findings

    • Asian-Americans score higher than Caucasians

    • Jews score higher than non-Jew

    • African-Americans and Hispanics sore lower than Caucasians

    • Non-indigenous recruits in the Canadian Forces scored higher in verbal abilities than First Nation member from remote areas

  • Many have argued for genetic and evolutionary support for origins

    • Not due to “racial superiority”

      • IQ scores gap is shrinking

      • Substantial overlap in overall distributions

      • World War II study

      • Social deprivation, prejudice etc lead to differences

  • Within-group heritability

    • How much the variability of a trait in a group is due to genes

  • Between-group heritability

    • How much the difference in a trait between groups is due to genes

  • Differences between groups are largely environmental

    • Within-group differences may be at least partially genetic

  • Does stereotype threat play a role?

    • Influences behaviour in research, but unclear whether it plays a role in the real world

    • Genes play little role in group differences

“Culture-Fair” IQ Testing:

  • Heavy reliance on language has always been criticized

    • Could culture or language be negatively impacting IQ scores?

  • Raven’s progressive matrices

    • What pattern complete the sequence

  • American vs Canadian knowledge

    • Just because something looks bias, doesn’t mean there is


  • Requires divergent thinking

    • Ability to generate many alternative solutions

    • “Use of an Object Test”

  • Also requires convergent thinking

    • Ability to generate the best solution

  • Weak to moderate association with standard IQ test

Emotional Intelligence:

  • Ability to recognize an regulate emotions in our selves and others

  • Specific components are debated and depend on the model of EI

    • May be considered a personality trait or a skill

  • May be used to manipulate and lie

  • Does not appear to improve predictions of job performance

  • Weak predictor of general intelligence

Chapter 10: Human Development

  • Developmental psychology - the study of how humans change over the lifespan

    • How behaviour and mental processes trained across one’s life

      • Personality

      • Physiology

      • Behaviour

Research methods in developmental psychology:

  • Cross sectional design - people from different age groups are all compared at the exact same time

    • Giving a memory test to a certain age group → give people the same test

      • Cost effective

      • Only need to run the test once

    • Cohort effect - systematic difference between different age groups

      • Experiences of COVID could influence

  • Longitudinal design - the same group of people are studied over a long period of time

    • Giving 10 year olds and memory test and then giving them the same test 5 years later

    • Very expensive and takes up time

    • Result are going to be more trustworthy → eliminates cohort effect

  • Gallup happiness study

    • 340 847 individuals between 18-85 years old

      • Result → before age 50, happiness decreases

    • Cross-sectional study

  • Edmonton transition study

    • Collected samples of data from two different groups

      • 1. High school seniors followed from age 18-43

      • 2. University seniors followed from age 23-37

      → result = happiness increased into 30s in both samples, with a slight downturn by age 43 in the high school example

    • Longitudinal

Challenges in developmental psychology:

  • Cohorts - a group born around the same time, who would have similar cultural experiences

    • Knowing how to use a rotary phone

  • Post-hoc fallacy - logical error where you assume A cause B, only because A came before B

    • Just because two events happen in the same order doesn’t mean it directly caused what came after it

    • Ex. Children who are read to at a very young age grow up to be very good at reading and do better in school later

  • Bidirectional influences - human development is rarely linear

    • Parents have a strong impact on their child’s behaviour, but the behaviour will impact the parent

      • We can’t really know what effects what

  • The influence of early experiences (MYTHS)

    • Infant determinism

      • indicates that the first three years of life are the most influential in shaping adult behaviour

    • Childhood fragility

      • children are easily damaged/fragile creatures → we must protect them at all costs

  • Nature-nurture debate

    • Nature via nurture

      • Genetic predisposition drive us to select particular environments

      • The children can seek out environment that fits their genetic predisposition

    • Gene expression

      • The activation/deactivation of genes by environmental experiences

    • Gene-environment interaction

      • There is an ongoing interaction between our genetics and our environment

      • Make looking at causal claims for difficult

  • Chronological age is not especially related to behavioural and biological changes

    • Other types of age are better predictors

      • Biological age

        → estimate of a person’s based on biological functioning

      • Psychological age

        → person’s mental attitude/ability to function in high stress environment

      • Functional age

        → Person’s biliary to function in a given roles in society

      • Social age

        → Whether people behave in accordance with social behaviours that are appropriate for their age

  • Physical development

    • Contributes to cognitive and social development

    • How your brain grows

Cognitive Development:

  • How we acquire the ability to learn, think, reason etc

    • Differ

      1. Stage-like changes(sudden changes or jumps in cognitive development skills) vs continuous changes (as you move throughout life, cognitive develops)

      2. Domain-general (al cognitive skills rise together) vs domain-specific (different skills develop individually)

      3. Primary source of learning

  • Jean Piaget

    • Domain-general theory of development

      • All cognitive skills develop together but there are also skills that develop individually

    • Children aren’t miniature adults

      • Don’t learn the same way adults learn

    • Assimilation - absorbing new experiences into current schemas

      • Requires that children add new information to what they already know without changing the understanding of the schema

