addiction circuit

  • when stumli that leads to rewards happens dopamin and hedonic pleasure than our brain starts moving away from logic and too movements and implsutivity

  • representaions of what is worth while emotions, pleasure valance \

  • orbitofrontal cortex

    • part of frontal cortex right behind eyes

    • one of the important points where VTA dopamine synapses

    • if frontal cortex is making desions this region is giving emotional info to that descin making process, right below desion making part of brain

    • emotional valence for decsion making

    • Iowa gambling task, eventually people figure out which deck is best, at the begining people are randomly guessing

    • temporal discounting

    • would you rather have 10 dollars now or 15 dollars later

    • if this part of brain is damanged you would much rather have money now

  • Hippocampus

    • locus of explicit, eposodic mem

      • binds many parts of experance into a single memory

      • what info gets saves as part of mem

      • inside of temporal lobe

      • HM- life without hippocampus

  • Gating role in mem

    • DA serves as faclilataor of connection formation in the striatum

    • DA also plays roles in hippocapal

  • Stress and emotion

    • After drug wears off (Or as opponent process) mutiple regions can trigger a neg stress response

      • Amygdala

      • Hypothalmis

      • Habenula

      • Bed nucleus of stria treminalsis

      • septum

  • Amygdala

    • fear/stress

    • one of the most connected regons of brain

    • 2 pathways

      • 1 slower senory processing- high road, figuring ou what is going on

      • 2 thalams to amydiula- immdedate repsonses

    • also more than just fear, other emotions as well, more relibly activated by ne emotions but so does humor and sex
