ESCAPA A & MATCHED + L studying

E n caso de que - in case of

S in que - without

C on tal de que - PROVIDED THAT

A fin de que - so that

P ara que - so that

A menos de que - unless

A ntes de que - before

M ientras - while

A unque - although

T an pronto como - as soon as

C uando - when

H asta que - until

E n cuanto - as soon as

D espués de que - after


L uego que - as soon as


  • present subjunctive used for present, future, and mandatos

  • past subjunctive used for past

  • infinitive used when sin que, antes de que, and para que do not have a que and there is no change in subject


  • present subjunctive used for future and mandatos

  • present indicative used for present

  • past indicative used for past