        • Any four-leg small animal is a dog

    • Accommodation - altering a schema to make it more compatible with experiences

      • Requires child to create or modify the existing schema

      • Much larger/bigger examples

        • Santa isn’t real → have to come up with a new schema

      • Basic process of thinking children go through while experiencing new experiences

Piaget’s Stages of Development:

  1. Sensorimotor Stage (birth - 2 years)

    • Lack of object permanence

      • If the object can’t be seen anymore, it doesn’t exist anymore

        → test - whether a child reaches for a toy they were previously playing with it

    • Lack differed imitation

      • Inability to imitate

    • Focused on current physical environment

→ will move on from this stage when they can do both of these things

  1. Pre-operational Stage (2 - 7 years)

    • Show egocentrism

      • Only see the world from your perspective

      • Theory of mind → recognizing you have different perspective

    • Can use mental representations

      • Start to take on imaginary roles (play with their dolls)

      • Struggle to change representation (what happens when the doll breaks?)

    • Lack of conservation

      • Knowing objects retains heir basic value/amount even though they might change shape or orientation

        → different sized beaker, the taller one has more water even though they actually have the same amounT - related more to maturation

  2. Concrete Operations Stage (7 - 11 years)

    • Can pass conservation task

    • Can sort/create scenes with physical objects

    • Struggle with abstract reasoning

    • Can only think about one way to solve a problem

  3. Formal Operations Stage Stage (11 - adult):

    • Engages in hypothetical reasoning

    • Understands if-then and either-or statements

    • Thinks about abstract questions


  • Recognizes that children are not mini-adults

  • Learning as an active process

  • Explored general cognitive process to explain changes to multiple domains


  • Development is continuous

  • Underestimated children’s abilities

    • Ability to detect object permanence

  • Hard to replicate in ways that do not rely on language

    • Ignored language ability

  • It is a stage model (specific age timeline)

    • Restrictive

Lev Vygotsky:

  • Scaffolding - caretakers work with children in a way that guides them along during tasks and learning opportunities

    • Really focused on the social interaction

    • Focusing on a students ability to learn information with the help of a knowledgeable individual

    • Zone of proximal development

      • Where a child is ready to learn a new skill → use the assistance to teach a child more and more

        • Riding a bike → need to walk before they can learn to ride a bike

      • Finding ways to slowly introduce the child to a new skill

→ did not believe in stages, instead that children learn and develop on their own

Cognitive changes:

  • Childhood

    • Self-recognition

    • Theory of mind

    • Counting and math

  • Adolescence

    • Frontal lobe maturing

    • More active limbic system

      • Processing emotions

      • Experiencing peer-pressure

    • Personal fable

      • Adolescences think they are special and unique compared to other people

  • Late adulthood

    • Cognitive decline in recall, processing sped

    • Vocabulary and crystallized intelligence increases

Chapter 12: Stress, Coping & Health

  • Stress - the tension, discomfort, or physical symptoms that arise when a stressor strains our ability to cope

  • Stressor - a stimulus in our environment that provokes stress

  • Traumatic event - extreme stressor that causes long-term psychological or health consequences

Three Ways of Studying Stress:

  1. stressors as stimuli

    • identifying types of stressors

    • which people respond the most to certain types of stress

    • disasters that affect whole communities

  1. stress as a transaction

    • how people interpret and cope with stressors

      • primary appraisal

      • secondary appraisal

    • problem-focused coping vs emotion-focused coping

  2. stress as a response

    • physical and psychological responses to stressors

    • variables that could be examined

      • hopelessness

      • depression

      • hostility

      • changes in corticosteroids/cortisol

Measuring Stress:

  • Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)

    • number of major life events in the past year

    • moderate predictive validity

    • however has several limitations

  • Hassles Scale

    • frequency and severity of daily stressors/minor annoyances

    • better predictor of physical health, depression, and anxiety than the SRRS

Physiological response to stress:

  • General Adaptive Syndrome (Hans Selye)

→ phase 1 - alarm reaction

  • limbic system activates

  • stress hormones releases (HPA axis)

  • autonomic nervous system activates

  • physical symptoms of anxiety develop

→ phase 2 - resistance

  • adapt and cope with stressor

  • physical symptoms may still occur

→ phase 3 - exhaustion

  • breakdown of resistance

  • physical symptoms may change/intensify

Diversity of Stress Responses:

  • women are more likely to tend-and-benefit than men

    • evolutionary advantage

  • post traumatic stress disorder

    • vivid memories

    • heightened startle response

    • depression-like symptoms

→ symptoms predicted by:

  • number of events

  • severity, nearness, & duration

  • lack of social/family support

Coping with stress:

  • social support and mortality rates

    • social support includes family, friends, religious membership, and other community groups

  • proactive coping - trying to prevent or minimize an anticipated stressful event

  • a sense of control decreases stress

→ five types of control:

