Slides-Metabolic RatesSV

The Burden of Food

  • Discussion centered around animal physiology, particularly regarding metabolic rates and energy expenditure.

Indirect Calorimetry Theory

  • Represents the conversion of glucose (C6H14O6) into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) with an energy yield of 2820 kJ/mol.

  • Indicates the measurement of energy expenditure through oxygen consumption.

Indirect Calorimetry


  • Involves the use of various sensors and data acquisition systems to measure respiratory gases.

  • Components of the Apparatus:

    • Holding Tank: Contains the sample.

    • Air Pumps and Sensors: Monitor the levels of pO2 and temperature (T).

    • Flush Pump and Solenoid Valves: Control air flow within the system.

Key Factors in Metabolic Rates

Factors Affecting Metabolic Rate

  • Significant Factors:

    • Physical activity (e.g., running speed)

    • Environmental temperature

  • Minor Factors:

    • Meal ingestion (especially protein-rich meals)

    • Body size, age, gender, O2 levels, hormonal status, time of day, and salinity for aquatic animals.

Specific Dynamic Action (SDA)

SDA Concept

  • Describes the increase in metabolic rate after food ingestion.

  • Graph Illustration: Shows the distinct metabolic responses to meal consumption over time.

SDA in Flatfish

  • Demonstrates O2 consumption post-meal over a multi-hour timeline.

Standardization of Metabolic Rates

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

  • Refers to the metabolic rate of mammals and birds in a thermoneutral zone during fasting and resting.

Standard Metabolic Rate (SMR)

  • Relates to amphibians, most fish, and mollusks while fasting and resting.

  • Routine Metabolic Rate (RMR) is identified in fishes.

Effect of Body Size on Food Requirements

Comparison of Different Species

  • Example Case Studies: Meadow vole vs. white rhino demonstrating food needs correlated with body size.

Metabolic Rate and Body Weight

Whole-body BMR within Various Species

  • Discusses the relationship between whole-body metabolic rates and body weight across placental mammals.

Weight-specific BMR

  • Highlights metabolic rates per gram across various sizes of mammals.

Metabolic Scaling

Allometric Relationships

  • The equation M = aW^b where 'b' usually is less than 1, indicating diminishing metabolic returns relative to size increase within species.

Relation between Metabolic Rate and Body Size

Log-log Coordinates

  • Analyzes species of mammals and crabs showing linear scaling in metabolic rates relative to body size.

Resting Heart Rate and Heart Size

Comparative Table of Mammals

  • Shows the relationship of resting heart rate per unit body weight in various mammals.

Views of Mammalian Hearts

  • Pictorial representation of heart size in animals indicating proportional relationship to their body size.

Herbivores in Mixed Communities

  • Examines populations of herbivores coexisting in African grasslands and their biomass distribution.

Constraints and Scaling in Circulatory Systems

  • Discusses fractal geometry's influence in the scaling of metabolic rates across species.

Net Growth Efficiency in Pacific Sardines

  • Describes growth efficiency related to age in years.

Illustrating Energy Absorption Efficiency

  • Defined as Absorbed energy divided by Ingested energy.

Practice Problems

  1. Calculate the heat production of a dog based on O2 and CO2 measurements.

  2. Discuss impacts of dietary design on SDA in poultry during hot conditions.

  3. Methods for measuring metabolic rates in a growing young cow considering growth.

Pharmaceutical Testing Overview

  • Importance of dose extrapolation between species in drug research context.

  • Utilizes allometric scaling to estimate starting doses for clinical studies across species variations.

Dose Calculation Formula

  • HED (mg/kg) = Animal NOAEL (mg/kg) x (Weight animal [kg] / Weight human [kg])^(-0.67)

  • Provides depth on interspecies dose conversions.
