Psychodynamic- Behavior is determined by past experiences left in the unconscious and that childhood experiences shape our personality.
Cognitive- Memory, intelligence, perception, problem solving, language, and learning influences behavior.
Sociocultural- Society and culture affecting behavior and shapes our cognitive thinking.
Psychological research:
Case study- In depth research of a few individuals.
Correlation- How two variables vary together and how one will predict if the other happens.
Naturalist observation- Observing people/animals in their natural/native environment.
Meta-analysis- research from multiple studies to reach a single conclusion.
Descriptive research includes case studies, surveys, observations, and quantitative/qualitative data.
Negatives of descriptive research: Observer bias/researcher bias (the researcher changes results of the study to fit the expected outcome) and observer effect/the Hawthorne effect (the people being studied change their behavior due to being watched or fit the expected outcome of the study)
Mean- The average, adding all scores then diving by the amount.
Median- Half of the score, half above half below.
Mode- Most reoccurring score.
Inferential statistics- A generalization from the result of a sample on an entire population.