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Ch. 9 Social studies Quiz

Ch. 9 Social studies Quiz

1. The five major peninsulas in Europe are, Scandinavian, Iberian, Italian and Balkan.

2. The mountain range that politically separates Europe from Asia is the Ural Mountains.

3. the landform that is mostly in Northern Europe is Vast inland plains.

4. the landform that is mostly in southern Europe is mountain ranges and some river valleys.

5. geography shaped life in Europe by people living on coastal plains or river valleys the land was flat for grapes and olives and also farming, goats and sheep, there were also mountains and peninsulas.

6. geography shaped like northern Europe by people living farther from the sea, they had access to the sea through rivers, the Reverend also gave protection, there was flat land for farming.

7. Christianity spread through Europe when the Roman Empire fell, spell and there is groups that moved to former Roman lands creating their own States. That started Middle Ages. Christianity started the spread from monks and missionaries, the pope also sent missionaries to teach people of Christianity, which converted others. The Pope became powerful because they influence the Christian religion.

8. the difference between monks and missionaries is that the monks spent their time praying, working, and meditating while missionaries spread Christianity. The monks were also isolated and had special rules to follow.

9. the Bendy kit rule is a wolf stating what months should eat wear and do. It also said how they should live their lives and what they should only own.

10.The Monasteries fulfilled with communities of monks Who provided many services for the people including, Healthcare, Aid to the poor, ran schools and copied books, save the ancient books from Greece and Rome, served as scribes for local leaders, and spread Christianity.

11. Charlemagne is considered one of the greatest leaders and European history because he was a brilliant warrior in general, a strong King, the Franks reached their greatest power under his rule, he also been built his Empire through extensive War. Under his rule, Gillette armies into battle, built schools, Concord parts of former Roman Empire, and spent lots at War.

12. the different groups of people who were the primary Invaders of Europe were the Magyars, Vikings, Scandinavian warriors, and Muslim armies.

13. The Nobles of Europe gain power over the kings of Europe by not depending on a king's protection, not needing the king, defending their own lands, and ruling their independent territories.

14.Fueadlism works by  Different sections grouping Nobles peasants Kings, Knights, and vassals.

15.The duties of a lord are to help his vassals of an enemy attacked, to be fair toward them. If  the lord failed his vassals, the vassal could break all ties with  Noble.

16. The duties of a vassal are when Lords went to war, if he called his vassals to fight with him the vassals had to come,  the vassals had to give the Nobles money on special occasions if a vassal enough land he could become a lord.

17. the primary difference between simple peasants and serfs were workers who were tied to the land that they lived on or worked.  peasants worked on land owned by The Nobles or Knights which they were not tied to.

18. Charlamagne with a strong leader and the king of the Franks who ruled Gaul, which is known as France today.

19. feudalism was first created by the Franks.

20. feudalism was brought to England by the Duke of Normandy which was William the Conquer who helped bring it to England.

21. the social hierarchy of the feudal society was kings and queens , Nobles, Knights, peasants.

22. the manor system that was using the Medieval Europe was The Peasants and the serfs work the Nobles or Knights, the Nobles works for the king, and the king ruled their Kingdom or territory. the Nobles also made people pay local taxes.

23. Lords of manners controlled mini things on their lands these were,  handle disputes, handed out punishments from the law, defended their land and protected the subjects.

24. woman had a few rights in medieval Europe working primarily in the home. one-way woman who wanted power, could have it through  joining the most powerful of Institutions, the Christian church.

25. some of the responsibilities of a woman in medieval Europe were, making clothes, growing vegetables or fruits, supervising servants, gather firewood, and governed the household when men went to war.

26. it can be fairly said that technology and trade was the downfall of the feudal system in Europe.  this is true because if the farmers use this new technology, they can be considered as boards because they helped everyone and improved their surroundings.

27.  Samurai of Japan and Knights of Europe  Shared striking similarities.   One of these similarities with a strict code of honor each lived by Warriors. each of the culture's cold of honor is the samurai of Japan fought and served the demayio and emperors for the promise of food and land. the Knights of Europe Disturbed Lourdes in Keene to the promise of food and land to.

28. art with different between medieval Japan in Middle medieval Europe because European are dealt with more religious themes, Japan dealt with more natural.

 29. the religion was different between middle medieval Japan medieval Europe because Japan blended with Buddhism ,Shinto, and Confucianism, while  Europe Blended only with Christian.

 30. the hierarchies between Japanese feudalism and European feudalism are different.  the Japanese feudalism is the emperor,  Shogun, Daimyo, Samurai , and peasants.  European feudalism is,  kings and queens, nobles, Knights, and peasants.