  1. behavioural control → problem focused coping

  2. cognitive control → emotion focused coping

  3. decisional control

  4. informational control

  5. emotional control → expression and suppression

  • catharsis - sudden emotional release of stress

  • critical incident stress debriefing (crisis debriefing) - a single session treatment immediately following trauma

    • must describe negative emotions in detail

    • if forced, may cause PTSD

  • individual differences

    • hardiness

      • seeing changes as a challenge, not a threat

      • believing you can control events

    • optimism

      • focus on the positives

      • leads people to be more productive, focused, and handle frustration better

    • spirituality

      • feeling connected to a higher power

      • positive outcomes may be due to social nature, rejection of vices, and/or sense of meaning and control

    • rumination and worry

      • endlessly over-thinking past and future events

    • flexible coping

      • important to change coping strategies as the situation changes

      • suppressing/avoiding emotions or specific stressors is generally NOT helpful

Stress and the immune system:

  • the immune system - the body’s natural defence against invading bacteria, viruses, and other illness-producing organisms

    • includes the skin and other means used to expel pathogens

      • phagocytes

      • lymphocytes (T and B cells)

      • macrophages

    • can be compromised by disorders (eg. AIDS)

    • some disorders cannot be contained by the immune system (eg. cancer)

    • immune system can become overactive creating autoimmune diseases (eg. multiple sclerosis)

    • psychoneuroimmunology - the relationship between the immune system and the central nervous system

      • stress and developing a cold

      • the stress of someone who cares for an individual with Alzheimer’s

      • it can takes weeks/months for immune system to go back to normal after stress is removed

Stress-related illnesses:

  • many diseases are biopsychosocial in origin and maintenance

  • psychophysiological illnesses (psychosomatic)

    • stress plays a role in the disease/keeps it going

    • peptic ulcers → caused by bacteria

    • coronary heart disease → associated with multiple psychological characteristics

      • stress → direct and indirect effects (immediate impact vs long-term)

      • type A personality → hostility (really connects to heart disease)

        → impatient, aggressive, competitive, ambitious

        → direct and indirect pathways

Healthy living:

  • health psychology (behavioural medicine) integrates behavioural sciences with medicine

    • includes education and psychological interventions

    • promotes having good health, as well as preventing and treating illness

      1. stop smoking

    • only 5-10% successfully quit when doing it on their own

    • 25-35% can quit when using methods from health psychologists

    • easy to go back to

      1. curb alcohol consumption

    • severe withdrawals from regular consumption

    • binge drinking (heavy episodic drinking) is associated with increases in cancer, liver problems, pregnancy complications, and brain shrinkage

      1. achieve a healthy weight

        • roughly 35-45% of Canadians are overweight or obese

        • based on body-mass index (BMI)

        • obesity is associated with:

          → heart disease and stroke

          → cancer

          → diabetes

          → depression, anxiety, and social issues

        • obtaining (and keeping) a healthy weight:

          → avoid fads and crash diets (yo-yo effect)

          → exercise regularly

          → monitor total calories and body weight

          → eat properly (good fats, low salt, high fibre)

          → get social support

          → control portions

          → reward your achievements

      2. exercise

        • lowers blood pressure and risk for coronary heart disease

        • relieves arthritis

        • decreases diabetes risk, breast cancer, colon cancer

        • 30 minutes several times a week is best

→ up to 80% of patients do not follow their doctor’s advice

  • personal inertia

  • under-estimate the risks

  • feelings powerless

→ prevention

  • psycho education around peer-pressure and risks

  • introduction of good role models

  • effective coping skills

  • D.A.R.E general not effective

Complementary & Alternative Medicines (CAM):

  • alternative medicines - using a health care practice/product instead of conventional medicines

  • complimentary med ideas - using heath care practice/product instead addition to conventional medicine

  • biologically based CAMS

    • most herbal supplements are no more effective than placebo

      • St. John’s Wort, shark cartilage, açai Bettie’s, gingko biloba

    • weak evidence for most vitamins & supplements

      • calcium, vitamin C

    • may negatively interact with modern medicines

      • 5-HTP supplements → precursor to serotonin

        → can develop serotonin syndrome - bad stomach, headaches, and can put you into a coma

→ have been poorly regulated by Health Canada, but new regulations are coming

  • manipulative methods (chiropractors)

    • manipulate the spine to treat pain

      • some argue that their treatments work for severe illnesses and other disorders

    • subluxation theory

      • misalignment of the spine is the cause of problems in the nervous and immune system

    • no more effective than exercise, relaxation, or physical therapy

  • mind-body medicine

    • biofeedback

      • provides immediate feedback for internal sensations, such as pulse or body temperature → can do it on purpose (train your body)

      • no better than relaxation

    • meditation

      • heightens creativity, empathy, self-esteem

      • decreases anxiety and depression

      • increases blood flow to the brain and immune functioning

      • better than placebo treatments

      • relaxation induced anxiety - being scared of the feeling of their body relaxing

  • energy medicines

    • based on mapping our energy field and managing disruptions

    • acupuncture

      • needles relieve blockages of qi (energy/life force) → “chee”

