Cardiac Arrest Overview

Cardiac Arrest Overview


  • Cardiac arrest (C.A.) can occur suddenly due to various factors.

Causes (GCCLCPD)

  1. General Anesthesia

  2. Carbon monoxide or other gases (Asphyxia)

  3. Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (Inhalation)

  4. Local Anesthetic Agents (Injection)

  5. Cardiac Drug Overdose or Accidental Ingestion

  6. Pulmonary Edema (Asphyxia)

  7. Drug Idiosyncrasy (QPPAI)

    • Quinidine

    • Procaine or Other Local Anesthetics

    • Procainamide

    • Aminophylline

    • Iodides

Signs and Symptoms (S/S)

  • Sudden disappearance of pulse and blood pressure

  • No heart sounds audible on auscultation