Ch. 9 Social studies Quiz

Ch. 9 Social studies Quiz

1. The five major peninsulas in Europe are, Scandinavian, Iberian, Italian and Balkan.

2. The mountain range that politically separates Europe from Asia is the Ural Mountains.

3. the landform that is mostly in Northern Europe is Vast inland plains.

4. the landform that is mostly in southern Europe is mountain ranges and some river valleys.

5. geography shaped life in Europe by people living on coastal plains or river valleys the land was flat for grapes and olives and also farming, goats and sheep, there were also mountains and peninsulas.

6. geography shaped like northern Europe by people living farther from the sea, they had access to the sea through rivers, the Reverend also gave protection, there was flat land for farming.

7. Christianity spread through Europe when the Roman Empire fell, spell and there is groups that moved to former Roman lands creating their own States. That started Middle Ages. Christianity started the spread from monks and missionaries, the pope also sent missionaries to teach people of Christianity, which converted others. The Pope became powerful because they influence the Christian religion.

8. the difference between monks and missionaries is that the monks spent their time praying, working, and meditating while missionaries spread Christianity. The monks were also isolated and had special rules to follow.

9. the Bendy kit rule is a wolf stating what months should eat wear and do. It also said how they should live their lives and what they should only own.

10.The Monasteries fulfilled with communities of monks Who provided many services for the people including, Healthcare, Aid to the poor, ran schools and copied books, save the ancient books from Greece and Rome, served as scribes for local leaders, and spread Christianity.

11. Charlemagne is considered one of the greatest leaders and European history because he was a brilliant warrior in general, a strong King, the Franks reached their greatest power under his rule, he also been built his Empire through extensive War. Under his rule, Gillette armies into battle, built schools, Concord parts of former Roman Empire, and spent lots at War.

12. the different groups of people who were the primary Invaders of Europe were the Magyars, Vikings, Scandinavian warriors, and Muslim armies.

13. The Nobles of Europe gain power over the kings of Europe by not depending on a king's protection, not needing the king, defending their own lands, and ruling their independent territories.

14.Fueadlism works by  Different sections grouping Nobles peasants Kings, Knights, and vassals.

15.The duties of a lord are to help his vassals of an enemy attacked, to be fair toward them. If  the lord failed his vassals, the vassal could break all ties with  Noble.

16. The duties of a vassal are when Lords went to war, if he called his vassals to fight with him the vassals had to come,  the vassals had to give the Nobles money on special occasions if a vassal enough land he could become a lord.

17. the primary difference between simple peasants and serfs were workers who were tied to the land that they lived on or worked.  peasants worked on land owned by The Nobles or Knights which they were not tied to.

18. Charlamagne with a strong leader and the king of the Franks who ruled Gaul, which is known as France today.

19. feudalism was first created by the Franks.

20. feudalism was brought to England by the Duke of Normandy which was William the Conquer who helped bring it to England.

21. the social hierarchy of the feudal society was kings and queens , Nobles, Knights, peasants.

22. the manor system that was using the Medieval Europe was The Peasants and the serfs work the Nobles or Knights, the Nobles works for the king, and the king ruled their Kingdom or territory. the Nobles also made people pay local taxes.

23. Lords of manners controlled mini things on their lands these were,  handle disputes, handed out punishments from the law, defended their land and protected the subjects.

24. woman had a few rights in medieval Europe working primarily in the home. one-way woman who wanted power, could have it through  joining the most powerful of Institutions, the Christian church.

25. some of the responsibilities of a woman in medieval Europe were, making clothes, growing vegetables or fruits, supervising servants, gather firewood, and governed the household when men went to war.

26. it can be fairly said that technology and trade was the downfall of the feudal system in Europe.  this is true because if the farmers use this new technology, they can be considered as boards because they helped everyone and improved their surroundings.

27.  Samurai of Japan and Knights of Europe  Shared striking similarities.   One of these similarities with a strict code of honor each lived by Warriors. each of the culture's cold of honor is the samurai of Japan fought and served the demayio and emperors for the promise of food and land. the Knights of Europe Disturbed Lourdes in Keene to the promise of food and land to.

28. art with different between medieval Japan in Middle medieval Europe because European are dealt with more religious themes, Japan dealt with more natural.

 29. the religion was different between middle medieval Japan medieval Europe because Japan blended with Buddhism ,Shinto, and Confucianism, while  Europe Blended only with Christian.

 30. the hierarchies between Japanese feudalism and European feudalism are different.  the Japanese feudalism is the emperor,  Shogun, Daimyo, Samurai , and peasants.  European feudalism is,  kings and queens, nobles, Knights, and peasants.