      • helps relieve nausea after surgery

      • helps treat pain

      • no scientific support for qi

  • homeopathy → whole medical system

    • consuming an extremely diluted dose of a harmful substance is believed to help you avoid or alleviate illness

      • Rhus Tox → poison ivy supposed to treat arthritis, sprains, flu

      • Ignatia → treat anxiety, grief, depression (used to be a very popular rat poison)

    • not effective

Placebo and CAMs:

  • placebo effect is often as effective as CAMs

  • sham acupuncture treats back pain and migraines as well as true acupuncture

  • pain is very responsive to placebo, which may be why CAMs are so popular/effective

Reasons why people believe CAMs are effective:

  1. The placebo effect

  2. Conventional medicine

  3. Natural changes

  4. Misdiagnosis/non-severe issues

  5. Believed to have “no side-effects”

Chapter 13: Social Psychology

  • social psychology - the scientific study of how people influence other’s behaviour, beliefs, and attitudes

    • primary mode of investigation is experiment

    • applies to everyone

      • bias → people say they are not influenced (systematic error in thinking)

Research Methods:

  • experimental research

    • watching more violent television is associated with higher aggression in children

      • can develop hypothesis

      • create an experiment to study this

    • isolate the cause

    • variables

      • independent → manipulated

        → watching violent television

      • dependent → measured/assessed

        → aggression (observe responses)

Social Nature of Humans:

  • need to belong - fundamental human motivation to form and maintain an significant interpersonal relationships

    • need to feel connected to people

    • satisfy this need through social media

  • evolutionary purpose

    • advantageous to get along with other people

      • need help with something

  • social comparisons - people compare themselves to others to obtain an accurate assessment of their own abilities

    • we also try to explain other people’s behaviours

Fundamental Attribution Error:

  • internal attribution - focused on something internal about the person themselves

    • don’t like the class, unreliable

  • external attribution - focused on the situation the person is in

    • bus was late

→ more likely to make internal attribution for other people’s behaviour

  • fundamental attribution error - believing that internal factors influence behaviour to a far greater extent than external factors

    • external attribution error for yourself

    • internal attribution for other people

    • we never talk about it when thinking about our own behaviour

    • situational attribution

      • overhearing someone saying they are traveling to their mother’s deathbed

    • dispositional inference

      • your reconsider your assumption about rudeness

  • ultimate attribution error - assumption that behaviour among individual members of a group are due to their internal dispositions

    • particularly damage when it occurs to minority/stereotyped groups


  • positive or negative beliefs (schemas) about most individuals in a group

    • might be correct/accurate

    • can be over-applied

    • massive over generalizations

    • illusory correlation - the tendency to overestimate the link between variables that are loosely or not at all correlated


  • an attitude (usually negative) toward members of a group based on their membership in that group

    • in-group bias - favouring people within our group over others

      • see more diversity

    • out-group homogeneity - all members of the other group are the same

      • we see people in a group are all the same (posses the same characteristics)

Developing Prejudice:

  • scapegoat hypothesis - blaming those beneath us for our misfortunes

    • after COVID, there was more hate towards Asian individuals

      • scapegoating them for the pandemic

  • just-world hypothesis - blaming the victim

    • belief that things happen for a reason/the world is fair

    • if somebody is disadvantaged, there is a reason

  • conformity to social norms - want to fit in and be liked

    • drives a lot of people’s behaviour

    • “supposed” to hate a specific group because everyone else is

Hidden Prejudice:

  • explicit - stated/conscious beliefs

  • implicit - unstated/unconscious beliefs

    • thought of as what is important today

    • subtle form of prejudice


  • act of treating the out-group differently

Overcoming Prejudice:

  • stereotype activation - cultural stereotypes may come to mind automatically

    • will come to everyone’s mind automatically but might not be applied

  • stereotype application - expression of stereotypes is controlled

  • contact hypothesis

    • increase our contact with people who are different than us

  • need collaborative group work


  • favourable or unfavourable evaluative reaction toward something or someone

    • self-esteem → attitude towards ourselves

    • political → conservative, liberal

      • our attitudes aren’t the best predictor of what we do

        Ex. survey of 3600 Edmonton drivers

        → 95% believe that running a red light is unacceptable

        → 24% admitted to running a red light within the past month

    • situational occurrence → other factors that influence our behaviour

  • when do attitudes predict behaviour?

    • easily accessed attitudes

      • we think about it a lot

      • had a negative experience

    • firmly held

      • involvement → politics

  • cognitive dissonance - unpleasant mental anxiety due to conflicting thoughts or behaviours

    • to reduce anxiety, you must change your thoughts or behaviours

    • coming up with a rational reason why

      Ex. Cheating on a test

      → cognition A - “I’m an honest person”

    • change cognition A - “I am not an honest person after all”

      → cognition B - “I cheated on my psychology exam”

    • change cognition B - “I didn’t really cheat, I just saw someone’s answers”

Boring Study Experiment:

  • boring experiment, but you are asked to help recruit the next participant

  • offered either $1 or $20 as compensation

  • how do you justify the behaviour

    • helping the researcher

    • $1 doesn’t feel as justified

      • dissonance → not good reason to lie, so have to change your mind

    • $20 is sufficient justification

      • no dissonance

→ independent variable = whether to participant is given $1 or $20

→ dependent variable = the ratings of how boring the tasks are

Alternatives to Cognitive Dissonance:

  • self-perception theory - our actions give us clues to our attitudes

    • I eat a grilled cheese, so I must like cheese

    • using your behaviour to infer your attitude

  • impression management theory - change our behaviours to appear consistent

    • how do I make myself look consistent to other people

    • might lie about our attitudes to appear consistent

    • we don’t have to change our attitudes, we just have to say we did


  • efforts to change attitudes through various kinds of messages

    • central route (system 2)

      • analytical

        → list pros and cons

        → do research

      • high effort

      • argument strength is key

        → systematic

      • have to be highly motivated to come up with a decision

      • have to have the ability to think deeply about a particular issue

      • strong and stable attitudes

    • peripheral route (system 1)

      • not analytical

      • low effort

      • incidental cues are key

      • everything outside of the fact that can bias or sway our decision

        → how pretty something is, the colours etc

      • unstable and weak attitudes

        → change from time to time

        → not enduring

      • attitudes can greater influence decisions

  • increasing persuasion

    • attractiveness/famous spokesperson

      • celebrities

    • “experts”

      • dentists

      • doctors

    • vivid testimonials

      • immerse audience → videos/images of people in need

    • “natural goodness”

      • emphasizing things that are natural/organic

    • emphasizing scarcity

      • things are running out/losing opportunity to buy something

      • limited supply/limited time offer

    • people with similar features

      • make us feel similar to them

      • somebody like us

    • name-letter effect

      • we like ourselves and things that are associated with ourselves

      • features of our name

      • implicit egotism

      • more drawn to things that are similar to ourselves

  • persuasion techniques

    • foot in the door

      • make a small request first, then follow up with a bigger request

      • increasing request

    • door in the face

      • ask for a large favour then quickly bring it down

      • people say no the large favour are more likely to say yes to a smaller request

      • inducing guilt

      • can backfire if initial request is too big

    • lowball

      • start with a very low price, then bring in the add-ons

      • agree to something small then mention the much needed add-ons

      • base-model car with nothing else

    • “but you are free”

      • ask someone to do something for you while informing them they can refuse

      • gets others to agree based on the illusion of free choice

      • double the odds of the person complying because they feel like they have a choice


  • the tendency for people to alter their behaviour due to group pressure

    • public compliance - outwardly going with a norm, but privately don’t agree with it

      • dressing up for a Halloween costume

    • private acceptance - acting with accordance to what the group is doing and agreeing with the idea

      • using the proper place to study at school

Solomon Asch’s Conformity Study:

  • you and 7 other “participants” (confederates)

    • others hired by researcher to say certain things and act a certain way

  • which of line A, B, or C match the first line

  • what would you do it the other participants all said “B”

  • researchers found 75% of participants conformed in the study at least once

→ we will conform to social pressure

  • increasing conformity

    • unanimity

      • the group being unanimous

      • it takes one person to give an alternate response decreases conformity

    • differences from the majority

      • you feel okay saying a different answer if the group is small ( > 5) → 5 is the magic number

    • size of majority

      • the larger the group, the more likely chance for group conformity

    • having to answer publicly

      • more likely to conform

Conformity and the Brain:

  • activates our amygdala

→ other influences

  • self-esteem

    • more likely to conform if you have low self-esteem

  • individual vs collectivist cultures

    • collectivists cultures have more conformity

      • care more about what the group think


  • the tendency for people, upon being striped of their usual identity, to engage in behaviours that they would almost never engage in

    • anonymity

      • feel more anonymous

      • can’t be personally identified

    • lack of responsibility

      • everyone is doing something (getting in a fight)

Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment:

  • 24 male students randomly assigned to be guards or prisoners

  • guards began treating prisoners harshly

  • prisoners tried to rebel, guards acted worse

  • study ended on day 6, 8 days early

  • could be result of demand characteristic

→ social roles matter


  • adherence to instructions from authority figures

    • conformity to following social norms/peers

Milgram’s Study of Obedience:

  • participant is the “teacher”

  • wrong answer receives shocks, increasing in voltage

  • “student” is confederate, acting as though shocks are working

  • urged to continue after wanting to stop administering shocks

  • 62% completed the test, went to 450 volts

    • was thought only 0.1% of people would complete the study

→ we tend to obey authority figures


  • more “psychological distance” between experimenter and teacher decreased compliance

  • less “psychological distance” between teacher and learner decreased compliance

    • sitting side by side → less likely to obey

  • other variation

    • authority figures needs to be seen as official/have power

    • school was associated with Yale

      • more likely to comply

    • teacher told somebody else to shock to the learner

      • more likely to comply because they aren’t the ones shocking the learner


  • emphasis on group unanimity at the expense of critical thinking

    • Ex. Titanic, Research Ethics Board protocols

    • maintaining group cohesion is more important

Group Polarization:

  • the tendency for group discussions to push dominant ideas to be held more strongly

    • cults

      • gradual indoctrination

    • group discussion can strengthen feelings about a decision

    • reduce group polarization by avoiding conformation bias

Social Loafing:

  • slacking off in groups, when individual efforts are unclear

    • Ex. clapping and cheering in groups, tug-of-war

    • everyone working towards the same goal and not being able to tell the amount of effort each person put in

    • reduce loafing when a task is challenging, appealing, or people feel motivated to do something

    • less social loafing when people think they are the smartest in a group

      • if they get to choose their own groups/in groups with their friends

Bystander Non-Intervention Effect:

  • Kitty Genoese - 1964

    • stabbed numerous times in the early morning outside her apartment

    • numerous people heard her screams, but no one called for help

  • bystander non-intervention effect - tendency for individuals to assume that others will act

    • pluralistic ignorance - error of assuming no one in the group perceive things as we do

    • diffusion of responsibility - people feel less responsible when there are more witnesses near by

  • enlightenment effect - learning about psychological research can change real-world behaviour for the better

Social Interactions:

  • prosocial

    • helping behaviour

      • help only if rewards outweigh costs

      • help regardless of rewards and costs

    • altruism - type of helping behaviour where people help others for unselfish reasons

      • helping regardless of reward/no benefit for them

    • helping behaviour

      • situational influences

        → number of bystanders

        → no escape — more likely to engage if they can’t escape the situation

        → being in a good mood — happy people are more likely to help others

        → observing positive role models — if we are encouraged to be empathetic, we are more likely to do so

        → no time constraints (Good Samaritan study) — feeling rush, you are a lot less likely to help

        → victim characteristics — much more likely to help an older person with a cane/someone who looks like us

      • individual differences

        → less concern with social approval — if people are less, they are going to be more helpful

        → more extroverted — more likely to help than an introverted person

        → training/expertise — trained medical workers are more likely to help than

      • gender differences

        → men more likely to help is risky situations

        → women more likely to volunteer (safer situation)

  • asocial

  • anti-social


  • aggression - any behaviour intended to cause physical or psychological pain

    • physical harm, verbal harm, decision to harm someone

  • predicting aggression

    • situational influences

      • interpersonal provocation → whether or not we are provoked

      • frustration → more likely to behave aggressively when frustrated

      • media influences → watching violent media increases odds of engaging in violence (observational learning) — relatively short term

      • aggressive cues → external cues associated with violence can prime more aggressive responses (being a presence of some sort of violent cue like a knife) — weapons effect - the mere presence of weapons increases aggression

      • arousal → autonomic system is hyped up, we might interpret this arousal as anger

      • alcohol/drugs → decreases inhibition to act violently/lower self-awareness

      • temperature → being warm increases irritability/bodily discomfort/levels of arousal

    • individual differences

      • high levels of negative affect → anxiety, depression, mistrust

      • impulsivity → very impulsive/can’t withhold feelings of anger

      • less prevalent among Asian cultures (collectivist cultures)

      • culture of honour in Southern USA → insult wife, try to take land = aggressive reaction

    • gender differences

      • men tend to be more physically aggressive

      • women display more relational aggressive

Chapter 14: Personality

  • personality - people’s typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving that influence how they live

    • relatively consistent

    • characteristics that remain stable across situations that then we often use to predict how people are going to act/react in new or certain situations

    • we tend to categorize people to help us understand others (sometimes to even predict behaviour)

      • categorize in terms of extroversion/introversion and other similar ways

Two Major Ways of Studying Personality:

  1. nomothetic - researchers find general rules that govern all individuals

    • what is true for everyone; making generalities about people, personality, or tendencies

  2. idiographic - researchers find unique combinations of characteristics and experiences within individuals

    • looking at one individual, we may be able to figure out their personality qualities and how they might have predicted their success and their behaviour

    • can be difficult to falsify post hoc, but studying one person via idiographic research can be a good starting point for going into nomothetic approaches to compare the traits of one person to others

Behavioural Genetics Research:

→ three broad influences on our personalities

  1. genetic factors - heritability is not super accurate in identifying personality, but a large part of our personality comes from genetic factors

    • approx 50% of our personality comes from genetic factors

  2. shared environmental factors - experiences in one family/house/community that makes individuals more alike

    • diet, routines, access to things such as technology, manners/mannerisms

  3. nonshared environmental factors - specific for each individual

    • putting one sibling in soccer and the other in martial arts, different friends, different teachers

    • have a larger influence on personality that shared environmental factors

    • a larger portion of our personality comes from non shared environmental factors

→ things that differentiate individual members from the rest of their family

→ some things that look shared may not truly be shared

  • parenting styles with multiple children

Twin + Adoption Studies:

  • twins reared together - comparing identical twins (100% same genetic makeup) to fraternal twins (50% same genetic makeup → same as siblings)

    • identical twins are more alike in personality traits than fraternal twins

      • suggests the role of genetics

  • adoption studies - compares an adopted child’s personality to their biological parents to their adopted parents

    • adopted children tend to be more like their biological parents

      • suggests greater influence of genetics

  • identical twins reared apart - comparing identical twins that were raised apart

    • about similar as regular kids being reared together → the shared environment has little difference/impact on personality

    • the nonshared environmental factors have greater impacts than the shared ones but still less than genetics

Psychoanalytical Theory:

Sigmund Freud - used his hypothesis and free association to access the unconscious mind, studied neurosis, and came up with a base of personality that is true for most/all people

→ father of psychoanalytic theory

→ treated many patients with hysteria

  • assumptions

    • psychic determinism - all our actions are due to inner forces/conflicts

      • dreams, accidental slips of the tongue, repressed/suppressed emotions or thoughts

      • our dreams our symbolic messages for hidden, unconscious desires

    • symbolic meaning - our actions represent our inner forces and conflicts

      • Freud studied this via dream content → thought that what we dream about is a reflection of our unconscious desires

    • unconscious motivation - the reason for our actions are outside our awareness

      • view human personality that we have little control over what we do

      • thought we had to engage in psychoanalysis to bring the unconscious out and make it conscious to find out how we can be motivated

Structures of Personality:

  1. id - primitive instincts

    • libido - sex drive and urges

    • thanatos - aggression and death → impulses — immediate gratification

  2. superego - sense of morality

    • conscience → moral compass, holds impossible standard of ideals and values, deciding right from wrong

  3. ego - the decision maker

    • conscious awareness and wishes → the rational part of our brain that mediates between the id and superego — sense of reality that controls and directs the other two in ways that are acceptable and “right”


id in a hungry state would want to grab a snack and eat in the grocery store without paying for it

→ superego says “you can eat anything now, you have to buy it first”

→ ego makes the decision to buy the snack then eat or eat it then buy it (find a compromising decision)

Defense Mechanisms:

→ work to keep us psychologically healthy, unless we begin to rely on one or two of the mechanisms exclusively

  • repression - motivated forgetting of threatening memories or impulses

    • blocking out traumatic experiences

  • denial - motivated forgetting of current experiences

    • denying something that is currently happening to reduce anxiety in the moment

  • regression - returning to a psychologically younger state

    • regress to a lower level of maturity, returning to things that gave you comfort as a child or infant

  • reaction-formation - doing the opposite of what triggers the anxiety

    • similar to overcompensating to not expose insecurities or weakness

    • ex. unwanted pregnancy leads to overprotective parenting style

  • projection - attributing your feelings onto others

    • ex someone not liking someone and describing them as mean

      • though their actual actions many not display these negative feelings because they’ve been projected onto the person

  • displacement - transferring your feelings onto a safer object

    • ex. coming home from work and punching a wall

  • rationalization - explaining away behaviour

    • excuses for why we act the way we act

    • external attributions → blaming outcomes of situational factors

  • intellectualization - explaining emotions with higher concept ideas

    • making anxiety causing things seem more complex

      • ex. calling terminal or chronic rather than fatal because it may sound more intellectual

  • sublimation - changing negative impulse into a socially acceptable goal

    • ex. engaging in exercise after a stressful day to get rid of pent-up energy and frustration

Stages of Psychosexual Development:

→ Freud believed that development occurred in 5 erotic stages

  1. oral stage (brith - 18 months)

    • babies navigating the world by putting things in their mouths

      • pleasure from food, sucking, chewing

    • individuals in this stage can develop oral fixation

      • the adult version of this stage is being dependent upon others for reassurance

    • adults chewing nails, smokings, rubbing lips

  2. anal stage (18 months - 3 years)

    • toilet training and sense of control over self and environment

    • anal fixation - either excessive orderliness or laziness

      • “anal” in reference to intensely orderly people comes from this term and its fixations

  3. phallic stage (3 - 6 years)

    • sexual desires for the opposite sex parent and urges to harm or be more like the same sex parent develop

      • oedipus complex - urge to harm father and/or have sex with mother

      • electra complex - urge to kill mother and have sex with father

  4. latency stage (6 - 12 years)

    • sexual impulses are held in the unconscious

      • mostly disproved due to the recent research on sexual development between 6 and 12 years old

  5. genital stage (12+ years)

    • sexual impulses renew with puberty

    • romantic relationships develop

→ Freud argued that what happened in the first 5 years of life contribute largely to our personality later in life

Scientific Examination:

  • unfalsifiable

  • failed predictions

  • poor support for the unconscious

  • unrepresentative and small samples

  • poor support for the role of shared environmental influence

Non-Freudian Theories:

  • core assumptions

    • emphasis on the unconscious and early childhood experiences

    • less emphasis on sexaulity

    • more optimistic about human nature

  • Alfred Adler

    • striving for superiority

      • striving to dominate others, be better than others, achieving the goals you want to achieve

    • children who are pampered or neglected may develop inferiority complex

      • low self-esteem

    • parenting styles impacts inferiority complex

      • children become more dependent on people

  • Carl Jung

    • collective conscious

      • suggest all of us have a personal unconscious (traumas) and collective unconscious (shared historical members, desires, wishes, that are passed down from our ancestors)

      • fear of snake → passed down from ancestors

      • accounts for similarities we see in myths about other cultures

    • archetypes

      • symbol of a mother → loving, caring

      • hero

      • circle → unity, wholeness

    • Karen Hornet

      • first major feminist theories that had an issue with Freud’s theory

      • founder of feminist psychology

      • argued against penis envy and oedipus complex

        • argued it had to do with the social/gender norms

      • otherwise, did not stray from Freud

Scientific Examination:

  • unfalsifiable

Humanistic Theory:

  • core assumptions

    • rejects determinism for free will

    • believe people want to self-actualize

      • trying to develop our innate potential to its fullest extent

  • Carl Rogers

    • revolutionized psycho therapy

    • people are inherently positive

    • conditions of worth → expectations we place ourselves regarding appropriate vs inappropriate behaviour

      • rewarding kids who say they want to be a firefighter or a doctor vs not rewarding kids who say they want to be a stay at home parent

    • differences in personality is a reflection of the condition of work that has been put on us

  • Abraham Maslow

    • focused on individuals who have “achieved” self-actualization

      • believed only 1% if adults reach this

    • common features → creative, spontaneous, accepting, self-confident

Scientific Examination:

  • human nature is no entirely positive

  • when people receive therapy to match their current self-identities with “true identities”, symptoms do not necessarily improve

  • selection bias for Maslow’s findings

  • difficult to falsify the drive for self-actualization

Behavioural Theory:

  • core assumptions

    • behavioural determinism - your past learning experiences drive your behaviour

    • our behaviour is governed by what we have been rewarded for or punished in the past

    • there is no such thing as free will

    • the environment drives the “unconscious”

      • can be aware of the influence it has

Scientific Examination:

  • if thoughts were unnecessary, why did humans evolve to be able to think?

Social Learning:

  • core assumptions

    • reciprocal determinism - how personality, cognitive, behaviour, and the environment include each other

    • all inclusive theory

    • observational learning - learn by watching other people

Scientific Examination:

  • social modeling relies on the influence on the shared environment

Personality Traits:

  • personality traits - relatively enduring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that make people different from one another

    • implements our behaviours across situations

    • different ways to describe people’s personality traits

      • aggressive

      • impulsive

      • curious

      • social

Trait Models:

  • focused on describing the structure of personality, instead of the cause

    • trait theorists interested in what behaviours and attitudes are consistent across situations

      • Gordon Allport → first trait theorist

        → if we have particular traits, we must be able to describe them

        → noticed many words are synonyms to each other

        → personality traits with the most synonyms might be the most important when considering different models of personality

Factor Analysis:

  • Raymond Cattell

    • factor analysis - statistical means of examining which things go together

    • higher correlation between items indicate the items are more related to one another

    • how researchers developed the Big 5 Model

Big Five Model of Personality:

  • suggests that all of us possess each of the traits from one degree to another

    1. neuroticism - emotionally unstable

      • anxious

      • tense

      • irritabile

      • lack self-confidence

    2. extraversion - being outgoing

      • sociable

      • assertive

      • energetic

    3. conscientiousness - organized and reliable

      • efficient

      • orderly

      • thorough

      • self-disciplined

      • higher GPAs

    4. agreeableness - highly agreeable

      • kind

      • warm

      • very trusting of others

      • forgiving

      • altruistic

      • compliant

      • modest

    5. openness to experience

      • imaginative

      • curious

      • artistic

      • unconventional values

      • one of the most controversial traits in the Big 5

→ people can vary along any of these traits

→ traits can be describe with different amounts of each trait

→ just because two people match in one trait doesn’t mean they will match in other traits

→ each trait is uncorrelated with one another

  • good at predicting our behaviours

  • cultural influences

    • lots of cross-cultural support

    • openness to experience may not be cross cultural

      • “group harmony” vs “honesty/humility”

    • individualism vs collectivism

The Big Three:

  • neuroticism

  • extraversion

  • impulse control - how much you can resist a desire to engage in something

The Big Two:

  • extraversion/dominance

  • agreeableness/love

→ interpersonal traits - interactions between people involving exchanges (traits that can’t be expressed when you are alone on an island)

Can Traits Change:

  • until age 30, some changes are common

    • openness to experiences, neuroticism, and extroversion decrease from late teens to early 30s

    • conscientiousness and agreeableness tend to increase

      • suggests that as we mature and gain more social roles, we end up adopting personality that is more consistent with those roles

  • after age 30, there is very little personality change

    • psychotherapy can prolong personality changes

Scientifically Examined

  • behavioural inconsistency (Walter Mischel)

    • low correlations between similar behaviours in different environments

    • low correlations between traits and specific behaviour

→ response to Mischel

  • personality traits predict aggregated behaviours

    • correlation of 0.4 is not that small

  • both personality and situations influence each other

  • your consciousness cannot predict whether you show up to class → cannot predict situations
